Online Curator jobs at KICD
Computer/ ICT job vacancies.

The Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development, KICD, is advertising short term vacancies for online Curation of the Competency Based Curriculum, CBC.


  1. Applicant must be registered with the Teachers Service Commission, TSC.
  2. Should be teaching in Primary school.
  3. Must be having Information Communication Technology, ICT, skills.
  4. Those interested will be taken through an online proficiency test.


  • Interested candidates should send a one page Curriculum Vitae, CV, detailing: The applicant’s name, TSC Number, School, Address, Mobile Number, E-mail, Sub- County, County, the 2 teaching subjects and ICT Competence.
  • Send the CV to the E-mail address [email protected] by Thursday, 17th January, 2019.

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