How To Fill TSC Casualty Online For Newly Employed JSS, Primary teachers
How To Fill TSC Casualty Online For Newly Employed JSS, Primary teachers
Heads of schools, Institutions and Sub County Directors are expected to submit online entry and exit returns to document when a teacher joins or departs an institution.
The teacher posting process must be completed before the entry/exit process may begin. Human Resource Management (HRM) headquarters will then receive these returns online for processing.
The role of the Sub County Directors will be to submit entry/exit returns for institution administrators and teachers who have exceeded the stipulated 14 days for transfer and 30 days for recruitment.
The Casualty returns portal
To access the portal, go to the TSC website Click on Teacher Posting & Entry/Exit under Online Services menu.
Log into the system by Keying in your TSC number in the textbox provided and click next to proceed.
Enter your password and click Login button
To submit an Entry/Exit report, the head of institution must log into the system by providing username and password.
Under the Entry/Exit menu select Submit Entry/Exit-Inst Head.
To receive the teachers click on Entry under the Actions menu.
Select the reason for entry from the drop down arrow and then click on submit request.
To exit a teacher on transfer or temporary exit, click on Exit under Action button.
The window below appears select the date of exit from the calendar, confirm exit by selecting yes from the drop down and click on the save button.
Teachers on duty can leave the institution permanently on retirement or death among others.
To exit a teacher, click on Exit Teacher under the Actions menu.
Note that teachers on temporary exits are not removed from the list of teachers in the institution but flagged as on leave.
Once done, log out of the system On the far right, click on the drop down arrow, a list will appear click sign out.
Forgot Password On the login page, click on forgot password,
Key in your TSC number and click continue.
A verification code will be sent to your registered mobile number via SMS.
Enter the verification code and click on continue.
The sign up page will appear for you to update your profile and create a new password. Click next to proceed to the login page.
Changing Password
Click on My Profile
Click on Account
Provide New password and Confirm password. Click Save to effect changes.