Junior Secondary Schools, JSS, Buildings, Classrooms & Infrastructure Requirements
|Junior Secondary Schools, JSS, Infrastructure, Buildings & Other Guidelines
Overview of Infrastructure of JSS
Physical infrastructure in a school include but are not limited to land, water storage and supply facilities, classrooms, laboratories, latrines and toilets. In order to ensure effective learning, infrastructure should be responsive to the changing needs of educational delivery; and at a minimum, provide a comfortable, safe, secure, accessible, well illuminated, well ventilated; and, aesthetically pleasing physical environment. This encourages learning as well as caters for learners’ mental and physical well-being.
Basic Junior Secondary School Infrastructure
ALL JSSs SHALL establish the following minimum infrastructure in the long run:
- Standard science and well-furnished laboratories with basic laboratory apparatus, equipment and specimens relevant to integrated science.
- Workshop for Pre-technical Studies with relevant working tools as well as safety equipment and
- Fields, pitches, open spaces and other relevant facilities and equipment for athletics, games, physical fitness and health.
- Small plots or spaces for innovative agricultural practices and assorted farm tools and
- Computer science laboratory with adequate computer sets installed with basic programmes, database package, a printer and projector.
- Counselling room or space for psycho-social support and other learner support
- Library with relevant (digital as well as physical) learning
- Home Science room with provision for laundry, cooking and sewing areas/space as well as other relevant facilities, safety equipment and materials.
- Languages room equipped with relevant learning materials, including audio-visual
- An Art room or studio equipped with working benches, drawing easels, clamps and drills and any other relevant equipment, tools and materials.
- Music room with relevant facilities, musical instruments and learning
Infrastructure Standards
All JSSs SHALL implement the infrastructure standards prescribed by the Cabinet Secretary responsible for Education as outlined below:
- The site layout SHALL be determined by site specific conditions such as size, topography drainage channels and direction of the prevailing winds, available services and utilities as per Physical and Land Use Planning Act, (2019).
- ALL new JSSs SHALL develop a site plan, in consultation with relevant service
- All JSSs SHALL ensure that a signpost is installed at strategic exterior and interior entrance spots, indicating the institutions name, contact details and, GPS coordinates, as per KEBS/KS ISO/ IECTR 1976:2007.
- All JSSs SHALL ensure that the compound is well graded, with provision for natural drains as per
Safety Standards Manual for Schools in Kenya (2008).
- All JSSs SHALL ensure that the landscape is configured to ease access for persons with special needs and disabilities.
- All JSSs SHALL collaborate with the Department of Forestry to green the environment and plant trees. All trees SHALL be labelled by their botanical and local names.
- All JSSs SHALL provide administration offices, commensurate with the prevailing curriculum
- All JSSs SHALL ensure that designs and specifications of structures conform to the Registration Guidelines for Basic Education Institutions 2021 (Sections 2) pages 12-13 and the School Infrastructure Management Unit (SIMU) at the MoE (see Annexes 3A and B).
- All JSSs SHALL ensure all physical facilities are safe for all learners and disability friendly with auxiliary staff arrangements for
- MoE SHALL facilitate establishment and acquisition of affordable physical and mobile labs as per the Standards for laboratories, Equipment and Materials in STEM schools and other Basic Education Institutions (2021).
- MoE SHALL facilitate establishment of Home – Science rooms, Computer labs, as well as special rooms for implementation of practical subjects such as technology and visual performing arts.
- Agriculture demonstration plots of JSSs SHALL be in conformance with to the Registration Guidelines for Basic Education Institutions (2021).
- MoE and the JSS leadership SHALL provide adequate, clean and safe water at 5 litres per day per learner in day and 20 litres per learner in boarding JSSs).
- All JSSs SHALL ensure water sources are sited away from human activities and waste disposal All water intakes SHALL be well protected as per the WHO Water Sanitation and Hygiene Standards for Schools in Low –Cost Settings (2009).
- The JSS leadership SHALL seek professional advice on the siting, design and installation of concrete and masonry water tanks.
- All JSSs SHALL ensure safe water storage, in accordance with the Standards and Guidelines for WASH Infrastructure in Pre-primary and Primary Schools in Kenya (2018).
- The JSS leadership SHALL collaborate with the Department of Water to ensure that water is sampled and tested at least once annually in a certified water quality testing laboratory for appropriate intervention.
- The JSS leadership SHALL ensure that water tanks are emptied and cleaned once annually with approved cleansing materials.
- All JSSs SHALL provide adequate sanitation facilities at the ratio of 25:1 for girls; 30:1 for the boys. Separate sanitation SHOULD be provided for the staff as well as learners with special needs and disabilities, as stipulated in the Registration Guidelines for Basic Education Institutions 2021 (sections 12.3) pages 24-26.
- All JSSs SHALL ensure pit latrines are located away from a bore hole, well or water supply point and general wind This SHOULD measure not less than 10ft deep, 3 ft across and not more than 25 cm diameter for the hole. In addition, pit latrines SHALL be regularly disinfected in accordance with the Standards and Guidelines for WASH Infrastructure in Pre-primary and Primary Schools in Kenya (2018).
- ALL SNE JSSs SHALL ensure provision of adequate sanitation, adapted toilets and walk ways for the learners and stakeholders as per the PWD Act (2003).
- All JSSs SHALL provide a variety of hand washing devices (including sinks with taps, buckets with taps, and basins with a pour-cup).
- The JSS leadership SHALL make the best use of the available out door space to facilitate sports and leisure activities for all learners (including those with special needs and disabilities). This SHOULD take into consideration the acceptable safety standards.
- The JSS leadership SHALL ensure electrical installations are checked regularly for safety by a qualified licensed electrician.
- The JSS leadership SHALL ensure proper waste management systems and mechanisms are established and maintained.
- All JSSs SHOULD ensure that potential waste streams are assessed and an appropriate disposal route established.
- ALL JSSs SHALL establish a proper waste management
- The JSS leadership SHALL ensure adherence to the Safety Standards Manual for Schools in Kenya (2008) in all matters pertaining to school transport, while considering learners with special needs and disabilities.
- All JSSs SHALL provide a playground and those without adequate grounds SHALL lease a playground within a radius of 200 metres from the school, in accordance with the Registration Guidelines for Basic Institutions (2021).
- JSSs SHALL be guided by the Framework for Infrastructure and Resource Sharing in sharing of playgrounds with the school This SHALL be coordinated by the MoE through the CDE (see annexes 1A &B).
- The JSS leadership SHALL establish appropriate measures for emergency preparedness as per the National Building Regulations (2015).
- The JSS leadership SHALL take appropriate measures to sensitize the learners, staff and non- teaching staff on disaster risk management, as per the National Building Regulations (2015).
- The JSS leadership SHALL organize sensitization fora on fire emergency response, identify fire assembly points, and ensure that learners and staff undertake periodic fire drills.