• Thu. Sep 12th, 2024


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NEMIS GUIDE- How to register a continuing Learner/ student on NEMIS

How to update the Learner's Bio Data on NEMIS Procedure for admitting 2020 Form Ones through the NEMIS system: Ministry of Education

There are cases of learners who missed out registration last year due to one reason or another. Some learners failed to have their details captured as they did not have Birth Certificates; which are mandatory requirements for registration on the National Education Management Information System (NEMIS). Consequently, such learners lack the Personal unique Identifiers, UPI.

To register continuing learners:

  1. Visit the NEMIS portal at https://nemis.education.go.ke
  2. Log onto the system by using the official log in credentials; User Name and Password.
  3. Click on the ‘LEARNER’ tab and select ‘View my learners’ from the drop down list.
  4. Select the Class/ Form of the learner. A list of learners will be displayed.
  5. At the top left corner of the list, locate and click on the ‘ADD NEW STUDENT’ tab. A new window titled ‘Learner Bio Data’ is displayed.
  6. Enter the learner’s details correctly i.e Surname, First Name, Other Names, Birth Certificate Entry Number, Date of Birth, Gender, Nationality and Special Condition (if any). Click on ‘SAVE BASIC DETAILS’ once done.
  7. The Learner will be accorded a new UPI.
  8. Select and correctly update details on the other two tabs; Contact details and Special Needs.
  9. NOTE: To edit the Learner’s details, open the form that the learner is currently placed by using the ‘LEARNER’ tab, locate the learner in the list and Click on ‘VIEW’.


22 thoughts on “NEMIS GUIDE- How to register a continuing Learner/ student on NEMIS”
  1. my school nemis account is loading and execute the same page when am trying to register a learner.kindly help because it is not making any step.

    1. Most learners admitted successful but Some grade 7 learners are not able to be admitted to nemis..Why!??

  2. If I want to change my children’s names who are already registered, what is the procedure?

  3. Really????????????This is a government site and it rarely works. What’s the point of pilling up pressure unto school heads and yet, it can’t open under any circumstance. I have been trying this portal for over two weeks now. It’s so shady. Shame on you (whoever whose responsible)

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