Two additional cases of Corona Virus in Kenya. The two had interacted with patient zero.
President Uhuru Kenyatta SUSPENDS learning in all education institutions starting Monday March 16, 2020.

More to follow…..

This is after two more cases were confirmed in the Country.

Schools closure to take place in a staggered approach throughout the week.

Here is the latest;

1. Travel from any countries with any case of corona virus restricted.
2. Only Kenyans citizens allowed back with self quarantine or government-designated facility – in effect for 30 days.
4. All who arrived within the last 14 days must self quarantine.
5. All schools closed with immediate effect. Day schools close from tomorrow, boarding home by 18th March, colleges by 20th March.
6. Government and businesses encourage to have people work from home; except essential services.
7. Encourage cashless transactions over cash. Cost of transactions to be reduced.
8. Avoid congressional meetings – weddings, malls, night clubs, churches, limitation of visits to hospitals.
9. Hospitals and Shopping malls to give soap and water/hand sanitizers, and ensure regular cleaning of facilities.