KUCCPS Opens Online Inter-University Transfer 2024-2025

KUCCPS Opens Online Inter-University Transfer 2024-2025

Did you fail to get admission at your preferred university? The Kenya University and College Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) will provide an opportunity to students who may wish to change their programmes and institutions through the online system.

KUCCPS has officially open the online system for inter-institution transfer for students placed during the 2024/2025 placement cycle.

KUCCPS Procedures for Online Inter-University Transfer
  • Step 1; Visit: http://student.kuccps.net
  • Step 2: Click Transfers Tab on Top (Then follow the steps below after payment)

Select the programme you want to transfer to, put the PROGRAMME CODE in the inter-institution transfer field. You will only be allowed to proceed to the next step if you meet the cutoff and minimum requirements.


Select the Reason for Transfer (Medical, Person With Disability, Financial Reasons, Not my preferred programme or other).

After selecting, attach a document that supports your reason for transfer. For continuing students who want to transfer. You must attach your transcripts.

Then fill in the reason for the Transfer Application in not less than 300 characters and note more than 300 characters.

The next step will load automatically if you have done everything right. Otherwise you will not be able to proceed to the next step.

  • Step 5: Transfer Payment

Follow the payment procedure that will appear after completing the reason for transfer.  Pay via Lipa Na Mpesa Paybill and enter the Mpesa Confirmation Code.

The system will validate your payment and the next step will load automatically.

Then click submit. Enter your index number if asked to do so and click submit again.



The institution which you applied to transfer to (receiving institution) will receive your transfer and endorse or reject it.

The major factor that will be considered by the receiving institution on whether to approve or reject your application is spaces available in the course you want to join.

  • Step 7: Endorsement By Releasing Institution

Once your transfer has been approved by the receiving institution, the releasing institution will then endorse your transfer.

  • Step 8: Review By KUCCPS

After being endorsed by both the receiving and the releasing institution, KUCCPS  will be notified that the applicant has been accepted to join the institution that he applied to transfer to and he has been released from the institution that he was initially placed.

KUCCPS will then review your application for approval.

  • Step 9: Transfer Letter

Once your application has been reviewed by KUCCPS and approved then the next and last step  is downloading the transfer letter and presenting it during admission or reporting.

Continue reading:

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Posted in KUCCPS portal.

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