The Elimu Scholarship Application Form 2021
The Elimu Scholarship Application Form 2021

Did you sit for your 2020-2021 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) exams and you are looking for free secondary school scholarships? The Ministry of Education is offering Secondary School Scholarships to children from financially constrained backgrounds

The Programme is being administered on behalf of the Ministry by Equity Group Foundation.

How you are supposed to fill the Elimu scholarship application form 2021

  • This form is given FREE OF CHARGE by the Ministry of Education through the Equity Group Foundation
  • The information provided in this form is intended to help the Equity Group Foundation Community Scholarship Advisory Committee understand the applicant’s academic and financial position for the purpose of assessment for scholarship/award
  • This application form must be filled accurately and completely in CAPITAL LETTERS
  • On being invited for an interview the applicant must bring the originals of all documents attached
  • All incomplete or inaccurately filled forms will be automatically rejected
  • Copies of ALL DOCUMENTS required must be provided by the applicant. Any applications without relevant documents will be rejected
  • Canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification
  • The completion and submission of this form is not a guarantee for sponsorship
  • Any false statements, omissions or forged documents will lead to automatic disqualification
  • Equity Group Foundation reserves the right to make the final determination of scholarship beneficiaries
  • Only 2020 KCPE candidates will be considered
  • The application form can be submitted either at the nearest Equity Branch or online via
  • Every part of this form must be filled.

What are the qualifications for the Elimu Scholarship 2021?

The applicants must meet any of the following eligibility criteria:

  • Candidates with special needs and disabilities (Physical impairments, Hearing impairments and Low vision)
  • Orphans and vulnerable children
  • Candidates from vulnerable communities in the target Sub-Counties
  • Candidates:
    • whose parents/guardians are living with disabilities that have compromised their ability to meet the financial obligations of their children
    • whose families are affected by HIV/AIDS, chronic illnesses which could include Cancer, Kidney failure and similar illnesses which all have the same debilitating effects that could render parents and guardians destitute and unable to fend for their families
    • whose families are affected by extreme poverty rendering them unable to educate their children
    • who have suffered from neglect, abuse and have no support to continue with their education.

Duly completed application forms and supporting documents should be submitted at the nearest Equity Bank Branch. Shortlisted candidates accompanied by parents/guardians will be invited for interviews which will be conducted by the Community Scholarship Advisory Committees which comprises of key personalities in the community and is chaired by the Deputy County Commissioner.

What does the Elimu 2021 Scholarship cater for?

The scholarship caters for School fees, transport to and from school, learning materials and School kit for the beneficiaries for the four-year education period.

Please note that ONLY the candidates who meet the requirements will be considered for the scholarships. Members of the public are urged to share this information widely.

Any grievances regarding the scholarship programme should be addressed to: [email protected] or [email protected].

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