TSC Teacher Interns Vacancies application online at hrmis.tsc.go.ke
List of shortlisted 2019 TSC Teacher Interns; interview dates and venues; Narok

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has come out to give an explanation on the difficulties experienced in the application for the intern posts, online. Here is the Presser from the Commission;

On 8th October, 2019, the Teachers Service Commission advertised for 10,300 teacher internship posts for Primary and Secondary Schools. Applications for the positions is being done through an on line platform https://www.tsc.co.ke. To-date, over 97,736
applications have been received for Secondary Schools and 5,182 for Primary School vacancies.

The Commission has however received some concerns from applicants who have experienced difficulties in making the application. In view of this, the Commission wishes to respond as follows: –

I. The difficulties experienced by some applicants were as a result of too many applicants trying to access the system at the same time. This overloaded the system, making it difficult to make the application especially on the first day.
II. The Commission has increased the capacity of the system to allow more applicants to apply concurrently. This will ensure such challenges are not experienced in future.
III. To give room for all interested applicants to make their applications, the Commission has extended the deadline by one (1) day. Accordingly, the closing date for the applications has now been moved from Wednesday 23rdto Thursday 24th October 2019.
IV. Applicants can seek assistance through TSC Help Desk that can be reached on 0202892050/0202892052.

Important Information for Applicants

Interested applicants are encouraged to take advantage of the remaining seven (7) days to make their applications. Any inconvenience caused is highly regretted. The Commission remains committed to attain fairness and transparency in the recruitment exercise.

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