Students placed in National, Extra County and County schools have now received their admission letters. The students who were electronically selected to their schools of choice will be expected to download their admission letters from the Ministry of Education’s portal. But, for further instructions, the Ministry has directed the parents/ guardians to these students to visit the secondary schools or liaise with the new principals. “Urgently get in touch with your new principal at the above school for admission requirements,” reads (in part) the 2019 form one admission letter from the Ministry.
- 2019 form one admission letter, the details on the letter
- chiefs ordered to ‘push’ all 2019 form one students to schools
- 2019 form one electronic selection for National, Extra County and County schools now available
But, yet to get their admission letters are 684,515 students selected to join Sub County Schools. The selection for Sub County schools was done in most parts of the country yesterday, Friday 7th December- 2018. Placement of the students to the lowest cadre of schools, the Sub County schools; formerly called District Schools, was manually done with schools selecting the kids from the manual results print outs from the Ministry. Sub- county schools which are mostly Day Schools select their form ones from the immediate locality. After selection, the admission letters written at school level, will be submitted to the Sub- County Directors of Education for distribution. The kids are expected to receive their admission letters by next week for adequate preparations towards joining form one, next year.
According to the 2019 fees guidelines from the ministry of education, students in day schools will not pay extra levies apart from the agreed lunch fees. All the 1,021,457 candidates from the 2018 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education, KCPE, exams will be transited to secondary schools under the government policy on hundred percent transition. Chiefs and their Assistants have been instructed to take Students who shall have not transited by 11th January, 2019, to the nearby secondary schools.