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PAPER 1 – 313/1
- Write your Name and Admission Number in the spaces provided above
- Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are printed as indicated and that no questions are missing
- The paper consists of SIX questions
- Answer any FIVE questions in the answer booklet provided
- Each question carries 20 marks.
For Examiner’s use only
| 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | TOTAL SCORE |
- a) Name eight historical books in the Old Testament. (8mks)
- b) Outline the reasons why the bible is referred to as a library. (7mks)
- c) Give five occasions when Christians use the Bible. (5mks)
- a) Explain six actions of Abraham as a man of faith. (6mks)
- b) What are differences between the Jewish and traditional African practices of circumcision? (8mks)
- c) Give six ways through which Christians portray themselves in society today. (6mks)
- a) Give seven reasons why the Israelites asked Samuel to appoint a king for them. (7mks)
- b) Identify seven areas where king Saul failed in his responsibility over Israel. (7mks)
- c) State six actions church members would take in handling cases of dishonesty with their leaders. (6mks)
- a) Name the six groups of true prophets in the Old Testament. (6mks)
- b) Give six similarities between the Traditional African prophets and the true prophets in the Old Testament. (6mks)
- c) Identify eight problems experienced by church leaders in their work. (8mks)
- a) Identify six symbolic acts used by Jeremiah to demonstrate God’s judgement and punishment to Israel. (6mks)
b)Outline the contents of the Jeremiah’s letter to the exile. (7mks)
- c) Identify seven leadership qualities that a modern leader should learn from the life of prophet Jeremiah. (7mks)
- a) Outline six rituals performed during a birth of a baby in Traditional African Communities. (6mks)
- b) Give six reasons why children are important in Traditional African Communities. (6mks)
- c) Explain four ways children are made responsible members in TAC. (8mks)
- a) Name eight historical books in the Old Testament. (8mks)
- Joshua
- Judges
- First Samuel
- Second Samuel
- First kings
- Second kings
- First chronicles
- Second chronicles
- Ezra Nehemiah
- Esther
- b) Outline the reasons why the bible is referred to as a library. (7mks)
- It contains many books.
- The books were written by different authors.
- The books are written in different times.
- The books in the bible address different issues.
- The books were written for different audiences.
- The books are systematically arranged/order/chronologically.
- Has different categories of books/divisions.
- c) Give five occasions when Christians use the Bible. (5mks)
- When preaching the word of God/crusade/church sermons.
- When in court.
- When instructing new converts.
- During different religious ceremonies/festivals.
- When teaching Christian religious education.
- When composing gospel songs/Christian literature.
- During fellowships/prayers/guidance and counselling.
- During swearing in ceremony.
- a) Explain six actions of Abraham as a man of faith. (6mks)
- He obeyed God’s call.
- He moved from Haran to unknown land.
- He accepted to be circumcised at an old age together with the males in his household.
- He build two altars, one at bethel and the other at Shechem.
- He believed in the promises that God gave him.
- He wanted to offer his son as a sacrifice to God.
- He accepted to change his name from Abram to Abraham and his wife Sarai to Sarah.
- b) What are differences between the Jewish and traditional African practices of circumcision? (8mks)
- In the Jewish community, circumcision is for male children only whereas in African practice it is for both male and female.
- Among the Jews, circumcision is performed on babies of 8 days old whereas in traditional African communities it is done during adolescence.
- In African communities it is a test of courage whereas in Jews is a sign of faith.
- Circumcision in African communities is a communal practice whereas among the Jews only members of the immediate family participate.
- In TAC initiates takes up responsibilities while among the Jews initiates are too young to shoulder any responsibility.
- In TAC circumcision is carried out during specific seasons while among the Jews it is continuous.
(Accept first four correct) (4x2mks)
- c) Give six ways through which Christians portray themselves in society today. (6mks)
- They lead a prayerful life.
- They share the word of God.
- They condemn immorality and crime in society.
- They call people for repentance.
- They take part in rehabilitating the offenders.
- They lead exemplary lives.
- They advocate for justice in the society.
- a) Give seven reasons why the Israelites asked Samuel to appoint a king for them.(7mks)
- Samuel was old.
- Samuels’s son had failed as judges/corrupt.
- They wanted a king who would lead them to victory in wars.
- They wanted a king who would be recognized by other nations.
- They wanted a political government with political authority.
- They wanted a physical human leader who they would see.
- Samuel had imposed his sons as judges.
- They wanted to be like other nations.
- b) Identify seven areas where king Saul failed in his responsibility over Israel. (7mks)
- He offered sacrifices yet was not his duty.
- He did not wait for Gods time to act.
- He was not repentant.
- He consulted mediums.
- He wanted to kill David.
- He committed suicide.
- c) State six actions church members would take in handling cases of dishonesty with their leaders. (6mks)
- Find out causes of dishonesty.
- Help them meet their daily need.
- Offer guidance and counselling.
- Forgive them.
- Pray for them to change their behaviors.
- Report the matter to higher church authorities.
- Suspend them for a while.
- a) Name the six groups of true prophets in the Old Testament. (6mks)
- major prophets
- minor prophets
- canonical prophets
- non-canonical prophets
- cultic prophets
- early prophets
- prophetess
- b) Give six similarities between the Traditional African prophets and the true prophets in the Old Testament. (6mks)
- Both predicted future events.
- Both acted as mediators between God and people.
- Both had supernatural powers to exercise their duties.
- Both had a personal relationship with God
- They were religious leaders.
- Both played an advisory role to the political leaders.
- They led exemplary lives.
- In both cases they were prophets and prophetess.
- c) Identify eight problems experienced by church leaders in their work. (8mks)
- They are rejected /persecuted.
- Rivalry among themselves.
- There is hypocrisy among church members/religious syncretism.
- They encounter language barriers while spreading the word of God.
- There is conflicting interpretation of the Bible.
- Political interference in their work.
- Competition from false prophets.
- Permissiveness in society hinders their work.
- Insecurity/hostility.
- a) Identify six symbolic acts used by Jeremiah to demonstrate God’s judgement and punishment to Israel. (6mks)
- Thewearing of linen waist cloth.
- Jeremiahs personal life.
- Jeremiahs visit to the potter’s house.
- The broken clay flask.
- Vision of the two basket of fig.
- The wearing of ox yoke.
- b) Outline the contents of the Jeremiah’s letter to the exile. (7mks)
- Israelites were to build houses and live in them.
- They were to plant gardens and eat their produce.
- They were to marry and increase in numbers
- To support the welfare of their masters.
- They were not to let false prophets deceive them.
- To obey their masters.
- God was to restore them thereafter.
- God was to visit them after the end of 70 years.
- c) Identify seven leadership qualities that a modern leader should learn from the life of prophet Jeremiah. (7mks)
- They should be courageous.
- They should be honesty.
- They should be royal to God.
- They should show gratitude.
- Should show perseverance.
- Patience
- They should be just.
- a) Outline six rituals performed during a birth of a baby in Traditional African Communities. (6mks)
- There is feasting by the family/relatives.
- Prayers of thanksgiving/blessings.
- Protective charms are given to the mother/baby.
- There is singing/dancing for new life.
- Umbilical cord is cut to separate the baby from the mother.
- Mother’s hair is shaved.
- Ululations are made to announce the sex of the baby
- The placenta is disposed off carefully.
- The baby is washed.
- b) Give six reasons why children are important in Traditional African Communities. (6mks)
- They ensure continuity of the society.
- They inherit the parent’s property.
- They take care of parents during old age.
- They cement the relationship between husband and wife.
- They are source of labour.
- They promote social status of parents.
- They are sign of Gods blessings.
- They are a replacement of the dead relatives/ancestors.
- Children are a source of wealth.
- c) Explain four ways children are made responsible members in TAC. (8mks)
- Elders/parents teach children basic rules and customs of the community as they grow up.
- They are told history of the family – to enable them know their origin.
- They listen to folk tales/myths – which teach them good values to be emulated.
- Participating in the rites of passage like initiation which prepare them for future.
- They are exposed to songs/dances which contain the message for the community.
- They accompany their parents for practical work.
- Everybody has a role to play in the community.
- There is reward for those who behave well. (4x2mks)
1a) Describe the concept of the Messiah in the New Testament.
- He is from the lineage of David
- His kingdom is expected to last forever
- Spiritual ruler
- He is the servant of God
- Brought/ushered in the Kingdom of God
- Regarded as savior
- Known as Emmanuel
- Born in Bethlehem
- Born of a virgin
- Performed miracles
- Was the son of God
- Was crucified for sinners
- b) Outline activities that took place when Mary visited Elizabeth. Lk 1:39-56
- Mary entered Zechariah’s house
- She thengreeted Elizabeth
- When Elizabeth had the greeting of Mary, the baby leaped in her womb
- Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Sprit
- Elizabeth exclaimed with a loud voice/cry
- Elizabeth then said ‘blessed are you among women’
- She thenaskedMary why God had allowed the mother of the Lord to come to visit her
- Elizabeth revealed that when Mary greeted her, the baby in her womb leaped with joy
- Elizabeth then blessed Mary
- Mary sang the Magnificent
- She thenstayed with Elizabeth for three months/returned home
- c) Identify SIX ways in which Christian youths should show gratitude to God.
- Through preaching
- Giving offerings in church
- Helping the needy
- Repenting/confessing sin
- Visiting/healing the sick
- Acting as Role models
- Getting baptized
- Condemning evil in the society
- Praying
2a) Relate the story of the healing of a man with a withered hand LK 6:6-11
- One another Sabbath, Jesus was teaching in the synagogue
- There was a man whose right hand was withered
- The Pharisees/teachers of the Law were there watching to see whether he would heal on the Sabbath
- Jesus knew their thoughts
- He said to the man “Get up”
- The man came/stood in the middle
- Jesus asked if it was lawful to do good or harm
- He asked the man to stretch out his hand
- His hand was instantly healed/restored
- The teachers of the Law were filled with fury/discussed what they might do to Jesus
- b) Explain the teachings of Jesus from the parable of the Sower.
- The seed is the word of God
- The ones along the path are those who have heard, then the devil comes and take it away from their hearts
- The ones on the word of God, receive it with joy but these have not roots/believe for a while and in times of temptation fall away
- Those that feel on the thorns are those who hear but as they go on their way they are chocked by the cares/riches/pleasures of life
- Those in good soil are those who hear the word of God, hold it fast in an honest/good heart and bring forth fruit with patience.
- c) Write down EIGHT ways in which churches are assisting the sick.
- Pray for them
- Miracles healing
- Providing guiding and counseling services
- Providing preventive/curative drugs
- Paying for medicalexpenses
- Disseminating literature on health issues
- Preaching against evil
- Providing food/clothing
- Visiting the sick
- Training medical personnel
- Educating them through seminars
3a) Give reasons why Jesus was arrested
- Breaking the strict regulations of the Sabbath
- Opposing the payment of taxes
- Eating and associating with tax collectors and sinners
- Perverting/misleading the nation
- Claiming to be the king of the Jews
- Claiming to have power to forgive sins
- Prophesying the destruction of the city of Jerusalem
- Claiming to be the son of God
- Inciting people to revolt against the emperor
- b) Describe an incident when Jesus was questioned about his authority during Jerusalem Ministry LK 20:18
- One day Jesus was in the Temple teaching the people/preaching the good news
- The chief priests and the teachers of the Law came to Him
- They asked him ‘tell us what right has you to do these things’
- Jesus asked them about the authority of John the Baptist
- They started to argue among themselves what they will say
- They answered him ‘we don’t know where it came from’
- Jesus said to them ‘neither will it ell you, then by what right I do these things’
- c) Outline the importance of Easter holidays to Christians.
- They remember how Jesus offered himself as a sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins as a sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins
- They remember the death of Jesus
- It is an occasion for thinking God
- It is an occasion to demonstrate Gods love for humanity
- It is a time when Christians an opportunity to repent
- It unites the believers
- Signs of obedience to Christ
- Signifies the Victory of Jesus over death
4a) Mention St. Paul’s teachings on how the gifts of the Holy Spirit should be used in the Church.
- Should be used for the common good of all
- Should be used to strengthen /encourage /comfort members
- Should be sued to bring unity/not to discriminated/divide members
- There is need to respect/appreciate all the Gifts
- Should be used in an orderly way/no confusion
- Should be used in love
- Gift of speaking in tongues should be minimized in public
- There is need to have interpretation of tongues for them to be meaningful
- Prophecies should be carefully evaluated
- b) Explain the unity of believers in relation to the vine and the branches (6mrks)
in the old testament the Israelites were the true vine of God
- in the new testament God is the vinedresser
- Jesus is the vine
- Christians are the branches.
- Christians are united to God through Christ
- The branches must remain united to the vine for it to bear fruits
- Christians should remain faithful and bear fruits in their work
- A branch that does not bear fruits will be cut
- Christians who are unfaithful will be judged
- A branch that bears fruits will be pruned
- c) State SIX challenges that church ministers face today
- Inadequate funds
- Hostility form the people
- Insecurity in some parts
- Poor means of transport
- Influence from cultural traditions
- Competition among themselves
- Invasion/burning of churches
- Language barrier
- Stress/depression from their work
- a) Outline the instructions given to the seventy two disciples before sending them on
their mission. (6 marks)
– They were not to carry money, food or clothing
– They were to preach peace in the house they entered.
– They were to heal the sick.
– They were to preach the kingdom of God.
– They were to shake off dust from their feet where they are rejected.
– They were not to salute anyone on the way.
– They were to remain in one house.
– They were to eat and drink what has provided to them.
6 x 1 = 6 marks
- b) Explain four Jesus teachings on the growth of the kingdom of God using parables.
(8 marks)
– he used parable of the unfruitful fig tree i.e. he came to give sinners time to repent so as to
get to the kingdom of God.
– In parable of mustard seed, Jesus showed that the kingdom of God starts from a humble
– In the parable of the yeast, he showed the kingdom grows secretly in the hearts of people.
– In the parable of the sower, he taught kingdom of God belongs to those who hear the word
of God and do according to it.
- c) State 6 reasons why Christians find it difficult to accept the gospel. (6 marks)
– Alternative religions/denominations
– too much wealth/riches
– it is too demanding.
– lack of absolute faith in God.
– Science and technology seems to provide solutions to man’s problems.
– lacking good role models
– discouragement from church leaders.
– permissiveness in the society.
– drug abuse makes people not to think about God.
6 x 1 = 6 marks
- a) Explain Jesus teaching on the role of Holy Spirit. (7 marks)
– He comforts the believers.
– Teaches the believers all things.
– He brings remembrance all that Jesus taught the disciples.
– He convicts the world of sin and leads to righteousness and judgment.
– Guides the believers to all truth.
– To glorify Jesus among all believers.
– Enables believers to witness about Christ
– To counsel & advice God’s people for he knows the mind of God.
– He reveals to God’s people what is yet to come.
– To enable believers to know the perfect will of God.
7 x 1 = 7 marks
- b) Identify the problems encountered in the early church. (7 marks)
– Sexual immorality.
– Abuse of the gifts of the holy spirit.
– Misconduct during the Lord’s supper
– Misunderstanding of Resurrection.
– Eating food/offered to idols.
– Fellow believers taking others to pagan courts.
– The position of women in the church.
– Dispute over marriage, divorce and celibacy.
7 x 1 = 7 marks
C What are the causes of disunity in the church today (6mrks)
- Misappropriation of funds
- Disputes over baptism
- Formation of splinter groups
- Misinterpretation of the bible
- Leadership wrangles
- Tribalism
- Nepotism
- Poor leadership
- Political interference