a) Training Schedule for Content Supervisors and Enumerators
- Training for Content Supervisors will be starting at 8.00am to 5.00pm every day as from 5th to 11th August, 2019 (a period of 7 days);
- All participants (trainees and trainers) are expected to report in time and be present for all the training days,
- After the training of Content Supervisors, the team will travel to various training centers for the Enumerators on 12th August, 2019 (mostly schools at divisional levels);
- Training venues for the Enumerators will be shared at the end of the training of Content Supervisors,
- Training of enumerators will start at 8.00am on 14th August, 2019 for a period of 7 days;
- All the Trainers/Coordinators, ICT Supervisors and Content supervisor’s will be expected to visit the training venues on 13th August, 2019 to ensure they are well set for the training of Enumerators;
- All the teams will travel on 21 August, 2019 to the various Enumeration Areas in readiness for pre-enumeration listing of Households, which is expected to be done on 22nd and 23rd August, 2019;
- During the ongoing training, all the Content Supervisors will be expected to comprehend each and every part of the training in readiness to train the next cadre of census personnel;
- After successful completion of the ongoing training, you will be engaged to train Enumerators and later Supervise data collection in the areas you will be assigned
a) Accommodation - As communicated to you earlier, the training of Content Supervisors and
Enumerators will be NON-RESIDENTIAL in all the Counties except for ASAL Counties/regions where enumerators will be on full board; - ICT and Content Supervisors will be expected to make arrangements for their own accommodation during the next set of trainings
- During training of Content Supervisors and training of Enumerators the Content Supervisors will be entitled to Ksh 2,500 (less statutory deductions) for 16 days (8 days training content supervisors and 8 days training of enumerators) which will be paid later after successful completion of census enumeration;
- An advance payment of 5 days (Ksh. 15,000 for ICT Supervisors and Ksh. 12,500 for Content Supervisors) will be made in the course of the training to facilitate you during the trainings and data collection.
It will be the responsibility of the Content Supervisors to ensure that all the Enumerators under them are issued with all the required mobile devices and at the end of the exercise the Content Supervisors will be expected to collect all the mobile devices and surrender them to their respective ICT supervisors who will in turn be expected to surrender the same to the CSO.
- Other Materials:
• Writing materials (notebooks and pens) will be issued by the training facility:
The enumerators manuals are available and will be dispatched to
various enumerators training centres and the ICT and Content Supervisors will be expected to ensure all the enumerators are issued with them in time;
The remaining materials for use during enumeration that include ID badges, Bags, Reflector Jackets, Felt Pens, Chalk, Call back cards, travelers’ cards, Structure numbering cards (for ASAL) will be issued towards the end of Enumerators Training.
e) Personnel Details:
- All participants in the training MUST sign attendance registers on a daily basis morning and afternoon) and all the documents should be handed over to CSO/CSO Representative at end of trainings. A standard format has been availed
- The CSO/Sub County CSO Representative will provide secretariat staff to assist in logistics of registration and maintaining of records during trainings.
- All personnel will be issued with Biodata forns, which must be filled within the first two days of training. All necessary attachments will be required.
- All trainees who successfully complete the trainings shall be expected to take oath of secrecy and sign the contracts before deployment
- All details including: name, ID Number, Tel No etc. must be captured in a standard template and verified by all trainees before end of training.
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