The teachers service commission (TSC) is set to increase the teachers salaries next month (from July 1, 2020) as it implement the fourth and final phase of salary
The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has automated most of its operations and services that are now available online. The commission provides a wide range of services online. New
Here is the full TSC list of all school administrators in Kwale county. The administrators are: school heads, principals, their deputies, senior teachers and masters. NAME OF TEACHER
The list of the 11,008 science and mathematics teachers set to undergo training by the Centre for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education in Africa (CEMASTEA) has been released.
Dr. Nancy Njeri Macharia is the current Teachers Service Commission (TSC) Secretary/Chief Executive Officer. She was first appointed in June 30, 2015 to take over from her predecessor
Beatrice Wababu is the current Head of Corporate Communications at the Teachers Service Commission, TSC. She took over from Kihumba Kamotho in January, 2020. She has already won
A female teacher has found herself in hot soup after she was caught in the indecent act of Lesbianism. The female teacher and her ‘partner’ were arrested on
Grief has engulfed Mukuyu village in Migori county after a teacher killed his daughter for having a love affair. Trouble started on thursday evening after the father got