The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, is currently recruiting teachers during the 2019 August/ September recruitment. According to the Commission, the newly recruited teachers are expected at schools by Monday 28th October, 2019.
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New! Latest TSC replacement vacancies. Click here, now, for details
Here is the recruitment schedule as released by TSC;
Activity Time Line Duration Advertising of vacant posts on the TSC website Thursday 15th August, 2019 Collection of employment documents by County Directors Friday 23rd August, 2019 Receiving applications by BOM and County Directors Friday 16th August , 2019 to Friday 30th August, 2019 10 days County Selection Process Monday 2nd September, 2019 to Friday 13th September, 2019 10 days Vetting and handling complaints at County Level Monday 16th September, 2019 to Friday 20th September, 2019 5 days Receiving documents at Head Quarters Monday 23rd September, 2019 1 day Verification of results at the Headquarters Tuesday 24th September, 2019 to Monday 21st October, 2019 20 days Reporting of teachers to Schools Monday 28th October, 2019
Interview dates per County Nairobi County Interviews Date: 10th September, 2019
Sub county School Subject Time Venue Officer Incharge Dagoretti Precious Blood Maths/ Phyc 8am Precious Blood U.S Muniafu Dagoretti Lenana Bio/ Chem 10.30am Precious Blood Regero Dagoretti Beth Mugo Agri/ Bio 10.30am Precious Blood Lilian Mwangi Dagoretti Mutuini Computer 8am Precious Blood U.S muniafu Langata Langata Barracks Math/Phyc 8am Langata High Faith Kibra Shadrack Kimalel Agric/ Bio 10.30am Langata High Olympia Kibra Raila Education Centre Chem/ Bio 10.30am Langata High Olympia Westlands Kabete Vet Lab Math/ Phyc 8am State House Girls Irene Mwende Westlands Lavington Chem/ Maths 8am State House Girls Joyce Karimi Westlands North HighRidge Agri/ Bio 10.30am State House Girls yegon Westlands Farasi Lane Maths/ Comp 8am State House Girls Lilian Westlands Nairobi Milimani Maths/ Chem 8am State House Girls Regero Njiru Jehovah Jireh Bio/ Chem 10.30am Ruai Girls Veronica Njiru Ruai Girls Phyc/ Chem 2pm Ruai Girls Kangwana Njiru Mihango Sec Maths/ Phyc 8am Ruai Girls Gachoya Njiru Dandora Sec Computer 8am Ruai Girls Lilian Mwangi Njiru Dandora Sec Maths/ Geog 10.30am Ruai Girls Gachoya Njiru St. Georges Athi Geog/ Bio 10.30am Ruai Girls Kangwana Njiru Ruai Boys Maths/ Chem 8am Ruai Girls Veronica Embakasi Peter Kibkosia Maths/ Phyc 8am Peter Kibkosia Alice Karonjo Embakasi Peter Kibkosia Home Science 2pm peter Kibkosia Carol Munyi Embakasi Mwangaza Sec Maths/ Bio 10.30am Peter Kibkosia Alice Karonjo Embakasi Kayole South Comp/ Maths 8am Peter Kibkosia Jackline Embakasi Embakasi Girls Eng/ Lit 10.30am Peter Kibkosia Kangwana Embakasi Utawala Sec Maths/ Bus 10.30am Peter Kibkosia Jackline Embakasi Komarock Agric/ Bio 10.30am Peter Kibkosia Amana Starehe Jamhuri High Comp/ Bus 10.30am Ruaraka Sec Milton Oyugi Starehe CGHU Bio/ Chem 10.30am Ruaraka Sec Anisa Sood Kasarani Huruma Sec Maths/ Phyc 8am Ruaraka Sec Anisa Sood Kasarani Kamiti Sec Chem/ Maths 8am Ruaraka Sec Grace Owinga Kasarani Garden Estate Computer 8am Ruaraka Sec Valentine Muchina Kasarani Baba Ndogo Phyc/ Chem 2pm Ruaraka Sec Valentine Muchina Kasarani Our Lady of Fatima Maths/ Bus 10.30am Ruaraka Sec Grace Owinga Kasarani Ruaraka Maths/ Comp 8am Ruaraka Sec Jane Maina Mathare Ndururuno Maths/ Chem 8am Ruaraka Sec Milton Oyugi Makadara Star of Hope Comp 8am Buruburu Girls Fanise Makadara Makongeni Eng/ Lit 10.30am Buruburu Girls Jane Muturi Makadara Buruburu Comp/ Maths 8am Buruburu Girls Jane Muturi Makadara Highway Bio/Chem 10.30am Buruburu Girls Kilonzo Makadara St. Patrick Geog/ Bus 10.30am Buruburu Girls Valerie Makadara Nile Road Bus/ Geog 10.30am Bruburu Girls Margaret Odero Kamukunji Zawadi Mixed Bio/ Chem 10.30am Buruburu Girls Fanace Kamukunji Maina Wanjigi Phyc/ Maths 8am Buruburu Girls Kilonzo Kamukunji kamukunji Sec Maths/ Chem 8am Buruburu Girls Valerie
Bomet County Date Sub County Venue 13th September, 2019 Bomet Central Tenwek High School 9th September, 2019 Bomet East Longisa AGC 10th September, 2019 Chepalungu Moi Siongiroi Girls 12th September, 2019 Konoin Saseta Girls 11th September, 2019 Sotik Sotik Pastoral Centre
Siaya County Date Subcounty Venue 2nd September, 2019 Bondo Maranda High School 3rd September, 2019 Rarieda Lwak Girls High School 4th September, 2019 Siaya Boro Secondary and Bishop Okoth Mbaga Girls High 5th September, 2019 Gem St. Mary’s Yala School 6th September, 2019 Ugunja Ambira Boys High School 6th September, 2019 Ugenya Sega Township Secondary School
Homa Bay County Date Sub county Venue 4th September, 2019 Ndhiwa ojode Pala Secondary 5th September, 2019 Homa Bay Ogande Girls 6th September, 2019 Rachuonyo North Gendia High 9th September, 2019 Rachuonyo East Ringa Boys Secondary 11th September, 2019 Rachuonyo South Agoro Sare Mixed 12th September, 2019 Rangwe Orero Boys 12th September, 2019 Mbita Mbita High 13th September, 2019 Suba Sindo Girls
Kisii County Date Sub-county Venue Monday 2nd September, 2019 Kisii Central and Masaba South Kisii School Tuesday 3rd September, 2019 Nyamache, Sameta and Gucha Nyamache Boys Wednesday 4th September, 2019 Gucha South and Kenyenya Tendere Boys Thursday 5th September, 2019 Marani and Kisii South Itierio Boys
Nyamira County Date Sub-county Venue 5th September, 2019 Borabu and Masaba North Don Bosco 6th September, 2019 Manga St. Mary’s Ekerubo 9th September, 2019 Nyamira North Subcounty Director’s office (Ekerenyo) 10th September, 2019 Nyamira South County Director’s office (Nyamira) 11th September, 2019 Preparation of Merit list at Subcounty 12th September, 2019 Generation of merit list at County level
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