• Fri. Oct 4th, 2024


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Computer Studies Paper 2 Revision Papers {Practical Exams Papers}

NAME: ________________________________________________________ADM NO: ___________

SCHOOL: ____________________________________________________SIGNATURE: _________

DATE: ______________________




TIME: 2½ Hours





JULY 2021

Term 3



  1. Create a folder on the desktop of the PC you are using and label it using your Name or Adm No.
  2. Save all your work in the folder created
  3. Answer ALL questions
  4. All questions carry equal marks















This paper consists of 4 printed pages. Pre-candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are printed as indicated and that no questions are missing.




  1. Using a word processing program reproduce the work below and save the document as Geometry One       [32 Marks]

History of Geometry

Egyptians c. 2000 – 500 B.C.


ncient Egyptians demonstrated a practical knowledge of geometry through surveying and construction projects. The Nile River overflowed its banks every year, and the river banks would have to be re-surveyed. See a PBS Nova unit on those big pointy buildings. In the Rhind Papyrus, pi is approximated.


Babylonians c. 2000 – 500 B.C.

Ancient clay tablets reveal that the Babylonians knew the Pythagorean relationships. One clay tablet reads“4 is the length and 5 the diagonal. What is the breadth? Its size is not known. 4 times 4 is 16. 5 times 5 is 25. You take 16 from 25 and there remains 9. What times shall I take in order to get 9? 3 times 3 is 9. 3 is the breadth”.


Greeks c. 750-250 B.C.

Ancient Greeks practiced centuries of experimental geometry like Egypt and Babylonia had, and they absorbed the experimental geometry of both of those cultures. Then they created the first formal mathematics of any kind by organizing geometry with rules of logic. Euclid’s (400BC) important geometry book The Elements formed the basis for most of the geometry studied in schools ever since.


The Fifth Postulate Controversy c. 400 B.C. – 1800 A. D.


There are two main types of mathematical (including geometric) rules: postulates (also called axioms), and theorems.Postulates are basic assumptions – rules that seem to be obvious and are therefore accepted without proof. Theorems are rules that must be proved.

Euclid gave five postulates. The fifth postulate reads: Given a line and a point not on the line, it is possible to draw exactly one line through the given point parallel to the line.



Geometry Today

Today geometry has a wide range of applications. Amongst the applications it is used for includes: Building and construction, Mechanical plant engineering, Art and design. For example, the drawings below have been reproduced using geometry.





  1. Change the top most title into size-20, colour – red, double underline, upper case and font type-Goudy Stout, shading colour-green       [3 Marks]
  2. Align the headings of the first three paragraphs and the last to the right       [2 Marks]
  3. Apply a border to each of the headings just aligned in (c) above       [2 Marks]
  4. Group the sets of objects used to create each of the shapes above [2 Marks]
  5. Save the document with the name Geometry Two [2 Marks]
  6. Indent the third paragraph from both left and right margins by 1” [2 Marks]
  7. Adjust the page margins of the document as instructed below [2 Marks]

Top – 0.7”             Bottom – 0.7”

Left – 0.8”            Right – 0.7”

  1. Insert a continuous page break between the third and the fourth paragraph [1 Marks]
  2. Save the document with the name Geometry Three [2 Marks]




  1. Create a database with the name School Work [2 Marks]
  2. Create the table given below and assign the appropriate data types for the fields. Save the table with the name Students       [6 Marks]
Student No First Name Surname Stream ID
1013 Afaf Salih LION
1030 Alfred Wambui BUFFALO
1033 Amos Gichuki LION
1032 Anthony Ngugi BUFFALO
1037 Bethuel Obonyo LION
1014 Charles Kariuki LION
1006 Cyrus Wangila BUFFALO
1039 David Nabwire LION
1005 Francis Wamalwa BUFFALO
1025 George Kibera BUFFALO


  1. Set the primary key of the table to be Student No field [1 Marks]
  2. Create a second table given below and assign appropriate data types for the fields. Save the table with the name Marks       [9 Marks]


RecNo Student No Exam Type ENG KISW MATH BIO
1 1013 E1 95 95 75 84
2 1013 E2 59 58 59 35
3 1030 E1 91 65 34 67
4 1030 E2 58 76 35 85
5 1033 E1 65 65 84 68
6 1033 E2 59 95 48 59
7 1032 E1 72 95 56 74
8 1032 E2 78 88 76 49
9 1037 E1 72 89 59 58
10 1037 E2 66 45 85 75
11 1014 E1 85 75 84 75
12 1014 E2 75 65 75 48
13 1006 E1 36 45 26 75
14 1006 E2 84 56 69 95
15 1039 E1 89 83 75 95
16 1039 E2 84 65 35 64
17 1028 E1 90 90 68 43
18 1028 E2 57 32 68 86
19 1025 E1 89 45 66 64
20 1025 E2 75 59 85 59


  1. Create a relationship and enhance referential integrity between the two tables       [2 Marks]
  2. Create a form for the table Students and save it as frmStudents       [2 Marks]
  3. Use the form created in (f) above to enter records in the respective table [5 Marks]
  4. Create a second form and for the table Marks and save it as frmMarks       [2 Marks]
  5. Use the form created in (h) above to enter records in the respective table [10 Marks]
  6. (i) Create a query from the two tables above and add the fields Student No, First Name, Surname, Exam Type, ENG, KISW, MATH, BIO. Create a calculated field Total and accumulate the marks for the four subjects. Save the query with name qryResults                                          [6 Marks]
  7. Create a report from the query qryResults and from the report show the sums and averages of all the subjects and the Total.                               [5 Marks]




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