2019 Census jobs in Kenya.

The Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, KNBS, has concluded the recruitment process for ICT Supervisors countrywide. A total of 2,700 ICT Supervisors have been recruited countrywide after a rigorous recruitment exercise.

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The recruited officers will work for a Fixed term contract for a period of 30 days with Gross Remuneration: Ksh.3, 000 per day; Totalling to Kshs.90, 000 (Taxable). The officers will perform the following responsibilities:
i. Training Content Supervisors and ensuring that Enumerators are adequately trained;
ii. Working with the Content Supervisors to ensure that the census enumeration starts at the agreed time in the assigned supervision
iii. Carrying extra census equipment/materials to be given to the Content Supervisors in case of emergencies;
iv. Providing technical support on ICT issues to Content Supervisors and Enumerators in their area of supervision;

Here are the lists of recruited ICT Supervisors:

In Kisumu County a total of 43 ICT Supervisors have been recruited;

List of recruited ICT Supervisors in Kisumu County.