• July 3, 2024 7:09 pm

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    • KCSE 2019 national results and ranking per subject- Physics

    KCSE 2019 national results and ranking per subject- Physics

    The Kenya High school posted a Physics mean of 10.82 (A- minus) to lead in the 2019 Kenya Certificate of…

    Kathiani Girls High School; KCSE Results Analysis, Contacts, Location, Admissions, History, Fees, Portal Login, Website, KNEC Code

    Kathiani Girls High is one of the best and top performing schools in Machakos County. This article provides complete information…

    The New TPAD 2 Lesson attendance summary sheet and how to easily enter lesson summaries online for all teachers

    The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, expects appraisers to fill summaries of data on lesson attendance per week for all teachers.…

    List of schools yet to upload 2020 form one selection list on Nemis per county- Migori

    About 5,397 schools are yet to upload their 2020 from one selection lists onto the National Education Management Information System,…

    St. Agnes Girls’ Shibuye High School’s KCSE Results, KNEC Code, Admissions, Location, Contacts, Fees, Students’ Uniform, History, Directions and KCSE Overall School Grade Count Summary

    St. Agnes Girls’ Shibuye High School is a Girls’ only boarding Secondary School, located in Shinyalu near Khayega Town, Shinyalu…