The 2022 KCPE candidates will join form one by 30th January, 2023. This is according to the latest guidelines by the Ministry of Education

This is to inform you of the following guidelines for 2023 form ones

1.Use the link  to check  whether your joining instructions are in the system.

2.Select County and Sub-County of your school then Select your School

3.If the system prompts you to sign in, use your school email address (Gmail Account).

4. If Your letter is in the system, edit the information to the new changes for joining instructons 2023

NB: Do not edit the first page apart from changing the year to 2023

In case the school’s  joining instructions is missing , the system will prompt the Principal to upload the joining instructons in the system from their computer. The Principal should ensure that.

1.The first page is as the attached copy (school logo/address on the first page only) and should not be edited

2.The letter should be in MS-word format.

3 .The letter should be submitted as one document only .

4.The document should be named using he schools KNEC code. (eg. Menu School save as 15300002)

5 Avoid heavy graphics ike maps and pictures in the letter.

In case the principal expirences any challenges,they are requested to contact the following numbers Lawrence Karuntimi 0721142565, Patrick Njoroge 0722823971.

Meanwhile schools are requested to provide their email addresses as well as that of he person in charge of ICT to their respective County Director for compilation and forwarded to Lkaruntimi@gmail. com. Schools should not send the information directly but through the CDE.

In addition, take note of the following:

(I)The tentative Form 1 reporting date is 30 January, 2023. )

(II).Schools must not direct parents to procure uniforms of any other materials from a central location At he same time, schools should not ask parents to come and buy items in the school.


2023 Form One joining instructions,