1. Doctor of Philosophy in Science Education
  2. Bachelor of Arts in Communication
  3. Bachelor of Arts in Community Development
  4. Bachelor of Arts in English
  5. Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Literature
  6. Bachelor of Arts in French Bachelor of Science in Physics
  7. Bachelor of Arts in International Relations
  8. Bachelor of Arts in Music
  9. Bachelor of Arts in Peace and Conflict Transformation
  10. Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
  11. Bachelor of Arts in Social Work
  12. Bachelor of Arts in Technical and Professional Communication
  13. Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting
  14. Bachelor of Commerce in Business Administration
  15. Bachelor of Commerce in Management Information Systems
  16. Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing
  17. Bachelor of Commerce in Purchasing and Business Logistics
  18. Bachelor of Commerce: Law Option
  19. Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Development)
  20. Bachelor of Education in Accounting
  21. Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science
  22. Bachelor of Science in Applied Computer Science
  23. Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Sciences
  24. Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health
  25. Bachelor of Science in Management in Mathematics
  26. Bachelor of Science in Nursing
  27. Bachelor of Science in Social Work
  28. Bachelor of Theology
  29. Master of Arts in Child Development
  30. Master of Arts in Christian Ministries
  31. Master of Arts in Communication
  32. Master of Arts in Community Development
  33. Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology
  34. Master of Arts in Monitoring and Evaluation
  35. Master of Business Administration
  36. Master of Theology in African Christianity
  37. Mtaala ya Kiswahili
  38. Postgraduate Diploma in Child Development
  39. Postgraduate Diploma in Education
  40. Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Psychology
  41. Doctor of Philosophy in Communication
  42. Bachelor of Arts in Economics
  43. Bachelor of Science in Physics
  44. Bachelor of Arts in Monitoring and Evaluation
  45. Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology
  46. Master of Arts in Diplomacy, Development and International Security