KHRC releases findings on Sexual abuse claims at the Martyrs of Uganda school in Machakos

The Kenya Human Rights Commission, KHRC, has confirmed claims of sexual exploitation of minors at the Martyrs of Uganda School.

The Catholic Church in Machakos runs a children’s home named ‘Martyrs of Uganda’ near Kinatwa, on the Machakos-Wote road. The home also has a primary school where local kids learn. Last month a cook allegedly sodomized 9 boys at the Martyrs of Uganda primary school in Kimutwa, Machakos County. The incident came to light after a medical examination on a class 6 pupil revealed that the boy had been sexually molested.

Parents in Machakos live in fear for their children because a paedophile who preyed on orphans at the Martyrs of Uganda School, a children’s home, is now preying on children while on their way to school. One such incident happened this week; a month after another incident was reported.

Here is the presser by KHRC on its findings on the sexual exploitation claims at the Martyrs of Uganda School in Machakos:


“In late February 2019, KHRC traveled to Machakos County after receiving reports of multiple counts of child sex abuse at Martyrs of Uganda School in the county.

KHRC interviewed one victim of sexual abuse and one parent of a victim of sexual abuse. KHRC also made inquiries with the Machakos County Department of Children’s Services (DCS), the investigating officer in the case, and the leadership of Machakos Police Station.
These interviews have led KHRC to believe that allegations of sexual abuse took place at the Martyrs of Uganda School. This abuse implicates a staff member of the school who is still at large. Additionally,
KHRC believes that sexual violence at the Martyrs of Uganda School and Children’s Home is widespread and systematized and that the institution’s administrators have taken few steps, if any, to prevent sexual abuse against minors.

The Machakos County DCS and the police must initiate investigations into the extent and systematization of sexual abuse against minors in the institution and whether the administration of the school was aware of the violence meted out on children under its care.

The Cathiolic Diocese of Machakos must also take steps to eradicate systematized sexual violence against children and all violence against children in general, within its own institutions.

Lastly, KHRC believes that the efforts being taken by local law enforcement at the Machakos Police station so far fall short of acceptable standards of police investigations of heinous and systematized sexual crimes, especially crimes against children which should be treated with particular urgency. We are deeply worried by further reports that the alleged perpetrator in this case attacked and sexually assaulted a young pupil on his way to school. This is unacceptable and a testament to the slow pace of police investigations in this case.

The Machakos Police Station have so far taken few active steps aimed at investigating the crime or arresting the perpetrator and have only recently obtained the perpetrator’s contact details, spoke to people known to the perpetrator, and obtained a photograph of the perpetrator.

The police must dedicate all the resources available to ensure the arrest, investigation and prosecution of the perpetrator.

We applaud the Machakos County DCS for taking immediate action to close the children’s home and relocate the children housed there. We urge their continued pursuit of justice and care, including medical and psychological care, in this case.”


KHRC is an independent non profit organization with a mandate of enhancing human nights centered governance at all levels.


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