The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, will this January 2023 begin training teachers who will teach junior secondary school (JSS). Both primary and secondary school teachers will be trained.

Teachers with degrees, diplomas, and TPD certifications who are qualified to teach in junior secondary have already been subjected to an audit by TSC.

The TSC will work with the Ministry of Education and the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) on how to educate grade 7 teachers, according to Hussein Mohammed, the State House Spokesperson.

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Junior Secondary is part of middle school. Junior Secondary comprises of Grade 7, 8, 9. There are core and optional subjects in Grade 7, 8, and 9. Read more

The Ministry of Education, Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development, and the Teachers Service Commission will work on modalities of fast-tracking retooling teachers to ensure the country has sufficient numbers who are compliant with CBC. Priority will be given to those teachers who will be handling Grade Seven learners,” said the State House spokesperson Hussein Mohammed.

The training will be aimed at all teachers in grades 7, 8, and 9 from both public (regular and SNE) and private schools.

The Commission intends to train teachers in the areas of languages, pure sciences, applied sciences, mathematics, humanities, and technology.

These subjects and areas offered in the junior secondary school part will be included in the training of Grade 7 teachers.