• July 1, 2024 5:29 pm

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    • Senior Chief Koinange Girls High School’s KCSE Results, KNEC Code, Admissions, Location, Contacts, Fees, Students’ Uniform, History, Directions and KCSE Overall School Grade Count Summary

    Senior Chief Koinange Girls High School’s KCSE Results, KNEC Code, Admissions, Location, Contacts, Fees, Students’ Uniform, History, Directions and KCSE Overall School Grade Count Summary

    Senior chief Koinange Girls High School is a girls’ only secondary school located in, Kiambaa Constituency in Kiambu County; within…

    Bunyore Girls High School; KCSE Performance, Location, Contacts and Admissions

    Bunyore Girls High School is a national school located in Vihiga County. This article provides complete information about this school.…

    KCSE 2019 results, mean grade analysis and ranking of schools in Meru County- Meru South

    Ikuu Boys High School scored a mean of 8.11 (B- minus) in the 2019 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, KCSE,…

    Bank loan borrowers to be given an extension to their repayment period: CBK Guidelines

    The Central Bank, CBK, of Kenya has come to the aid of millions of Kenyans servicing bank loans who may…

    New TSC re-advertisement for promotion posts of Principals, Heads, Deputies, Senior teachers, senior masters, secondary teachers

    Here are the full details on the December 2019 TSC re-advertised promotions’ posts; including requirements, number of posts, job description…