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2019 Census jobs- How to apply for the Census jobs; Sample application letter and required supportive documents

Photo- Census Management Structure. (Source; KNBS)

The Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, KNBS, has advertised positions for the 2019 Census exercise. Of the advertised posts, 2,700 are for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Supervisors, 27,000 posts for Content Supervisors while, 135,000 vacancies will be filled by Enumerators. Interested candidates should submit their applications by 24th June, 2019.
Those interested in ICT Supervisors jobs are expected to submit their credentials to the respective County Statistics Offices. On the other hand, Content Supervisors and Enumerators should submit their applications to Chiefs and Assistant Chiefs; respectively.  The application process is purely manual.

Hot news; KNBS physical and Postal addresses for all the county offices countrywide; Address and drop your applications to respective county statistics officers

Applicants are expected to do a letter detailing their bio data and the job applied for. Here is a sample of the application letter;

P.O Box………………………..

The County Statistics Officer,……. County
P.O Box…………………………………………………….

Dear Sir/ Madam,

RE: APPLICATION FOR THE… (Job Title as per the advert)… CENSUS JOB

Following your recent advertisement in….(State where and when you saw the advert; preferably on print media), I hereby kindly tender in my application to be considered for the …(Job title and Reference Number; as per the advert) vacancy.

Am a…… years old Kenyan Citizen of ID No……., from………. County,……..Sub- County,………..Division,……….. Location,………. Sub-location,…….. and ……. Village/ Estate of Residence. I hold …..(Certificate/ Diploma/ Degree) in……(Area of Specialization).

My strengths and experience in Information and Communication Technology will go a long way in assisting the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, KNBS, to achieve its targets in this year’s Population and Housing Census. I will be available for the entire period for assignment of duties and would be glad if offered this job.

Please, kindly get an attachment of my credentials.

Thanks in advance.

Yours Faithfully,

_____________ (Sign)__________
Name________________________ and Phone Number_____________

Please not that this is just a sample and not, necessarily, the mandatory application letter.

Accompanying your application letter should be:

1). A clear photocopy of your National Identity card, ID (Both sides),
2). Copies of your academic certificates; Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE), Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE), Certificate Course, Diploma Certificate and/ or Degree Certificate as deemed appropriate for the respective vacancy.
3). Any other relevant supportive document like a Computer/ ICT Certificate

Good luck!

Read also. Latest Hot Census News;

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