The Ministry of Education's NEMIS portal Log in Screen.
The Ministry of Education's NEMIS portal Log in Screen.

The Ministry of education has asked principals to upload all the 2019 form one admission requests to the Ministry of Education via the online portal. This affects National, Extra County and County schools which are expected to upload the recommended requests to the Ministry for approval. Parents and form ones who were not satisfied with their placements were expected to visit schools of their choice and place a request for replacement. Schools would then collate the requests and send them to the Ministry for approval.

After the Ministry will then, after approval of the requests, send a message to the learners/ parents to download the new admission letter from the Minstry’s portal at

The Ministry advises that the replacement window will be switched off tomorrow, Friday 4th January 2019, to allow for reporting and compilation of the statistics on the new admissions. Students whose details would have not been entered into the National Education Management Information System, NEMIS, (as per the schools to which they have been placed) will be deemed not to have joined form one and will not be eligible for Free Secondary Education, FSE, funds disbursement.

Sub- county and private schools, whose selections were done manually, are expected to upload the lists of selected students onto the Ministry of Education’s NEMIS portal at 

This will enable the conversion of the lists into NEMIS data and for approval for capitation. The ministry warns that students admitted through hard copies of joining instructions (direct admissions) will not be eligible for the government’s fees subsidy.

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