Knec Portal for KCSE project & Practical marks uploads and results downloads
Knec Portal for KCSE project & Practical marks uploads and results downloads

It is now officioal that the 2024 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, KCSE, examinations will be announced on Tuesday January 7th 2025. The results will be announced by Education Cabinet Secretary Julius Migosi Ogamba after briefing President
William Ruto.

This KCSE 2024 edition had the highest registered candidature in the history of the KCSE examinations at 965,501, an increase from that recorded in 2023 and which was 903,138.

While addressing jounalists this week, CS Ogamba said the results will be announced in the customary manner.

To ease the collection of KCSE examination papers twice a day, the Kenya National Examinations Council (Knec) had installed an additional 41 containers (distribution centres), increasing the number from a total of 576 to 617.

The 2024 KCSE officially kicked off on October 22, where the candidates took their oral and practical exams for the elective subjects. On Monday 4th November, the candidates wrote the English Functional Skills paper during the morning hours, while Chemistry Paper 1 was administered in the afternoon. The last day of the national exams was November 22, when the candidates sat the physics practical.

Marking of the KCSE 2024 Exams

Marking of the KCSE 2024 exams was done in several marking centres in Nairobi and neighbouruing towns like Limuru, Thika and Machakos among others.

A total of 621 examination malpractices were recorded at the conclusion of the 2024 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination.

Education Cabinet Secretary Julius Ogamba made the announcement after the exams saying that 198 examination centres out of the 10,754 centres countrywide had been involved in Examinations malpractices.

CS Ogamba revealed that the cases included candidates or supervisors being caught with unauthorised materials, such as mobile phones and written materials, collisions, and impersonation.

“During the administration of the 2024 KCSE examination, 621 candidates out of 965,501, representing 0.064%, were reported to have been found engaging in examination malpractices, mainly being found with unauthorized written materials, mobile phones, collusion, sharing images of their question papers on social media, and impersonation,” he had said.

“These cases were reported from 198 out of the 10,754 examination centres, representing 1.841% of the examination centres. All above cases are under active investigation, and stern action will be taken on individuals found culpable of exam malpractice.” He added.

a group of people wearing uniforms
Moi High School Kabarak Students. The school topped nationally in the KCSE 2023 Exams.

The 2023 KCSE results were announced on Monday, January 08, 2024. Of the 903,260 candidates who sat the exam, 1,216 candidates scored Grade A. National schools produced the highest number of As with 889 candidates attaining that grade while Extra county schools produced 172 As.

More than 201,133 candidates scored C+ and above while 48,000 candidates got a Grade E. Additionally, results of 4,113 candidates had been withheld over suspected cheating.

Be sure to get KCSE 2024 results full analysis of the top performing schools, candidates and ranking here.

Wes shall provide a full analysis and coverage of the KCSE 2024 Exams, just like we did for the KCSE 2023 Exams. kcse results,
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CBA portal,
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