Junior Secondary Schools Routine, Co-Curricular Activities, Welfare of Learners


Overview of Welfare of Learners

As learning communities, JSSs MUST be concerned with the well-being of the learners for whom they are responsible. Learners, welfare encompasses, services that promote the provision of their physical, mental and social wellbeing. The services advance the balanced growth and development of the young, foster a culture of caring and positive interaction in the school community, and ensure equal learning opportunities for all. ALL JSSs are, therefore, expected to provide a range of welfare services that address the social and personal needs of learners since this has an implication on the quality of learning outcomes.

               Learners’ Discipline

Discipline refers to observance of prescribed rules and regulations and use of punishment to correct disobedience. In this regard:

  • The JSS leadership SHALL ensure that discipline is maintained and positive discipline strategies instituted at all times for all learners including those with special needs and disabilities.
  • A learner SHALL be deemed to be individually capable or responsible to have participated in mass indiscipline as prescribed in the Basic Education Regulations (2015).
  • JSS leadership SHALL develop school rules and The school rules SHALL be subjected to public participation consistent with the Basic Education Act (2013) or any other relevant written law.
  • JSS leadership SHALL ONLY implement the rules and regulations formulated upon approval by the BoM.
  • JSS leadership SHALL establish and keep a register of major and minor indiscipline cases, in accordance with approved protocols.
  • JSS leadership SHALL ensure that disciplinary procedures are undertaken in accordance with the

Basic Education Regulations (2015) Section (III).

  • During disciplinary proceedings affecting a learner the attendance of the SCDE SHALL be

               Mentorship of Learners

Mentorship will play a critical role in moulding all the behaviour of learners including those with special needs and disabilities through nurturing values. In this case, the JSS leadership in collaboration with authorized persons and organisations SHALL:

  • Implement inclusive mentorship programs as per the Mentorship Policy for Early Learning and Basic Education (2019)
  • Facilitate programmes, initiatives and activities that promote development of psycho-social competences, life skills, national values and principles for holistic development of all learners including those with special needs and disabilities.
  • Ensure that learners with special needs and disabilities are mentored by successful persons living with disabilities.
  • Encourage parents/guardians to participate in the mentorship programs as the first mentors of their children in line with the Basic Education Act (2013).

       Guidance and Counselling

  • The JSS leadership SHALL establish and operationalise a Guidance and Counselling (G&C) department that is based on confidentiality and proper record keeping.
  • The G&C in JSSs SHALL be conducted by teachers or outsourced personnel. Where necessary, such persons SHALL be sought from approved professionals and MUST have vetting approval from the MoE.
  • The JSS leadership SHALL design and implement G&C programmes that enable all learners including those with special needs and disabilities access equitable education that support their social, emotional, spiritual and intellectual development.
  • The JSS leadership SHALL ensure G&C programmes are practical, preventive, purposeful, inclusive, programmed and learner centred.
  • The G&C services in the JSSs SHALL include but not be limited to the following:
    • Teacher/Learner
    • Parent/Child
    • Preventive Guidance and Life Skill
    • Group
    • Mass
    • Health
    • Promotion of Positive Values and
    • Peer
    • Psychosocial

       Learners Health

The Children’s Act (2022) provides that every child has a right to health and medical care provided by both the parent and Government. In this regard:

  • The JSS leadership SHALL take necessary measures to ensure that all learners including those with special needs and disabilities are taken care of in matters of physical, spiritual, emotional and mental health.
  • The JSS leadership SHALL ensure there are adequate WASH
  • MoE, in collaboration with MoH, SHALL ensure that all learners including those with special needs and disabilities receive deworming drugs twice a year and other medical services.
  • The JSS leadership SHALL proactively identify learners with mental health issues and refer them to professionals.
  • The JSS leadership SHALL establish structures that nurture spiritual wellness for all learners including those with special needs and disabilities.
  • MoE SHALL operationalize the Eduafya Medical Insurance cover for JSS learners as stipulated in the Edu Afya contract. This includes sensitizing the learners and parents or guardians on provisions of the Edu Afya facility.
  • Enrolment of learners from public JSS in Edu Afya will be dependent on their NEMIS

                    School Meals

ALL learners in the JSSs SHALL be provided with nutritious school meals.

  • Provision of school meals in JSS SHALL be the responsibility of the parents/guardians.
  • In regard to 6 (i), the JSS leadership SHALL collaborate with parents to ensure:
    • The school meals meet the nutritional needs of all learners including those with special needs and disability.
    • Adherence to food storage and preparation standards as prescribed by the Public Health Act. (2017).
    • The menu is in accordance with the provisions of the National School Meals and Nutrition Strategy (2017-2022).
  • The JSS leadership SHALL ensure that no learner drops out of school as a result of failure to pay the lunch programme fees.

               Dignity Kits

The MoE SHALL ensure that all girls in JSS including those with special needs and disability who have reached puberty receive free, sufficient and quality sanitary towels as per Kenya Gazette Supplement Notice of 23rd June, 2017. Dignity kits for learners with special needs may include pampers. In provision of dignity kits, the JSS leadership:

  • MAY collaborate with relevant stakeholders to supplement Government
  • SHALL establish a safe and environmentally sound disposal mechanism for used sanitary

               Co-curricular Activities

JSS learners SHALL be provided with opportunities to engage in various co-curricular activities based on their interests and abilities. In this regard, the JSS leadership SHALL:

  • Establish a broad-based framework for introducing varied games and sports activities as per the

PE and Sports Policy (2021).

  • Establish a games and Sports
  • Facilitate all learners including those with special needs and disabilities to participate in both internal and external competitions for various games and sports.
  • Facilitate teachers to make adaptation where necessary for learners with special needs and
  • Facilitate participation in drama and music as guided by prevailing Kenya National Drama and Film Festival Rules and Regulations.
  • Facilitate establishment of clubs and societies and encourage participation of every learner including those with special needs and disabilities.
  • Facilitate participation of learners in global, regional and national

               Student Leadership

ALL JSSs SHALL facilitate the election of a Student Council, for effective student representation in the governance of the school. In so doing, the JSS leadership SHALL:

  • Set the basic minimum standards for eligibility to serve as a student
  • Ensure that learners with special needs and disabilities are given opportunities of leadership guided by their functional ability.

       Student Communication

A culture of open communication SHOULD be encouraged, to allow the learners voice their opinions on matters that affect them, without resorting to acts of violence. In order to effectively address learners’ and other stakeholders’ concerns, the JSS leadership SHALL establish:

  • A communication
  • Designated areas for suggestion
  • A mechanism for student

       Safety and Protection Measures

The JSS leadership SHALL:

  • Establish a safe environment where all learners and staff are sensitized on the dangers of drugs and substance abuse.
  • Notify parents/guardians whenever learners are sent
  • Encourage all learners including those with special needs and disabilities to report cases of violence for appropriate action.
  • Sensitise all learners including those with special needs and disabilities on basic road safety
  • In regard to school safety, the MoE SHALL review the Safety Standards Manual for School (2008) to address other emergent threats to learners’ safety.

       School Daily Routine

  • The JSS leadership SHALL enforce adherence to the generic daily school routine prescribed in the Basic Education Act (2013) and Basic Education Regulations (2015). In this regard
    • The official operating hours for all JSS SHALL be Monday to
    • Class hours SHALL run from 8.00 AM to 4.00
    • Co-curricular activities SHALL run from 4.00 PM to 5.00
  • All JSS with boarding facilities SHALL operate on a 24/7-Hour
    • 00 AM to 4.00 PM for class hours, Monday to Friday.
    • 00 PM to 5.00 PM for co-curricular activities, Monday to Friday.
    • 00 PM to 7.30 PM for self-directed activities, Monday to Friday.
    • 30 PM to 9.00 PM for preps-Monday to Friday.


  • Saturday and Sunday SHALL be provided for self-directed activities that are supervised by the teachers on duty for Boarding Schools.
  • No boarding JSS SHALL send away unaccompanied learners later than 00 am.
  • Learners with special needs and disabilities SHALL not be sent home
  • Learners in boarding JSSs SHALL report back to school at the latest by 00 PM.