2021/22 KCSE Grading System Per Subject – All Subjects 2021-2022.
2021 KCSE 2022
Each KCSE subject is graded on the basis of a twelve-point scale, with 12 points being the highest score.
And 1 is the lowest these grades are accompanied by an expanded grading system from A, A-, B+ to E.
Grade boundaries are determined by an Awards committee composed of experts selected from the various levels within the education sector.
The mean grade (which ranges from A to E and 7 to 84) is an average grade based on performance in the 7 subjects as stated in the KCSE certificate award Regulations while aggregate points (AGPT) indicate the total number of grade points based on the 7 subjects.
No mean grade appears if the candidate sits for less than 7 subjects or where one or more subjects are cancelled due to an examination irregularity or where the entry requirements have not been met.
The letter Z indicates that entry requirements have not been met.
P means your grade is pending for several reasons according to KNEC.
Y in KCSE means suspected cheating and your results have been cancelled or withheld pending further investigations.
The overall mean grade is indicated by a letter grade ranging from A to E as shown below:
Primary and Secondary
Kenya Grade Scale
A 12 80 – 100
A- 11 75 – 79.99
B+ 10 70 – 74.99
B 9 65 – 69.99
B- 8 60 – 64.99
C+ 7 55 – 59.99
C 6 50 – 54.99
C- 5 45 – 49.99
D+ 4 40 – 44.99
D 3 35 – 39.99
D- 2 30 – 34.99
E 1 0 – 29.99