A burial ceremony is a sad moment to the bereaved family members and maybe relatives. The family members mourn the demise of loved ones. For some mourners this is the time to check on finer details on the funeral proceedings. As others wail for the loss of a loved one, some hawk eyed ‘mourners’ are busy checking on other details. This group of ‘mourners’ will usually be seen either seated or standing at strategic positions; and, more often than not engaged in low tone discussions. This usually takes place in rural set ups.
Here is a list of items that these ‘mourners’ pay attention to:
1. The type of casket used to carry the remains of the late. They will analyze the casket in terms of costing and suitability.
2. Overall organization of the ceremony. They will take a deep at the types of chairs and tents hired for mourners to sit on during the ceremony. They will scramble for the ‘few’ copies of burial programmes printed. Make a mistake of not availing some copies to them and they will shamelessly yell at the top of their voices! Are there meals prepared for mourners and is the quality & quantity sufficient?
3. They will take time to check on who has graced the ceremony. How many mourners have attended the burial and whether there are there any luminaries in attendance.
4. The number of vehicles in the procession. These ‘mourning cops’ will even highlight on the numbers of vehicles that escort the late from the morgue.
5. Presentation of the family to the late. They will critique the clothes worn by the family members, what each family member says, how many children and siblings blah blah that the late has left behind.
6. Size of ‘Shamba’ (Land) and buildings in the homestead. They will have an opportunity to check on the assets owned by the late person’s family. How many acres of land, vehicles and even the nature of buildings…
7. Education level of the family members and occupation. This group is keen on finer details. They leave no stone untouched! They will want to know the education qualifications of the family members and what they do for a living. Are the members in formal or informal employment?
8. Very keen on speeches from politicians. They will pay great attention to what the political class say. They will applaud, laugh and even clap accordingly. Unfortunately, they will turn a blind eye on the Men of God! They have no time for the Word of God. They may even start leaving immediately the preacher takes the podium.