In its 2019 – 2023 Strategic Plan, the Commission identified Reforms and Innovation in the provision of teaching services as its strategic focus area aimed at improving service delivery to its employees and stakeholders. In this regard, the Commission has successfully migrated services related to leave application for teachers to an online platform.

The Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS) Leave Module for Teachers was effected from 1st November, 2021 and subsequently the leave application process has been executed seamlessly.

The Code of Regulation for Teachers (2015) read together with the Collective Bargaining Agreement (2021-2025) have specific provisions for Maternity, Paternity and Pre-adoptive Leave. In line with the said provisions all teachers are eligible for only one leave at a time.

The purpose of this Circular is to inform you of the following changes in leave policy which came into effect from 1st July, 2021.

Maternity Leave

Female employees shall be entitled to one hundred and twenty ( 120) calendar days with full pay with effect from the date of delivery and the teacher shall not forfeit her annual leave on account of having taken maternity leave.

Paternity Leave

A male teacher will be eligible for paternity leave of twenty one (21) calendar days with full pay once a year within the duration of the spouse’s maternity leave.

Pre – Adoptive Leave

A teacher is eligible for a pre-adoptive leave of forty five (45) calendar days with full pay from the date of adoption.