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TSC Vacancy- Facilitators/ Trainers; Requirements and terms of service

Available Job vacancies in Kenya.
Job vacancies in Kenya.

APRIL 2019 NAIROBI The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, is inviting applications for trainers/ facilitators of teachers at secondary level for mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and English; and at primary level for Mathematics, Science and English.


The Teacher Service Commission (TSC) is implementing part the component 1 of the Secondary Education Quality Improvement Project (SEQIP) on ‘improving the quality of teaching in targeted areas”. The project development objective (PDO) is to improve student learning in secondary education and transition from primary to secondary in targeted areas. The PDO will be measured through the following performance indicators both in aggregate and separately for boys and girls: (i) average test scores in Science and Mathematics subjects at form 2 in public schools in targeted sub-counties. These terms of reference refer to subcomponent 1.2 on enhancing teacher professional development.


The trainers/facilitators will be required to train teachers and support them in the implementation of school-based teacher support system (SBTSS). The service provider shall be responsible to the Project Coordination Units at the National and County levels to perform the following duties and responsibilities:

1. train teachers through a smart cascade system
2. take care of training materials provided to the centre for Teacher Professional Development during the training
3. conduct review meetings
4. observe lessons in targeted schools at least once per term for those not serving as teachers
5. provide pedagogical support and supervision to teachers on SBTSS for those not serving as teachers 6. record and upload data on school lesson observation and support to teachers at least once a month for those not serving as teachers
7. write training reports on SBTSS Intervention.

In carrying the duties, the trainer/facilitator shall be expected to constantly consult with the project coordinating units on effective implementation of SBTSS activities The proposed activities are as follows:
1. Attend preparatory training
2. Prepare training materials
3. Train teachers
4. Support peer learning
5. Mentor and coach teachers at school level
6. Write and submit training reports
7. Attend meetings
8. Observe lessons
9. Upload data to the website

The training under SEQIP will help address the following challenges:
1. Low teacher mastery of subject content and pedagogical content knowledge
2. Low learning outcomes.

The goals of the training will be to:
1. increase teacher mastery of subject content and pedagogical content knowledge
2. improve learning outcomes NB: The trainer/facilitator will be expected to be available on full time basis during the training.
Duration of service: The above defined service will be undertaken for twelve months from the date of signing the contract

The interested applicant is to submit the following documents in English language:
1. Application for the requested service (max 2 pages)
2. Current curriculum Vitae including List of relevant trainings conducted and references

The documents should be sent by mail or through email, to reach the undersigned not later than 30th April, 2019: Teachers Service Commission Private Bag Nairobi-00100 Email: info@tsc.go.ke

1. Name of client is Teachers Service Commission
2. The appointment shall commence on the date of signing the contract
3. The appointment is a one year renewable contract However; circumstances may dictate earlier termination.
4. The title of the appointment is trainer/facilitator
5. The service will be provided at INSET centres in targeted counties
6. The service will be provided during stipulated times in the year
7. The working hours are 8 hours per day starting 8.00 am to 5.00 p.m
8. The TSC will pay a training/facilitation allowance for number of days the service is provided.
9. There are no collective agreements which directly affect the terms of service

Selection of trainers/facilitators at all levels shall be done competitively to achieve competent officers to conduct training.
Key competencies to consider entail; knowledge in pedagogy, subject matter and emerging issues relevant to classroom practices, competence in developing training programmes and adapting modules to local needs. Selection of trainers/facilitators will be done by an appropriate selection panel constituted by TSC.


Primary Level
To qualify as a primary level Trainers/facilitator, one must satisfy the following basic requirements:
a) Minimum qualification of a P1 certificate in Primary Teacher Education from a recognized institution.
b) Exemplary professional competence as a teacher demonstrated by learners’ performance.
c) Served as a teacher for at least five (5) years in either a primary school or Primary Teacher Training College
d) Demonstrated proficiency in computer use and applications.
e) Must not be a serving head or deputy head teacher.

NB: Retired teachers who demonstrate the above requirements and are not above 65 years of age are encouraged to apply.

Added advantage
a. Bachelor’s degree in education
b. Attended previous SMASE courses
c. Active member in subject association activities
d. Involvement in pupils’ science fairs
e. Holder of Trainer of Trainers certificate
f. Resourcefulness in terms of publication of academic papers, books and periodicals in a relevant subject area
g. Kenya National Examination Council examiner.

Secondary Level
To qualify to be recruited as a trainer/facilitator at Secondary school level, one must satisfy the following basic requirements:
a) Minimum qualification of a Diploma in Education from a recognized institution
b) Exemplary professional teacher competence demonstrated by subject performance
c) Served as a teacher for at least five (5) years
d) Demonstrated proficiency in computer use and applications.
e) Must not be a serving school principal or deputy principal

NB: Retired teachers who demonstrate the above requirements and are not above 65 years of age are encouraged to apply

Added advantage:
a) Degree in education
b) Attended previous SMASE courses
c) Active member in subject association activities.
d) Involvement in students’ ICT, engineering and science fairs.
e) Holder of Trainer of Trainers certificate.
f) Resourceful in terms of publication of books & periodicals in relevant subject areas.
g) Kenya National Examination Council examiner.

The performance of the successful trainer/facilitator will be measured against the following standards.
1. Increased teacher mastery of subject content and pedagogical content knowledge
2. Improved average student test scores in science, mathematics and English subjects at form 2 in public schools in targeted sub-counties
3. Improved average pupil test scores in science, mathematics and English subjects at class in public schools in targeted sub-counties
4. Increased percentage of teachers involved in virtual peer to peer learning
5. Conduct at least 5 visits to target secondary schools
6. Conduct at least 17 visits to target primary schools

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