Teachers to be recruited during the ongoing recruitment exercise will be expected to report to their new stations by 29th April, 2019. This is according to a circular by Rita W. Wahome, the TSC Director in charge of staffing.
The Commission has advertised 5,000 posts for recruitment of Secondary School teachers to support 100% transition Policy from Primary to Secondary Schools.
Details of the distribution of the posts together with the advert are already in the TSC Website.
The Commission now directs TSC County Directors to: –
(i) Ensure the advert is displayed in all the TSC Offices down to the Zonal level, and at the school where the post is advertised.
(ii) Collect the Employment Forms from Staffing Division on 8th February, 2019.
“Please adhere to the timelines,” says Wahome.
- Once the selection exercise is completed, the Application for Employment documents should vetted before submission to the TSC Headquarters.
- County Directors will be held responsible for cases of flouting of recruitment guidelines.
The Commission has released the following schedule with successful applicants expected to report to new stations by end of May, 2019:
- Advertisement of vacant posts in the TSC Website- Tuesday 29th January, 2019
- Collection of employment documents by County Directors- Friday 8th February, 2019
- Receiving Applications by BOM and County Directors- Wednesday 30th January, 2019 to 11th February, 2019 (9 days)
- County Selection Process- Tuesday 12th February, 2019 to 26th February, 2019 (10 days)
- Vetting and Handling of Complaints at County Level- Wednesday 27th February, 2019- 6th March, 2019 (5 days)
- Receiving Documents at Headquarters- Thursday 7th March, 2019 (1 day)
- Verification of Results at the headquarters- Thursday 28th March, 2019 (15 days)
- Reporting of Teachers to schools- Monday 29th April, 2019.
Below is the advert from the Commission:
The Teachers Service Commission is advertising 5,000 posts for recruitment of Secondary School teachers to
support the 100 percent transition policy from Primary to Secondary Schools.
Eigible candidates should meet the following basic requirements:
- Be Kenya citizens:
Must be 45 years of age and below - Must have original Professional and Academic Certificates
- Must be registered with the Teachers Service Commission.
- Must be holders of a minimum of Diploma in Education Certificate
- Interested candidates should apply to the Secretary, Board of Management of the school where the vacancy has
been advertised and submit a copy of the application to the TSC County Director.
All applicants should submit their application to the Boards of Management not later than 12th February, 2019.
The Teachers Service Commission is an equal opportunity employer and persons with disabilities (PWDs)
are encouraged to apply.
The Commission will only deal with TSC County Directors and Boards of Management in this exercise. Direct
application to the Commission will NOT be considered.
Successful applicants MUST NOT fill employment forms in more than one school as this will lead to disqualification
in both institutions.
The recruitment exercise is free of charge. The Teachers Service Commission wishes to caution applicants
against fraudsters who are out to extort money from unsuspecting individuals purporting to be in a position
to influence the employment process.
Any fraudulent activity should be reported to the nearest police station, or to Teachers Service Commission
headquarters through the following hotlines between 8.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m.
Director (Staffing)
- Tel: 0202892195
- Tel: 0202892133
- Tel: 0202892135
- Tel: 0202892171
Write to the Commission through the email address dirtm@tsc.go.ke
For detailed information on available vacancies in Secondary Schools applicants are advised to:
a) Visit the TSC Website www.tsc.go.ke
b) Visit the TSC office at the County or Sub-county of their choice.