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TSC promotion list for Curriculum Support Officers 2021

The latest news on TSC promotions.
TSC latest news on promotions.

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has released the list of promoted teachers. The good news is that a total of 209 teachers have been promoted to position of Curriculum Support Officers at T-Scale 10 (C5). These teachers have a reason smile as they will now earn an increased monthly salary with effect from March, 2021.

The Commission has also revealed the criteria used in promoting the over 16,000 teachers in 2021. According to the Commission’s revelation, a number of factors were considered in coming up with the final list of promoted teachers.

TSC says factors like regional balance, gender equity and affirmative action for ASAL (Arid and Semi Arid Lands) counties among others were considered. The Commission further adds that the promotions were equitably distributed across the regions

TSC reaffirms that the Promotion is guided by career progression guidelines under the current Collective Bargaining Agreement, CBA.

“All vacant positions are advertised and filled competitively. All teachers are given equal opportunities through interviews sessions.” TSC says.

The above considerations were applied in addition to the minimum qualifications for teachers to be promoted to the next grade.

A total of 16,152 teachers were promoted after the recent interviews.

You can now check here for all the lists of promoted teachers per County and grade.

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TSC Promotions 2021


County Venue Number of candidates Number of Interview panels
Kiambu Kiambu 1717 6
Kisii Kisii 1673 5
Kakamega Kakamega 1488 5
Isiolo Meru 1407 5
Nakuru Nakuru 1395 5
Murang’a Murang’a 1363 5
Machakos Machakos 1362 5
Bungoma Bungoma 1346 4
Kitui Kitui 1233 4
Wajir Nairobi 1168 4
Makueni Makueni 1146 4
Kisumu Kisumu 1142 4
Hamabay Hamabay 1009 3

The filled vacancies

The promoted teachers will fill the 1,341 vacancies for Deputy Principal I and another 1,096 vacancies for Deputy Principals II. Similarly 6,680 teachers have been promoted from grade C3 (Formerly L) to grade C4 (Senior Master IV); which is the entry grade to the administrative positions in Post Primary Learning Institutions.

S/No. Position Advert No. Scale
1 Deputy Principal I 5/2020 13 (D3)
2 Deputy Principal Ii 6/2020 12 (D2)
3 Senior Lecturer I 7/2020 12 (D2)
4 Deputy Principal III 8/2020 11 (D1)
5 Curriculum Support Officers 9/2020 10 (C5)
6 Head Teachers 10/2020 10 (C5)
7 Senior Master IV 11/2020 9 (C4)
8 Deputy Head Teacher II 12/2020 9 (C4)
9 Senior Lecturer IV 13/2020 9 (C4)
10 Senior Master IV 14/2020 9 (C4)
Adverts Nos. 14/2019 to 35/2019
  • Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher II serving under
  • Career Progression Guidelines for teachers (Re-advertisement)
  • Secondary Teacher I (C3/T-Scale 8) for teachers serving under Career Progression Guidelines.
  • Positions for Secondary Teacher 1 & 11, Senior Master, Deputy Principal, Primary Teacher 1, Senior Teacher, Deputy Headteacher and Headteachers for teachers serving under career progressions in Asal areas.

Number of teachers promoted per job group.

S/No. Position Advert No. Scale No of teachers promoted
1 Deputy Principal I May-20 13 (D3)


2 Deputy Principal IIS Jun-20 12 (D2)


3 Senior Lecturer I Jul-20 12 (D2)


4 Deputy Principal III Aug-20 11 (D1)


5 Curriculum Support Officers Sep-20 10 (C5) 209 
6 Head Teachers Oct-20 10 (C5)


7 Senior Master IV Nov-20 9 (C4)


8 Deputy Head Teacher II Dec-20 9 (C4)


9 Senior Lecturer IV 13/2020 9 (C4)


10 Senior Master IV 14/2020 9 (C4)


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