KMTC Diploma In Radiography & Imaging Kuccps requirements and Campuses where offered
KMTC Diploma In Radiography & Imaging Kuccps requirements and Campuses where offered

Want to join the prestigious KMTC?

Joinining the Kenya Medical Trainining College, KMTC, is s dream come true for many students wishing to pursue health related courses. All that you need is to visit the official KMTC links below and kick start your journey.

KMTC invites all applicants interested in our programs to apply for this year’s intake.

Application details and courses for Higher Diploma, Upgrading, and Short Courses are available in the links below.

Need help with your application? Visit any nearest KMTC campus for assistance!

KMTC Application details:

1. Apply for preservice programs via the KUCCPS portal here:

2. Apply for in-service programs via the KMTC portal here:

3. Get details about the available courses, minimum requirements, and Campuses here:

Important KMTC Links