Moi Teachers College, Baringo
|Moi Teachers College is a state of the art training institution poised to provide the best in post-secondary teacher training courses. We are strategically located and accessible 5 km off the tarmacked Kabarnet – Kabartonjo road.
We are in a serene environment that is very conducive for learning, located just 15Km from the Baringo County headquarters – Kabarnet. Staff and learners benefit from easy of access to administrative services, taking advantage of the opportunities presented by the commercial enterprises within the town.
We currently offer four courses namely; Proficiency (ECDE), Certificate (ECDE), P1 PTE (School based) and p1 PTE Regular course.
Baringo Teachers Training College, BTTC
We admit students under four levels namely:-
The college offers the following Diploma courses for both regular and school-based modes
- Diploma in primary Teacher Education (DPTE)
- Diploma in Early Childhood, Teacher Education (DECTE)
The college is guided by the Ministry of Education sessional paper No.1 of 2005. On policy framework for Education, training and research. Moi Teachers college Baringo adheres to Education Act 2013, the Kenya vision 2030 strategy and the “Big Four” initiatives. It is also guided by the National Goals of Education that provide the national education framework in Early Childhood Development Education and Primary Teacher Education.
The Education goals include: –
- To develop the basic theoretical and practical knowledge about the teaching profession, so that the teacher’s attitudes and abilities can be turned towards professional commitment and competence.
- To create a National Consciousness for Education excellence in every teacher.
- To develop in the teacher the ability to adapt to change or new situations.
- To provide opportunities to develop special interests, skills and to promote the initiative on the part of the teacher
- To foster in the teacher an appreciation and respect for Kenya’s rich and varied cultural heritage.
- To develop in every teacher awareness and appreciation of the role of ICT in national development good, health and environmental conservation.
Moi Teachers College is a public tertiary institution under the Ministry of Education (MOE) offering Pre-service and In-service Teacher Education for a Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (DPTE) and a Diploma in Early Childhood, Teacher Education (DECTE) for both regular and school-based modes.
Course requirements
For a candidate aspiring to join/be admitted to any of the programs above, he/she should meet the qualifications stated below: –
- A Kenya citizen
- C.S.E certificate
- Mean grade C plain
- C plain in all the following; English, Kiswahili, Mathematics, one Science
- and one humanity at K.C.S.E
The following qualifications are required:
- Kenyan citizen
- PTE certificate
- Registration by the Teachers Service Commission
“N/B -DPTE upgrade and DECTE upgrade are offered through Pre-service and In-service
- It takes six (6) months face to face for Pre-service.
- In-service DECTE/DPTE is offered during college holidays.
- A three months practicum period for upgrading students.
- A six months practicum for Pre-service students.
- A six months practicum for Pre-service students.
Students under this category of teacher training Must meet the following admission criteria:
- A Kenyan citizen
- Have a K.C.S.E certificate /Results slip
- Mean grade of C/plain
- Five (5) C’s are not applicable
- The course takes six terms of face to face.
- One term of Micro-teaching and two(2) terms of practicum
- Afterwards, one is awarded a Diploma in Early Childhood Teacher Education upon meeting KNEC requirements.
- The Ministry of Education and Early learning shall advise all qualified and interested candidates through newspapers and online for applicants to apply.
- Once applicants show interest, they submit applications online indicating their preferred college by putting the first choice.
- The Kenya Universities and colleges placement services (KUCCPS) will place one in his/her college of choice.
- The applicant shall then upload the admission letter of the college admitted to through the provided website.
- For Moi Teachers College-Baringo, the website is: mtcbaringo.ac.ke
Contact Information
- Moi Teachers College
P.O Box 348-30400
- +254 706469456
- [email protected]
- moitcbaringo.ac.ke
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