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TSC awarded by KRA for being the most supportive Tax Payer , this year- 2018

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The Tax payers Day has become a permanent feature on KRA’s calendar with an aim to:
1.Appreciate & award compliant taxpayers for their contribution to national revenue.
2.Provide a platform for taxpayers and stakeholders feedback on tax policies and processes.

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, was awarded today by the Kenya Revenue Authority, KRA, for being the most supportive taxpayer under the Public Service Institution-PAYE (Pay As You Earn) category.

The 2018 Tax Payers’ Day was presided over by President Uhuru Kenyatta at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre, KICC, in Nairobi.

The giant mobile services provider, Safaricom, was awarded for being the most outstanding Large Taxpayer under the Total Taxes Paid category.


TSC- Kenya won the award for the most supportive taxpayer under the Public Service Institution-PAYE category.

Safaricom was awarded for being the most outstanding Large Taxpayer under the Total Taxes Paid category.

Kabarak University walked home with an award of the best medium taxpayer under the Total Taxes Paid category.
Minet- Kenya earned the award of the best small taxpayer under the Total Taxes Paid category.
NIC bank of Kenya was rewarded for being the best large taxpayer under the Corporation Tax Yield category.
Park Lane Plaza received the award for the best medium taxpayer under the Corporation Tax Yield category.
Milmar Investments Limited was awarfed for being the top small taxpayer under the Corporation Tax Yield category.
✅Shoe company, Bata kenya, scooped the award for the best large taxpayer under the Corporation Tax Growth category
Esteel Construction Limited won best medium taxpayer under the Corporation Tax Growth category.
Yare Centre Limited walked home with the award for the most outstanding small taxpayer under the Corporation Tax Growth category.
Menengai Oil emerged the best large taxpayer under the Top Dry Cargo Importers category
Crown Berger Kenya Limited was awarded for being the top medium taxpayer under the Top Dry Cargo Importers category.
✅The award for the best small taxpayer under the Top Dry Cargo Importers category was given to BaseTitanium.
✅The Top Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) Dry Cargo, under the large taxpayers category is Toyota Kenya Limited
Unilever was awarded for being the best medium taxpayer under The Top Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) Dry Cargo.
Dune Packaging Limited won an award for being the most outstanding small taxpayer under The Top Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) Dry Cargo.
Dalbit petroleum scooped an award for the Leading Oil Importer under the Large Taxpayers category.
Ramji Haibhai Devani Limited won the Leading Oil Importer under the Medium Taxpayers Category
✅The award for the Leading Oil Importer under the Small Taxpayers category went to Brain Field Oil and Gas Limited
Union Logistics Limited was awarded for being the Top Customs Agent.
Naivas- winner in the Most Supportive Taxpayer under the VAT Withholding Agent category.
Tuskys- winner of the award for the Most Supportive Taxpayer under the Rental Income Withholding Agent category.
Kenafric Industries awarded for being the Most Supportive Taxpayer under the Pre-Arrival Clearance Importer category.
Great Lakes Ports Limited- winner in the Most Supportive Taxpayer under the Marine Cargo Handler category.
Siginon Group- the Most Supportive Taxpayer under the Air Cargo Handler category.
Kisii University won an award for being the Most Active Tax Society in 2018

Earlier, the President officially launched the Regional Electronic Cargo Tracking System and The Integrated Scanner Command Centre. The Regional Electronic Cargo Tracking System, RECTS, is a web-based integrated system used to monitor transit cargo under Customs control in Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda.

President Uhuru Kenyatta stated that prompt payment of taxes has enabled the country to implement various development projects, including expansion of infrastructure, enhanced health services, free primary and secondary education, among others

The head of state emphasized on the need to pay a lot more attention to tax collectors and payers, stating that the Nation’s development and aspirations lie in their hands. He added that there cannot be a state without people, nor development without taxes. He further directed the KRA to clamp down on Kenyans with fat income, but who do not pay taxes

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