Full list of allowances paid to teachers by TSC; How to get the allowances.
Full list of allowances paid to teachers by TSC; How to get the allowances.

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) pays Commuter allowance to all teachers on the payroll. This is an allowance paid to teachers, monthly, to cater for transport costs to duty. Chief Principals at Grade D5 receive the highest amount of monthly commuter allowance. These teachers receive Sh16,000 per month as Commuter allowance.

Senior Principals at grade D4 and Principals at grade D3 get a monthly commuter allowance of Sh14,000.

On their part, Deputy Principals III at grade D2 and Deputy Principal IV & Senior Master II at grade D1 receive Sh12,000 as monthly commuter allowance.

Senior Masters II (grade C5) and Deputy Head Teachers (Grade C4) equally get a commuter allowance of Sh8,000.

Secondary school teachers at grade C3 are paid a monthly commuter allowance of Sh6,000. Note that this is the largest group of secondary school teachers.

The least paid teacher at grade B5 receives a monthly commuter pay of Sh4,000.

Summary of Commuter allowances paid to teachers by TSC

Here is the full table showing the commuter allowances paid to teachers per job group.

S/NOGRADETSC SCALEFORMER JOB GROUPCommuter Allowance- in Kshs. Per Month
11D515 R16,000