The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has released a new criteria for breaking a tie during a TSC new teacher recruitment interview.
Upon invitation for interview, applicants shall be required to present the originals and clear copies of the following documents: –
- National identification card;
- Certificate of Registration as a teacher;
- Authentic evidence of service as a teacher intern (where applicable);
- Diploma/Degree certificate and official transcripts;
- KCSE certificates or its equivalent (include certificates for attempts if one re- sat exams);
- KCPE certificate or its equivalent (include certificates for attempts if one re- sat exams);
- Primary and Secondary School leaving certificates and other relevant testimonials;
- National Council of Persons with Disabilities (NCPWD) Card (where applicable);
- An Affidavit sworn under the Oaths and Statutory Declarations Act, Cap 15 of the Laws of Kenya to explain the variance in names;
- Letter of certification of results by KNEC (where applicable).
TSC new criteria for breaking a tie during TSC interview
In the event of a tie, consideration for selection will be determined as per the order of priority shown hereunder:
- Applicants’ disability status;
- Participation in the TSC Teacher Internship Programme;
- Length of Stay since graduation;
- Strength of academic and professional certificates
N/B: If applicants tie at aggregate grades, subject grades shall be considered.