Home Latest Education News KNEC News Portal Top 10 Girls’ Schools in Kenya: Full details and analysis

Top 10 Girls’ Schools in Kenya: Full details and analysis

St Brigids Kiminini Girls High School KCSE results

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Most parents wish to take their daughters to Girls’ only schools as opposed to mixed schools. It is the desire of each parent and/ or guardian to provide his/ her child with the best quality education; more so at Secondary school level. This is because the grade garnered at the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, KCSE, exams determines the future (in most cases) of the learner. The KCSE grade determines placement of the student at a tertiary institution (University, College or Polytechnic). A good grade will definitely enable the child to pursue a good and marketable course; thus increasing chances of clinching employment after studies. It, at the same time, becomes difficulty for one to choose the best school for his/ her daughter. But, what are some of the parameters will one look at in order to make a selection? Here are some of the features to be observed:

  • Performance at National Exams (KCSE),
  • Infrastructure,
  • Students’ population,
  • Number of teaching staff available,
  • Security of learners, among others.

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Here is a list of top ten girls’ schools in Kenya:

The schools have not been arranged in order of merit, though;


Alliance Girls’ High School (AGHS) is one of the most prestigious  national girls’ boarding schools. The school is located near the small town of Kikuyu. Founded in 1948 as the African Girls High School, it is within walking distance from its brother school Alliance High School. You can get a link to download the school’s Admission letter and learners’ report forms at the near bottom of this page.


  • Postal Address: Alliance Girls High School, BOX 109; KIKUYU – 00902, Kenya.
  • PHONE : LANDLINE : 020-2012533, 020-2012533
  • FAX 020-2012511
  • MOBILE : 0726-145-877, 0726-145-877  / 0734-485-571, 0734-485-57
  • SECRETARIES : 0726-110594, 0726-110594  / 0735-888639, 0735-888639
  • email: info@alliancegirlshigh.sc.ke

Here are links to the most important news portals:

Alliance Girls’ High School Vission, Mission, and motto

Vission: To become a leading and most preferred National School in the provision of quality, experience and holistic education for girls in Kenya.

Motto: Walk in the light

Mission: To provide a conducive environment and to offer a quality, excellent and holistic education that motivates students to discover their talents and strive to reach their potential, thereby equipping them to fit well in society and contribute positvely to national building

Core values

Commitment – to the vision and mission of our school
Hard work – to duty
Sacrifice – for the good of the institution and gifted youth of Alliance in particular and Kenya in general.
Teamwork – towards a common goal called EXCELLENCE
Loyalty – to the school and the values it perpetuates
Trust in God – for all our needs and for all our success

For complete information on all schools in Kenya, including best private and public schools, please visit this link: Schools Portal; Complete guide to all schools in Kenya


Alliance High has posted good results over the years at the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, KCSE.

Alliance Girls Secondary School prides in its academic prowess. It maintains a top 10 position in the KCSE yearly. In 2011, the school emerged the 2nd National school, only after the Alliance High School, and 5th nationally.

All students go on to top Kenyan Universities as well as reputed international universities. The school supports applications to colleges in the United States, the United Kingdom, South Africa among others. Similarly, a couple of it’ students are annually selected to the African Leadership Academy; a highly selective leadership program through the entire continent.

Here are the school’s KCSE results since 1989;

2018 396 23 124 87 83 39 21 15 1 2 1 0 0 B+ 9.65
2017 394 16 119 101 64 42 30 13 7 1 0 1 0 B+ 9.52
2016 361 25 158 95 42 24 15 2 0 0 0 0 0 B+ 10.18
2015 333 25 126 88 47 27 15 4 1 0 0 0 0 B+ 10.03
2014 327 56 99 81 48 31 8 4 0 0 0 0 0 B+ 10.187
2013 250 44 88 43 39 26 7 2 1 0 0 0 0 B+ 10.204
2012 218 51 93 36 17 13 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 A- 10.569
2011 206 81 62 33 13 12 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 A- 10.825
2010 199 54 71 29 25 19 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 A- 10.568
2009 192 30 67 24 14 5 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 B+ 10.208
2008 177 15 58 46 31 10 9 4 0 0 0 0 0 B+ 9.965
2007 181 13 34 48 30 31 19 5 0 0 1 0 0 B 9.143
2006 182 22 44 38 36 22 14 5 1 0 0 0 0 B+ 9.676
2005 193 8 36 61 48 22 8 6 2 1 1 0 0 B 9.425
2004 188 21 53 45 30 21 8 9 0 0 1 0 0 B+ 9.777
2003 183 8 41 39 39 23 21 9 1 2 0 0 0 B+ 9.213
2002 180 19 48 44 25 25 11 4 3 1 0 0 0 B 8.617
2001 178 14 45 36 30 29 15 6 2 1 0 0 0 B 9.101
2000 180 5 33 42 42 26 16 10 5 1 0 0 0 B 9.056
1999 181 7 36 51 33 28 14 8 4 0 0 0 0 B- 8.271
1998 177 8 38 38 46 21 16 5 1 4 0 0 0 B+ 9.712
1997 178 6 42 55 36 19 11 7 1 0 1 0 0 B- 8.410
1996 179 7 21 39 45 28 29 8 1 0 1 0 0 B 9.235
1995 175 3 13 41 53 44 16 4 1 0 0 0 0 B+ 9.594
1994 171 7 29 38 37 36 16 8 0 0 0 0 0 B 9.088
1993 158 3 31 46 32 26 7 8 4 0 0 0 1 B- 8.298
1992 165 0 4 18 29 37 39 20 15 3 0 0 0 B- 8.309
1991 160 0 2 9 20 32 48 31 11 5 2 0 0 B- 7.881
1990 161 0 2 15 16 36 48 24 15 4 0 0 0 C+ 7.360
1989 107 0 6 12 26 25 29 1 4 1 0 0 2 B 9.299

Important Alliance school’s portals:


Established in 1964, Precious Blood Girls High, Riruta, is a  public girl boarding school, Kawangware location, Nairobi County. The Catholic nuns of the order of Precious Blood Sisters established the school in 1964. It is located in Kawangware area of Dagoretti constituency of Nairobi Region. iT IS a girls’ extra county boarding school situated in a poor suburb of Nairobi. The school has a student population of 975.


  • P.O.BOX 21283-00505,
  • KENYA.
  • TELEPHONE: +254-20-3546028
  • MOBILE: 0720238907
  • EMAIL: info@preciousbloodriruta.com
  • Staff email

School Website and Portal


This is the hallmark that has landed the school in the National limelight since the inception of the 8-4-4 curriculum. The education on offer is holistic education, which encompasses the parameters of spiritual, social, physical and intellect; this is evidenced in the exceptional results they have posted since over the years in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) exams. The school Kenya National Examinations Council, KNEC, code is 20405004. In 2018, the school posted a mean of A- (Minus); 79.604 points from a candidature of 135 students. In 2019, the school registered 174 candidates. Further to the release of the KCSE Examination results, all the students are treated to a special luncheon and dinner at an agreed date. The teaching and non teaching are also hosted to a luncheon at a prestigious city hotel, in addition they are also remunerated with a uniform package by the parents (it should be noted that all the teachers are rewarded with the same figure irrespective of the subject performance or whether one had a Form Four class or not). The non-teaching staff is also given a uniform figure, which is slightly less than that of the teachers. Here is part of the school’s KCSE performance; over the years:

Year 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997
KCSE MEAN 7.73 7.91 7.96 8.56 10.21 9.13 9.46 10.42 10.49
POSITION NATIONALLY 7 4 5 4 1 4 5 1 1
Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
KCSE MEAN 10.4 10.46 10.2 10.2 10.66 10.76 9.96 10.24 10.3 10.89 10.96
POSITION 1 1 3 3 1 1 6 4 4 3 XX


Here are links to the most important news portals:

Sister schools include:

  • Precious Blood Kilungu; A girls’ extra county boarding school situated in a rural part of South Eastern Kenya, 120km from Nairobi. The school has a student population of 658.
  • Bishop Gatimu Ngandu Girls; A girls’ national boarding school situated 135km North East of Nairobi in a rural area toward Mount Kenya. The school has a student population of 1165.
  • Starehe Girls Centre; A girls’ national boarding school situated a few miles north of Nairobi, on the way to Kiambu. The school has a student population of 598.
  • Maryhill Girls High School; A girls’ national boarding school situated 50km from Nairobi in Thika along Thika – Gatukuyu road. The school has a student population of 1,600.



On close study of the emblem, you will note the following significant parts:

  1. A central part
  2. 5 colours
  3. The Bible
  4. Science equipment
  5. Green and white stripes
  6. The central part represents the ‘coat of arms’ of the international Precious Blood Community without the surrounding wreath of the scripture text ‘Thou hast redeemed us by the Precious Blood’

The Precious Blood Sisters started the Precious Blood Secondary School – Riruta and wanted to transmit and share their spirituality with the students. We see the lamb holding a banner and blood is shed and poured out into a chalice. This symbolizes Christ, the Lamb of God, and God made man, who stands in readiness to do the will of his Father. He sheds His Precious Blood, the very last drop, and saves mankind, you and me, from sin and all evil, giving us new life, the fullness of life through His death and resurrection.

The banner is the sign of victory: through suffering and toil of joy, from death to life. The example of Jesus’ life should be our incentive to spend our life in the service of God and others with commitment, in a self-sacrificing spirit, love and zeal for the cause of God and others. This will bring about true and genuine self-fulfilment and will contribute to a better world. It will be a preparation for the life to come in eternal happiness and peace.

  1. The frame shows the school setting of the Precious Blood Secondary School

The five colours above, i.e. blue, red, white, yellow and green – indicate the five different houses in the school. Every student belongs to one of these houses.

            Blue                 –           Meru

            Red                  –           Kilimanjaro

            White               –           Kenya

            Yellow              –           Ruwenzori

            Green              –           Elgon

The houses are representative of five prominent mountains in the Eastern Africa region.

The Bible at the right corner, just below the five colours, symbolizes the importance of the word of God, which should guide the life of all members of the school and from which we should learn our life-values and life-principles. This we do through all our actions, studies, sports, play combined with prayer and all other commitments the school asks of them. It is hoped that our lives will then be according to the spirit of Christ.

The science equipment seen at the left side below the five colours stands for the efforts required to develop all the potentials of the students in all spheres – human, social, communal, religious and academic. The aim is to mould the whole personality into that individual God had in mind at creation. Therefore the motto ‘Forward ever, backward never’.

The two colours shown at the bottom of green and white signify the school uniform. White blouses and socks and green skirts and sweaters.


Maryhill Girls High School is a girls’ national boarding school situated in Thika along Thika – Gatukuyu road.

Maryhill Girls’ High School was founded in 1933 when some great missionary women (Sisters of Our Lady of Africa) answered the call of serving the children who were born of mixed races in East Africa. These children were discriminated upon on the African, European and Asian Schools. The school acquired its name from Mary Mother of Jesus and the hill on which it stands. Soon after independence, the school acquired a new phase where the first bright African girls were admitted and Maryhill became one of the most prestigious schools in the country. The school was later turned into a public school. In 1989 when the school presented the first candidates in 8-4-4 system of education.
Maryhill Girls High School is a girls’ national boarding school situated in Thika along Thika – Gatukuyu road. The school has a student population of 1616 students currently. It is an eight streamed school offering seventeen subjects in the 8-4-4- curriculum. The school also offers a variety of other co-curricular activities such as Drama, Music, variety of games like hockey, swimming, volleyball, tennis to name but a few.

Here are links to the most important news portals:

School’s Contacts

How to download the Maryhill Admission letter

To download the school’s admission letter click on this link; https://schoolswebportal.com/maryhill/school/index.php?admission_letter

Maryhill Girls’ Admission Criteria

The school admits students with 350 marks and above. For continuing students, they should have at least a B (plain) in the previous exams.

Maryhill Girls’ Mission Statement

To provide equal educational opportunities for the Kenyan girl child. To develop her full potential in a multicultural and competitive environment through discipline, moral and spiritual development and to foster skills in self-reliance, leadership and responsibility based on team work, efficiency, commitment and diligence.

Maryhill Girls’ Motto: Toil For Excellence

Maryhill Girls’ Vision: To make Maryhill Girls High School a centre of excellence.


Maryhill Girls’ KCSE Results Analysis

Touted as one of the best performing schools in Kenya, Maryhill Girls has maintained a good run in performance at the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, KCSE, exams; over the years. In 2018, for instance, the school recorded a performance index of 76.826;   A- (minus) out of a candidature of 185 students.  For 2019 exams the school had a candidature of 337 students. The table below shows past KCSE results for the school;


Exam Year No. of Students Mean Score Mean Grade A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- E
2017 324 8.7006 B 4 27 76 86 57 46 22 6 0 0 0 0
2016 295 9.4441 B 4 66 92 60 45 24 4 0 0 0 0 0
2015 302 9.0828 B 4 59 87 57 54 21 10 4 1 0 0 0
2014 266 9.8386 B+ 30 74 56 54 38 10 3 1 0 0 0 0
2013 185 10.6919 A- 50 67 44 14 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0
2012 150 10.3866 B+ 36 40 38 20 14 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
2011 123 10.2602 B+ 20 42 30 18 9 3 0 1 0 0 0 0
2010 140 9.6115 B+ 22 23 32 27 19 8 8 0 0 0 0 0
2009 131 9.2595 B 3 16 40 38 23 9 2 0 0 0 0 0
2008 138 9.4817 B 11 32 34 26 17 10 3 1 3 0 0 0
2007 118 9.1101 B 5 22 26 23 20 15 6 1 0 0 0 0
2006 133 9.3909 B 11 19 38 25 28 7 5 0 0 0 0 0
2005 138 8.5434 B 0 13 36 23 31 17 13 4 1 0 0 0
2004 137 8.2335 B- 1 11 18 24 44 19 16 3 0 1 0 0
2003 134 8.4702 B- 1 9 28 31 29 24 8 1 3 0 0 0
2002 129 8.3721 B- 3 13 26 23 22 18 15 8 0 0 1 0
2001 131 8.4122 B- 1 12 21 34 30 12 17 2 0 2 0 0
2000 136 7.8809 B- 1 3 6 37 36 30 16 4 1 0 0 0
1999 147 7.3741 C+ 1 0 8 21 46 31 24 10 6 0 0 0
1998 154 6.8637 C+ 0 0 6 20 24 41 32 22 9 0 0 0
1997 143 7.5173 B- 0 2 11 23 39 34 18 14 2 0 0 0
1996 133 7.0076 C+ 0 2 7 9 34 28 30 20 2 1 0 0
1995 90 6.6444 C+ 0 0 1 5 19 22 26 13 4 0 0 0
1994 130 6.8462 C+ 0 3 5 12 28 29 24 14 13 2 0 0
1993 124 7.0323 C+ 0 1 2 24 24 25 27 13 7 1 0 0
1992 135 6.1778 C 0 0 0 4 19 29 45 23 13 2 0 0
1991 84 5.6667 C 0 0 1 1 7 14 19 28 11 1 1 0
1990 80 5.9113 C 0 0 0 0 11 14 22 23 7 2 0 0


Maryhill Girls’ High school Photo Gallery;

Students, Teachers and Infrastructure at Maryhill Girls' High School.
Students, Teachers and Infrastructure at Maryhill Girls’ High School.



Kenya High School (KHS) is girls’ National secondary school located in Kileleshwa, Nairobi, Kenya. The Kenya High School had its beginnings in 1910 when a co-educational school called the Nairobi European School began in buildings designed for police Barracks. In 1931 the boys were separated from the girls. In 1935, the school was renamed The European Girls Secondary School and had its first Headmistress, Miss Kerby appointed. The buildings consisted partly of temporary wooden huts located on the compound of the present Nairobi Primary school, with whom the secondary school shared the present buildings. Staff housing was scattered in the vicinity of Protectorate Hill. In 1939, the school was renamed The Kenya High School.

In 1942, Miss Stott succeeded Miss Kerby. By this time, because of the existing overcrowding and lack of modern facilities, there was considerable demand for a new school. By 1944, the present site of about 100 acres on Kileleshwa Hill had been approved and sterling pound 150 had been voted in the 1945 budget as a token sum towards the laying out of the grounds. Eventually the total cost of building and laying out of the grounds reached sterling pounds 700,000.
The present school began to take shape and in 1950, 100 boarders moved into two boarding blocks of the partially completed new school. The site at that time looked very different from today. The trees and flowering shrubs, which do so much enhance and beautify the grounds, remained to be planted; the chapel, the library and the swimming pool were yet to be built.

The swimming pool was completed in December 1952, with the aid of a government loan. This loan was finally paid off at the end of 1967. The Chapel was dedicated in 1959 and the library opened in 1963. In 1963, Miss Stott retired and Miss Leeves took over.

Just prior to miss Stott’s retirement, the first African and Asian girls were admitted. The first African girl to be admitted in 1961 was Ann Mithamo During the four years of Miss Leevers’ headship, the inter-racial pattern of the school began to take shape. Before Miss Leevers left, she handed over to Miss Barnes. In 1967 plans had been made for the building of the Art Studio. Later in 1967, it was decided to extend the plan of the Art room to include a Music room and Music practice room. This block was completed early in 1969, when the Hon. D. T. Arap Moi officially opened on sports day. The school is still without an assembly which had to be omitted from an earlier building plan owing to lack of funds.

In 1974 the school was taken over by the government and it began to take more African pupils and teachers. The first African Headmistress was Mrs R. Kariuki. She took over from Miss Barnes in January 1977 and left in July of the same year after handing over the school to Mrs. M. W. Wanjohi on 22nd July 1977 to August 1999. After Mrs Wanjohi’s retirement in September 1999, Mrs Rosemary Saina took over from September 1999 to July 2015, She Handed over to the Deputy Mrs Lucy Mugendi who stayed upto December 31st 2015 who later handed over to Mrs Flora Mulatya who is the current Principal of the school.

There was school committee as early as 1932, whose members dedicated themselves to the well being of the school, in 1960, these duties were transferred to the board of governors. The school has had very able Heads of the board of governors e.g. Sir Phillip Mitchell (1960-1963), Mr J. G. Francis(1963-1965) and it is particularly indebted to Mr Charles Njonjo who served the school for 10 years (1966-1976), Mr Geoffrey  Kariithi (1977-1988), Dr. Eddah Gachukia (1984-1988) became the first lady chairperson of the board, Ms Margaret W. Kenyatta(1989-1996), Mrs Damaris Ayodo who served in the board from 1975 became chairperson (1996-1999), Mrs Rebecca Masese took over from 1999 to 2015 When Mr. Philip Njuki took over to date.

History cannot forget many dedicated people who played a very significant role in the running of the school such as Mr. Mortimer who donated the former main gate. There are several tables and chairs in the library donated by individual parents. In her will, Molly Nesbitt, left part of her money as bursary to the best French students annually.

Apart from these individuals, the government gave all the monies for the capital development. In the early 1980s cost sharing between the parents and the government was effected.The present Parents Teachers Association was started on 12th July, 1979. The idea was proposed by the Professor J.M. Mungai who became the first chairman. The following people acted as the care takers in the executive committee until the Annual General meeting was held. Professor Joseph M. Mungai, Ven. John Kago, Professor F. A. Mutere, Professor V. K. Gupta, Mrs M. Mpaayei, Mr. B.O.  Okudo, Mrs Grace Ogot, Mr. C. A. De Ameida, Mr Davidson Ngini and M. L. Handa, Deputy Registrar General.

The P.T.A. was registered with the Attorney General in October 1979 and Professor Joseph Mungai became the first P.T.A. chairman until 1985 when Mr Wasunna took over up to February 1995. Thereafter, the chairpersons of the P.T.A. were: Prof. K.  Wambari (1995-1997), Mr. P. E. Mwaisaka (1997-1998), Mr Lee Muthoga (1998-1999), Major (Rtd) C.N. Diffu (2007 -2009), Prof. J. Kaimenyi (2008 – 2009) ,Mr G. S. Mutungi (2009-2013), Dr. Bitange Ndemo (2013-2015) , Mrs. Gacicio( 2015-2016), Rev Robin Mulunda 2016-2017 the  P.A. chairman is Mr. Lilan  who took over in 2017 to date.

It is worthwhile noting that the school enrolment has gradually increased over time; in the late 30s the school had 35 students, in the 40s, 150 and this rose to 500 in the 50s.  This upward trend continued in the 60s with a total students’ body of 650. In the 70s the total population had risen to 700.The 80s and 90s had an enrollment of between 800 to 850.  Currently the school population stands at 1285 students.

KENYA HIGH SCHOOL MISSION:To provide holistic and quality education for service to God and Humanity.

KENYA HIGH SCHOOL VISION: A Center for educational excellence and training.


The Kenya High School Contacts

Pioneer Activities and Persons

  • First open air Theatre in kenya; oenone theatre – The kenya high school

  • First African girl to be admitted to the Kenya High School; Anne Mithamo (1961)

  • First African teacher at the Kenya High School; Miss Pamela Ogot (1st May 1965)

  • First African Principal; Mrs. Rose Kariuki (1/1/1977 -21/7/1977)

  • First Parents Teachers’ Association; PTA – The Kenya High School – Registered in 1979

  • First Lady Chairperson of the BOG; DR. Eddah Gachukia (1984 – 1988)


The school has maintained a steady performance at the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, KCSE, exams. In 2018 Kenya High registered 205 candidates who scored a mean grade of an (A-) with a performance index of 76.03. During the 2019 KCSE exams the school had a candidature of 315 students.


The Kenya High School; Life and times


St.Brigids Kiminini is a Girls National Boarding school located in Saboti constituency, Trans Nzoia County; Rift Valley Region. St Brigids is is a Public School that admits form ones via the Ministry of Education’s portal.


  • Location: KIMININI
  • County:  TRANS NZOIA
  • Region: Rift Valley
  • Postal Address: 591 KITALE
  • Telephone: 0700 621930
  • Email: stbrigidskiminini@yahoo.com
  • Messenger: @Kiminini
  • School KNEC Code: 23500003

For information  on all  schools in Kenya Visit the link below;


Thy Kingdom Come


To Be a School of Choice in Providing High-Quality Holistic Education To The Girl Child.


To Provide the Girl Child a Diverse Education in a Supportive and Competitive Environment That Promotes Self Discipline and Excellence in Learning so as to Fit well in the dynamic society.

Here are links to the most important news portals:


Upholding impressive display at the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, KCSE, Exams, St Brigids Kiminini garnered a mean grade of B+ (plus); with a performance index of 74.924 for the 173 candidates in 2018. In 2019 the school had a total candidature of 268 candidates.

Hot news; 


Life and Times at St Brigids Kiminini Girls High School



St Francis Rang’ala Girls is a public-owned girls secondary school located at south Ugenya in siaya county; Nyanza Region. It is a boarding Girls’ school.


At one time you may wish to get into contact with the school and the details below would therefore be important:

  • Physical Location: Ugunja location in Siaya County
  • Postal Address: P.O. Box Private Bag, Ugunja
  • Telephone Number: 057-34020
  • Messenger: @Rang’alagirls
  • School KNEC Code: 42738101

Hot news; 


For its category of school, Rang’ala has indeed surpassed expectations on matters performance at the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, KCSE, examinations; over time. In 2018 the school was among the top performers in the Country recording an impressive mean score of a B+ (plus); with a performance index of 74.633. The school had registered 254 candidates. In the 2019 KCSE exams Rang’ala Girls had a total candidature of 602.

Here are links to the most important news portals:


Life and Times at Rang’ala Girls



Moi Tea Girls is a boarding secondary school in Belgut Constituency, Kericho County; of the expansive Rift Valley Region. The school was started in 1996 by the Kenya Tea Growers Association. It is situated within the James Finlay tea Factory in Rift Valley Kenya. Its entrance branches just immediately after Hass station before the entrance of Kericho town; about 13 KM from Kericho town. Moi Tea Girls is a public owned secondary school. The school has gone from just an ordinary school to know a giant competing with other schools on the national scene in exams.


  • School Location: Belgut Constituency, Kericho County, Rift Valley Region.
  • Postal Address: P.O. Box 1222, Kericho 20200
  • Email: moiteag@gmail.com
  • Phone: 0727354851
  • School KNEC Code: 28512112

Here are links to the most important news portals:


The school has maintained a good performance at the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, KCSE. The school, in 2018, had a total candidature of 94 students who managed an impressive mean score of a B+ (plus); with a performance index of 73.962 thereby emerging the top school in Kericho County. In the 2019, KCSE exams the school had a total of 133 registered candidates.


Students’ life and times at Moi Tea Girls High Secondary School, Kericho.


Loreto High School Limuru is an all girls’ National School located in Karambaini, Limuru, in Kiambu County; about 28 kilometres from the capital city of Kenya, Nairobi.


On December 4, 1936, Loreto Limuru High School opened its doors to its first students. The school founders were the Sisters of Loreto, who came from Ireland to Kenya in 1921 as Catholic missionaries. The original vision of the school’s founders was to educate African girls who, at that time, were denied the right to an academic education. The pioneers of this school were sisters S.M. Dolores Stafford, S.M. Theresa Joseph O’Sullivan and S.M. Veronica Bradley. They believed, as did Mary Ward, foundress of the Loreto Sisters in 1609, that through education “Women in time to come would do much”. True to this vision, today the school can boast of laying a foundation for visionaries such as Wangari Maathai who won Nobel Peace Prize for protecting the environment. The first task of the sisters was to prepare the girls to sit for the primary examination. They began with seven girls. However, due to the severe cold and mist, the girls disappeared overnight. Later, the girls returned and in 1938 four girls took the Primary Examination and began their Teacher Training course. The first secondary class began in 1947. The first two students, Mary Sekunda Wanjiru, and Merioth Wairimu, passed the Senior Cambridge Certificate Examination. This was the beginning of a record of excellence in public examinations, which still continues at Loreto. Currently, the school is one of the top in the country in extra-curricular activities such as netball, hockey and more. There is also a music festival held at the school. In 1956, a double stream was admitted. There were between 20 to 26 girls per the class. In 1958, Loreto was categorized as a National School, a status it still holds today. In 1970, Loreto was given permission to start an “A level” art class and in 1981, the school was given “A level” science stream, with a science laboratory. Since then, there has been a rapid expansion of the existing facilities, a gradual replacement of old buildings, and establishment of the new infrastructures. This was possible through the hard work of the Board of Governors, the Parents Teachers’ Association, and the support of Ministry of Education. In 1986, Kenya underwent a new era in the field of secondary education, with the introduction of the 8-4-4 Curriculum in Kenya. In addition to this, Loreto was given another challenge to start a third stream, bringing the number of students to over 500. In 1996, the school celebrated its 60th anniversary where His Excellency the President graced the occasion as the chief guest. In 1999, a fourth stream was introduced and in 2002, it became a four-streamed school with 40 students per class. In 2011, the school introduced a fifth stream. Today, the school has a population of over 800 students, over 45 teaching staff, and over 50 support staff.

Here are links to the most important news portals:


To be a centre for instilling positive values and attaining high academic standards.


United in Love and Peace


Provision of quality education through holistic growth of the girl-child in order to nurture women of integrity and intellect who will be agents of positive change.


If you wish to reach the school, then use any of the following official contacts:



The school admits students with 350 marks and above. For continuing students, they should have at least a B (plain) in the previous exams.



The school has had a good run in academic performance; maintaining a mean grade of more than a B+ (plus) for some time now. In 2018, the school registered 180 candidates for the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) exams who managed a mean grade of a B+ (plus); with a performance index of 73.586 In the 2019 KCSE exams the school had a total candidature of 266. The table below summarizes the school’s performance at the KCSE exams;


Exam Year No. of Students Mean Score Mean Grade A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- E
2015 250 10.344 B+ 39 91 67 31 16 4 2 0 0 0 0 0
2014 233 10.04 B+ 34 71 52 41 22 11 1 0 0 1 0 0
2013 180 10.32 B+ 41 58 39 20 11 6 3 1 1 0 0 0
2012 182 10.489 B+ 33 79 37 20 9 2 1 0 0 0 1 0
2011 178 10.113 B+ 28 50 43 19 21 9 7 1 0 0 0 0
2010 177 10.062 B+ 27 50 43 33 18 2 2 2 0 0 0 0


Loreto High School, Limuru: Students’ Life and Times at the school



Starehe Girls’ Centre is a National Public Secondary School, located near Nairobi Town, Roysambu Constituency in Nairobi County. Starehe Girls Centre is a National boarding school that offers secondary education to financially disadvantaged girls from all Counties of Kenya. The school was founded in January 2005 as a charitable institution. It emulates the spirit of the much renowned Starehe Boys Centre. It caters for all the girls academic and social needs.

Starehe Girls’ Centre Brief History

Starehe Girls Centre stands originally belonged to Mr. Duncan Gray and Mrs. Jane Auld Gray. They sold the land to Limuru Girls Centre which was opened in May 1982 under the Trusteeship of Dr. M. P. Chandaria (Chairman), Mr. Eliud N. Njoroge, Mr. Jeffrey Robin Mein, Dr. Eddah Gachukia and Mrs. Lucy Gitonga. The Limuru Girls Centre closed in the year 2002, after 20 years of successful training of young women in agricultural extension services. After the Centre closure, Eddah Gachukia approached the chairman Dr. Manu Chandaria and the other Trustees, wondering if there was any possibility of using the assets of Limuru Girls Centre to create the Starehe Girls Centre. The Trustees warmly welcomed the idea. The Idea of a Starehe Girls Centre had been explored for a long time without success.

In the Year 2003 the Trustees of Limuru Girls Centre agreed to have the land leased to the Trustees of the then proposed Starehe Girls Centre at a peppercorn rent. This was a very generous gesture because the search for land on which to create the Starehe Girls Centre undertaken by Eddah Gachukia and Mrs. Eunice Mathu had reached a dead end. The Trustees founding the proposed Starehe Girls Centre included Dr. M. P. Chandaria (Chairman), Dr. Geoffrey Griffin (Director, Starehe Boys Centre), Dr. Eddah Gachukia, Mrs. Lucy Gitonga, Mrs. Eunice Mathu, Mrs. Margery Kabuya, Mrs. Honorine Kiplagat, Prof. Wanjiku Kabira and Mr. Eliud Njoroge. Mr. Julius Kipng’etich joined the Board when Prof. Kabira resigned.

Besides the 55 acres of land, the Starehe Girls Centre also inherited three small dormitories, four classrooms, a few staff houses and offices.

In January 2005, seventy two (72) bright but financially disadvantaged girls, from every county in Kenya, were admitted. The Centre was launched by the then First Lady, Her Excellency Mama Lucy Kibaki, on 12th February, 2005 at a function that witnessed donations in cash and kind. Dr. Griffin donated Kshs. 20 million that he had saved for the education of Starehe girls. Thereafter, many local and foreign friends and companies joined the Centre in the development of the infrastructure and the sponsorship of the girls. The stated aim was and still remains To provide high quality multi-disciplinary education of Kenyan girls from orphaned and destitute families; to enable such girls to develop life skills and provide the relevant support needed for them to achieve their dreams and ambitions.

Starehe Girls Centre was founded on the principles and ethos of the Starehe Boys Centre, collectively known as The Starehe Way. The School motto: Our Education, Our Strength (Elimu Yetu, Nguvu Yetu) reflects the spirit of academic excellence that permeates the culture of the Centre. The founders of Starehe Girls Centre set out, not merely to provide food, clothing and protection to girls in need, but to restore in them the self-confidence and self-respect so often injured by earlier misfortune in life and to provide them with a sound education to serve them well an increasingly competitive world.

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Starehe Girls’ Centre Contacts

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Starehe Girls’ Centre Admission Guidelines.

Starehe Girls’ Centre accepts 160 students per year of whom three quarters are sponsored students from disadvantaged background while a quarter are self sponsored students.

The criteria for admission to Form One are:

  • All candidates should be aged 15 and below and MUST choose Starehe Girls’ Centre as their first choice of National School option.
  • Each candidate MUST complete the official Form 1 Blue Application Form available at the school, and return to Starehe Girls’ Centre by 31ST JULY of the year they are sitting their Kenya Certificate of Primary Education. The applicant should attain high marks in the KCPE Examinations to be considered for admission.
  • Forms MUST be signed by the candidate’s parent or guardian, her Head Master or Head Mistress, the Chief and a minister of religion such as a pastor, priest or Imam – all of whom must verify the girl’s social background.

Needs Assessment

Need is assessed on a scale of 1 to 10, with the least disadvantaged (those in categories 1 – 5) being discounted.

After grading, the shortlisted blue forms are grouped per Counties to make sure that each County is represented. A file is then opened for each County in advance of the KCPE results.

The selection process

After the KCPE marking in November/ December, individual Application Form are further considered by a select committee of 12 members. If  there are any areas of uncertainity relating to a girl’s background, an Officer from the Sponsorship Office may be released to make a home visit. The whole process takes a maximum of one week and involves much debate before final agreement is reached.

Admission Notification/Letter

All the qualified students will obtain an admission notification through the Ministry of Education website Form One Admission Letter. The letter bears instructions on how to collect their Form One Admission Letter. A list of qualified students is also posted at a notice board found at Starehe Girls Centre main gate for parents and guardians viewing.

Offering places

All selected girls are invited to report at a given date. Upon completion of the admission process and after authenticating that the right girl is the one who has reported a formal welcome is extended to the student and is handed over to a sister for proper induction in the unique culture and ethos of Starehe.

N/B: The Starehe Blue Form Application is not sold under any circumstances.

The application form can be downloaded from their portal.


Starehe Girls’ Centre Vision

To establish a national Centre of academic excellence for bright but disadvantaged girls incorporating high standards of discipline, responsibility, integrity and service.

Starehe Girls’ Centre Mission

To provide a homely, supportive environment within which girls from disadvantaged backgrounds can develop their full potential in academic and personal development. Also to redress the imbalance in access to quality education and leadership opportunities for disadvantaged adolescent girls.

Starehe Girls’ Centre Core Values and Guiding Principles

  • Discipline and hard work
  • Integrity
  • Accountability
  • Volunteerism and giving back
  • Diversity
  • Leadership
  • Democracy
  • Patriotism and loyalty to the Starehe Way

Starehe Girls’ Centre KCSE Results Analysis

One of the academic giants and well performing schools in Kenya, Satrehe Girls’ Centre has maintained a run in good results over the years in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) exams. For instance, in 2018 the school had 76 candidates who managed a means score of B+ (plus); with a performance index of 73.418. In 2019 the prestigious school had a total candidature of 119 students.

Starehe Girls’ Centre Photo Gallery

Starehe Girls Centre: Students’ :ife and Times


A top class of its kind, Moi Girls’ High School is one of the most sought after institution for admissions. Located just outside the CBD of Eldoret, Kenya, Moi Girls’ High School – Eldoret (The Highlands School, until 1978) is a top national girls’ boarding school established in 1928. It is  managed by the school’s Board of Management appointed by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kenya. It is a Christian non-denominational school.


Moi Girls’ High School – Eldoret has a long history dating back to 1928. It was first established the as a European Primary School to cater for the children of the British and Boer settlers in the then White Highlands of Kenya. The primary school was later renamed Highlands Primary School.

In the 1930’s, the school was moved across the Sosiani river to what is now Hill School. The need for a girls’ high school for the white settlers in Eastern Africa saw the founding of the present school. It was opened in 1954 with the name New Girls’ High School, as an extension of The European Girls School (The Kenya High School). The school was later renamed The Highlands School.

Most of the school buildings were put up between 1952 and 1957. However, the oldest structures are the ones currently accommodating the Music and French departments and were constructed in the early 1930’s.
The Highlands School triumphed both in academic and sports since the 1950’s and 1960’s.

After Kenya’s attainment of independence and self rule in 1963 and 1964 respectively, the school experienced a decline in number of students because the settlers began relocating to other countries. So In 1965, the first African students were admitted to the school through the government policy of integration. New members of the Board of Governors that were appointed included the first Africans who in turn elected Hon. D. T. Arap Moi as the school board chairman. The school had him as the chairman of the board since then till 2007 when he formally retired.

In 1978, the school had its name changed from ‘The Highlands School’ to ‘Moi Girls’ High School – Eldoret’. This was done in honour of the long serving board chairman who had then risen to become the president of the Republic of Kenya that same year.


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  • P. O. BOX 140-30100 ELDORET, KENYA.
  • EMAIL: admin@ moigirlseldoret.ac.ke
  • MOBILE: 0721969756
  • KNEC Code: 26500001


To Be The Premier National School For Girls.


To provide high quality education, nurture talent and innovation and to develop leaders for the 21st Century


The students, here, are exposed to a wider range of Co-Curricular activities that include:

  • Volleyball
  • Basketball
  • Hockey
  • Badminton
  • Athletics
  • Netball
  • Swimming
  •  Bicycle riding
  •  Lawn Tennis
  • Table Tennis
  • Handball
  • Tug of war
  • Football


The school has fifteen active clubs and five societies. The school programme has alternate Thursdays from 4 to 5 pm set aside for club activities and meetings. This is when when club meetings are held. All the students are encouraged to join at least one club and one society.

The main aims of the clubs and societies include the following:

  • To educate
  • To stimulate thinking
  • To do research for knowledge and information
  • To entertain
  • To develop creativity
  • To render services to oneself and society
  • To provide an avenue for socialization
  • To help students grow spiritually and morally upright
  • To help students develop and exploit gifts and talents.

The societies include:

  • The Christian Union
  • The Seventh Day Adventists
  • The Legion of Mary
  • The Young Christian Society
  • The Muslim Society.


An academic giant, Moi Girls’ High School has maintained top spot in performance at the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, KCSE. In the 2017 exams the school registered 274 candidates who managed a mean score of 9.3486 (B+ plus) with 270 clinching university slots. During the 2018 KCSE exams Moi Girls’ High School was at it again; stringing another good performance. The school had 214 candidates who scored a mean grade of a B+ (plus); with a performance index of 73.333. In the 2019 exams the school had a candidature of 351 students.


Moi Girls’ High School: Students’ Life and Times/ Pictorial View

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