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Guidelines for Registration of Grade 6 Learners in the portal

Guidelines for Registration of Grade 6 Learners in the portal

Grade 6 learners MUST have a valid Assessment Number for them to be registered in the KPSEA portal.

Learners without Assessment Numbers should be registered through the normal registration process in the CBA portal under (Grade 6 portal).

All current learner registration details are editable during registration in the KPSEA Portal except the Assessment Number.

Schools are therefore required to ensure accuracy of learner’s registration details.

Editable registration learner details include:

All the required learner registration details are mandatory except NEMIS UPI code and Birth Certificate Number that should be provided if available.

Upon selecting Deaf option for disability, the appropriate Subject option MUST be selected e.g. Kiswahili Language (KIS) or Kenya Sign Language (KSL).

Steps to open KPSEA Portal

Viewing KPSEA Registration related reports.

To view reports in KPSEA Portal:

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