The TSC P9 Form; Details on the form, how to download and use the P9 form to file KRA tax returns

The P9 form is an end of year tax returns form that is posted on the teacher’s online portal. This form is used when filing the respective year’s tax returns. To access the form visit the TSC payslips online portal at; and click on P9.

The Kenya Revenue Authority, KRA, expects the teachers’ employer (TSC) to make monthly Pay As you Earn (PAYE) deductions and to remit them to the tax man on monthly basis.

The P9 form contains the teacher’s basic details; KRA tax PIN, Tax year, tax payer’s name, Employer (TSC) Tax PIN, TSC number, ID Number, KRA PIN and the teacher’s station code. other details on the P9 form are: The monthly tax dates (for the whole year), Taxable pay (Total gross salary earned by the teacher monthly), Pension earned (for retired teachers), Amount of PAYE deducted monthly (Pay Auto) and Monthly Relief (MPR).

To file your Tax returns, print the P9 form and use the values on it to declare your returns.

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3 thoughts on “The TSC P9 Form; Details on the form, how to download and use the P9 form to file KRA tax returns”

  1. It’s good for the t.s.c for fighting and caring for the teachers.thank you fir ur action about the teacher who wa murdered I kirui.thanks for withdrawing the other teachers from that shows teachers service commissioner cares for its workers and their whereabouts.God bless teachers service commission.we teachers loves our employer teachers service commission.long live teachers service common.may the almighty God bless t.s.c thanks.


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