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2019 Census exercise; Guidelines for formation, Composition and Roles of County and Sub- county Census Committees

2019 Census jobs in Kenya.

The Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, KNBS, has provided provided guidelines on the formation and composition of the County Census Committees. The County Committees, which should be in place by now, are to be constituted and chaired by the County Commissioner. According to the timelines provided by the Statistics agency, County Census Committees (CCS) should have been in place by 8th June, 2019.
See More Details Here:
. Census jobs for over 164000 Kenyans- knbs states date when and where adverts will be available; plus full Census timelines
. Official- knbs releases job application dates and recruitment centers for the 2019 Census data collection Clerks and other officers

According to the guidelines released by KNBS, County Census Committees shall be constituted by the County Commissioner, in consultation with the County Statistics Officer, which shall consist of not less than twelve and not more than fifteen persons who shall include:

  1. County Commissioner, who shall be the Chairperson;
  2. County Statistics Officer, who shall be the Secretary;
  3. County Social and Gender Development Officer;
  4. County Supply Chain Management Officer;
  5. County Police Commander;
  6. County Intelligence Coordinator;
  7. County Information Officer;
  8. County Director of Education;
  9. County Population Coordinator;
  10. County Accountant;
  11. Deputy County Commissioner at the County Headquarters
  12. County Human Resource Officer;
  13. County Secretary;
  14. County Chief Officer, responsible for Finance and Economic Planning;
  15. A representative of the dominant religious organization in the county; and
  16. A representative of the special groups (e.g. Persons with Disabilities)

A National Coordinator from the Technical Working Committee (TWC) will also be in attendance in the CCC meetings whenever possible and will provide technical and logistical backstopping to the County Census Committees. The CCCs will be responsible for the overall coordination of census activities in the respective counties. During the inauguration of the CCCs, all Deputy County Commissioners will be invited and will be expected to constitute and Chair Sub-County Census Committees, which will be performing functions of the CCC at Sub-County level as detailed in the guidelines provided.

Photo- Census Management Structure. (Source; KNBS)

Functions of the CCCs shall be:

a) General administration, coordination and execution of census activities at the county level in consultation with the National Census Coordinator (NCC) who is the Director General of KNBS;
b) Undertaking census publicity and advocacy activities within the county;
c) Making security arrangements in the county;
d) Ensuring the safety of all census personnel, materials and instruments under their control;
e) Ensuring that the relevant census materials and equipment are returned and safely stored at the county HQs; and
f) Oversee/guide/facilitate the operations of the Sub-County Census

Key responsibilities of the CCCs will cover areas such as:
i. Logistical coordination;
ii. Recruitment and training of census personnel;
iii. Identifying venues for training;
iv. Financial management;
v. Publicity and advocacy; and
vi. Risk Management

Specific roles of the CCCs will be to:
1) Facilitate the recruitment of ICT and Content Supervisors and Enumerators as provided in the Personnel recruitment guidelines;
2) Identifying training venues for training of enumerators and supervisors in accordance with the Public Procurement and Assets Disposal Act, 2015;
3) Manage and coordinate training of Content Supervisors and Enumerators in the respective counties;
4) Provide adequate transport during recruitment, training and enumeration processes for the census;
5) Provide adequate security for all census personnel and materials;
6) Use the developed checklists and control forms during recruitment, and
also to distribute materials and equipment to census personnel;
7) Develop a schedule showing the timing of the movement of census
materials from and back to the County Headquarters;
8) Prepare and implement an action plan for receiving, packaging and
transportation of census training and enumeration materials from the
county headquarters to the field and back to the county headquarters and
to the KNBS headquarters;
9) Ensure that effective publicity and advocacy is done; and
10) Identify risks associated with the Census and their mitigation measures.


In order for the CCC to manage recruitment and other census related
responsibilities at the Sub-County level, Sub-County Census Committees (SCCCs) shall be constituted with membership as follows:

  1. Deputy County Commissioner – chairperson
  2. CSO’s Representative( Secretary)
  3. A representative from County Census Committee (CCC)
  4. All Assistant County Commissioners (ACCs)
  5. Human Resource Officer (National Government)
  6. Sub-County Planning Officer
  7. Sub-County Education Officer
  8. KNBS Coordinator (Ex-Officio)
    The roles of the SCCCs will be to:
  9. Manage the recruitment of Content Supervisors and Enumerators;
  10. Oversee distribution of census materials;
  11. Coordinate activities during the enumeration period such as security and logistics.

The SCCCs may co-opt officials of residents’ associations to assist in matters of advocacy in the regions where their existence is recognized. Sub-County Administrators should be included as members of the SCCCs in the place of
planning officers.

The 2019 Kenya Population and Housing Census will be the 8th in Kenya’s history! Other censuses were conducted in 1948, 1962, 1969, 1979, 1989, 1999 and 2009. A total of about 164,000 Kenyans will be contracted to carry out the 2019 Kenya Population and Housing Census exercise countrywide.

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