Stethoscope and pen in doctor robe pocket. Concept Of The Global Healthcare, Medicine And Insurance

Changes in size and demand of the job market over the years have seen most people opt for well paying jobs or ones that can alternatively offer self employment. Regardless the pool of unemployed youths continues expanding each graduation period. Given that upto 90,000 graduates are released into the job market on average per year. So what will ensure that the diploma or degree you want to pursue will guarantee job safety in the long run? Here are some of the courses that have remained unshaken with a few that are gaining popularity quite fast.
Medical courses
Health is one sector that has been receiving attention all along and can not be neglected. Such courses include:- medicine,nursing,surgery, clinical medicine,lab technology and pharmacy. Despite spending 4_7 years in campus the time and money spent is handsomely rewarded by the end of the day and self employment is guaranteed. These are available in both private and public institutions country wide. Some of the campuses that offer such include:-
• University of Nairobi
• Kenyatta University
• Kabarak university
• Kenya Medical Training Colleges spread countrywide.
• Kabianga University

Engineering courses
Whenever the name engineer is mentioned, it draws attention. One can be a mechanical,electrical, civil or geospatial engineer among others. Engineering courses take upto 5 years of intense study but skills acquired go a long way in helping you earn that living. Civil engineers for example are on demand in this era of road construction and expansion. It is offered upto certificate level in vocational training institutes so there is no way you will lack a place to fulfill that dream.
Some of the institutions that offer this include:-
• Technical University of Kenya
• Mount Kenya University
• Kenyatta University
• Technical University of Mombasa.

Agricultural courses
Agriculture, irrigation and drainage engineering are few aspects of the vast agricultural sector. Gone are the days when people saw agriculture as a job for the poor in Kenya. There is an increasing trend in youth and the elderly indulgence in agricultural courses that have seen a spike in agricultural practices and profits. Thus many people sought for expertise advice regarding,production,management,sales and marketing. Jommo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology being the leading in offering such studies.

Computer related courses
Its also one of the vast areas highly sort after nowadays from software engineers, computer scientists to Internet and Communication Technology consultants. The evident application of technology in almost all areas of the modern world has given rise to an increase in demand for techology experts thus a large job market.
• Maseno University
• University of Nairobi
• Moi University
• Multimedia University etc

Interior design
A business that is picking up especially now that the government looks forward to establishing affordable housing. Most people need expert knowledge when it comes to decorating houses or offices. It relies on your creativity and ability to analyse and combine ideas.

Film industry courses
Anything ranging from photography, acting,directing, production,music,media among others is worth a shot given the current curriculum has put emphasy on nurturing talents. This has seen growth in the film industry with rules in place that ensure payment of all these jobs. Time to change your passion into money I guess!
Daystar and Multimedia University are among the best institutions to go to.

There is also a misconception that diploma students stand higher chances of employment compared to degree students. We fail to understand that to be in the job market and acquire the job what one needs is an admirable combination of skills and knowledge.