The Kenya Bureau of Statistics, KNBS, has completed the process of shortlisting for Enumerators countrywide. Shortlisted applicants have since received communication via the Short Service Message, SMS, service and are expected to attend interviews on Friday 12th July, 2019.
Read also; List of successful/ recruited ICT Supervisors
Here is a sample SMS inviting a shortlisted candidate to the interviews for Enumerators;
‘Following your application for the post of Enumerator you have been invited for Interviews on Friday 12/07/2019 at (interview place) at (Interview time). Carry with you original certificates, testimonials, ID, clipboard and a pen for written interview. Observe time. Please confirm receipt through (Correspondence).’
KNBS is seeking to recruit close to 164,000 personnel on short term basis. 135,000 enumerators will be recruited on a temporarily basis, 27,000 will be content supervisors and 2,700 will be Information Technology, IT, Supervisors. Also to be hired are village elders, security personnel and coordinators to assist in making the exercise flawless.
Read a sample of Census interview questions, below;

Click on the link below to read through a guide on possible written interview questions and answers: