Current TTC Entry Requirements

Here are the current minimum requirements for Teacher Training Colleges, TTCs:

Teacher Education ProgrammeMinimum Entry RequirementsCourse Duration
Diploma in Early Childhood Teacher Education (DECTE)C (plain) in KCSE or C- (minus) for learners with Disabilities and Special Needs.3 years
Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (DPTE)C (plain) in KCSE and C (plain) in the cluster subjects – English, Kiswahili, Mathematics, Humanities and Sciences or C- (minus) for learners with Disabilities and Special Needs.3 years
Diploma in Secondary Teacher Education (DSTE)C+ (plus) in the KCSE examination and a C+ (plus) in two teaching subjects offered at the Secondary school level or C- (minus) with C+ (Plus) in two teaching subjects for learners with Disabilities and Special Needs.3 years
Diploma in Special Needs Education (DSNTE)C (plain) in the KCSE examination OR C- (minus) for learners with Disabilities and Special Needs.3 years
Diploma in Technical Teacher Education (DTTE)C+ (plus) in the KCSE examination or equivalent at Senior School; they must also have C+ (plus) in a related STEM subject offered at the Secondary school level or C- (minus) for learners with Disabilities and Special Needs.

A candidate with a recognised certificate in a technical subject area from a recognised college shall be considered for Diploma training in the same subject area. They will be required to take foundational courses in numeracy and literacy.



3 years

Bachelor of Education (Science)C+ (plus) and C+ (plus) in 2 teaching subjects. C (plain) in English and C (plain) in Mathematics4 Years
Bachelor of Education (Arts)C+ (plus) and C+ (plus) in 2 teaching subjects. C (plain) in English and D+ (plus) in Mathematics4 Years


                      Recommendations on Teacher Education and Management

Here are the final recommendations by the Presidential Working Party on Education Reforms:

  1. The MoE to develop guidelines on how all teachers who graduated before 2023 undergo a mandatory one-year retooling and upgrading programme for compliance with the curriculum
  2. The minimum entry grades for Pre-service TE programmes be as follows:
    • DECTE and DPTE – C (Plain) in KCSE or its equivalent in SS:
    • DSTE – C (plain) in KCSE or its equivalent in SS with C (Plus) in teaching subjects,
    • DSNTE – C (Plain) in KCSE or its equivalent in SS; and
    • DTTE – C (Plain) in KCSE or its equivalent in SS with C+ in related STEM teaching

In each case, all applicants with disability will be admitted with a mean grade of C- (Minus) in all diploma programmes and all other conditions will apply. Further, A candidate with a recognised certificate in a technical subject area from a recognised college shall be considered for Diploma training in the same subject area.

  1. The Schools/Faculties of Education in Universities should develop comprehensive Faculty Staff retooling programmes in preparation for CBTE at the University Admission requirements for the B.Ed degree shall continue to be determined by the Universities’ Senates.
  2. Establish Kenya Teacher Training College (KeTTC) to administer all Pre-service teacher training colleges (TTCs) as campuses. Further, develop a framework to ensure optimal utilisation and sharing of
  3. MoE to establish a Kenya School of Teacher and Education Management (KeSTEM) as a corporate body to coordinate all In-service programmes for institutional leaders and education officers. Additionally, KeSTEM will offer CPD for teachers utilising facilities of Kenya Teacher Training Colleges (KeTTC).
  4. TSC to offer all education graduates an opportunity to undertake a mandatory one-year internship programme upon completion of Pre-service The internship should be a structured and coordinated programme, which includes Teacher Induction, Mentorship and Coaching (TIMEC).
  5. TSC in consultation with MoE to harmonise teacher management guidelines on deployment, promotion of teachers and institutional administrators and teacher
  6. MoE, TSC and the COG to review the existing policies and guidelines on Pre- Primary teacher deployment and institutional administration. This should ensure collaborative management of teacher registration and recruitment, deployment and transfer, promotion and standardised remuneration, as well as performance monitoring and welfare of all Pre-Primary teachers. SRC to be consulted in the implementation of a collaborative framework on harmonised remuneration of Pre-Primary School
  7. Deployment and remuneration of teachers in Pre-Primary, SNE and hard-to-staff areas should be prioritised under the staff establishment and rationalisation
  8. Ensure the current students pursuing Bachelor of Education Programmes graduating from 2023 onwards are adequately trained in CBE. All Universities offering TE should ensure their programmes are aligned with CBTE and CBTA. The minimum duration for a Bachelor of Education degree in Teacher Education is four years (3 years for professional courses and 1 year for practicum).