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Frequently asked questions and answers on Huduma Number (HN)/ NIIMS

Huduma number Registration, NIIMS
Huduma number Registration, NIIMS

  Frequently Asked Questions on NIIMS/HN

1. What is Huduma Namba?

                Huduma Namba is a programme which was initiated through Executive Order No. 1 of 2018 to create and manage a Central Master Population Register which will be the authentic ‘source of truth’ of identity of all persons residing in Kenya.

2. Why Huduma Namba?

a. To develop a national biometric population  database of all persons in Kenya 

b. To assign a personal unique identification to facilitate access to government services

3. Why is the Government undertaking the Biometric Registration process?

                -To guard against impersonation and fraud

                -To authenticate personal data

                -To enhance access to government services

4. How is this exercise different other Government Registration processes?

                -It will capture Biometric data of all person – both Citizens and Non-Citizens from the age of six years

                -It will capture more information on an individual

                -It will integrate Personal identification data of individuals existing ion several databases

5. What are the benefits of the exercise?

                It will facilitate easy access to government services such universal health care;  subsidized fertilizer; cash transfer; free education etc

6. Why is the Registration being undertaken now?

                -To facilitate attainment of Government’s Big 4 Agenda through the provision of Citizen Data to stakeholders who are charged with delivery of Food Security, Affordable Housing, Manufacturing, and Affordable Health Care for all.

                -To assist the government in the provision of better services.

7. Is it mandatory for one to register?

    -Yes it is. All must register

8. What are the consequences of failing to register?

                A person without Huduma Namba will not access government services including registration/renewal/replacement of National Identification Card; Application for Passport; Application/renewal for driving license, Birth certificate; Enroll for cash transfer for the elderly, subsidized farm inputs and other cash services under the Big 4 Agenda like affordable housing among others.

9. Who is eligible for registration?

                All Kenyan Citizens and Foreign Nationals in Kenya.

10. Where will the Registration take place?

                Mobile Registration Centres; Homes; and Special institutions like Prisons, Hospitals, Learning institutions etc.

11. What will be required for one to be registered?

                -Identification documents

                -Physical presence

12. How long will the (Mass) Registration exercise take?

30 Days

13. At what time of the day will the exercise be carried out?

                Between 6am and 6pm everyday including weekends and public holidays


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