• Sun. Oct 6th, 2024


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Paper 1 (Functional Skills, Cloze Test and Oral Skills).

Time: 2 Hours


Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education



Paper 1 (Functional Skills, Cloze Test and Oral Skills)

Time: 2 Hours

Instructions to candidates

  • Write your name, admission number, class and index number in the spaces
  • Answer ALL the questions in this question paper in the spaces provided
  • Write legibly and neatly in blue ink. Your answers must be in the English language
  • This paper consists of 8 printed pages
  • Do not use correction pen or white out. Cross your errors only once
  • Candidates should ascertain that all pages are printed and that no questions are missing.   

For examiner’s use only.

Question Maximum Score Candidate’s Score
1. 20.


2. 10.  
3. 30.  
Total 60  


  1. Imagine you are the secretary of your school’s journalism club. Recently you held a meeting whose agenda included revamping the club, starting a school magazine, starting and interclass writing competition to nurture writing talent. Two issues from the previous meeting were raised. During the meeting, the treasurer and another member sent their apologies while two members failed to turn up without any explanation. The club patron was present during the meeting. Write down the minutes you took during the meeting. (20 marks)



  1. Fill in the blanks spaces in the passage below with an appropriate word. (10 marks)

Probably no type of test question (i) ………………………….. students so much as an essay question. Usually they fear being (ii) …………………………… with questions that demand somewhat lengthy answers (iii) ……………………….. intelligible prose. Essay questions        (iv) ……………………. are necessary because they test for the type (v) …………………… information that objective questions tend to ignore. (vi) ……………………….. essay questions enables the tester to determine a student’s ability to put facts into perspective and to draw subjective conclusions. You should (vii) ………………… an essay with the same care as you would any formal written (viii) ………………………. A careful reading of the question is indispensable. You must determine (ix) …………… what it is the question seeks to discover. It is also good practice to sketch out an (x) …………………… before you begin.

  1. Oral Skills (30 marks)

(a) Read the poem below and then answer the questions that follow.

Do not stand at my grave and weep

Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am in a thousand winds that blow,
I am the softly falling snow.
I am the gentle showers of rain,
I am the fields of ripening grain.
I am in the morning hush,
I am in the graceful rush
Of beautiful birds in circling flight,
I am the starshine of the night.
I am in the flowers that bloom,
I am in a quiet room.
I am in the birds that sing,
I am in each lovely thing.
Do not stand at my grave and cry,
I am not there. I do not die

(by Mary Elizabeth Frye)


i). Describe the rhyme scheme of this poem.                                                                    (2 marks)


ii).Identify any two sound patterns used in the poem above.                                             (2 marks)


iii). How would you perform the last line of the poem?                                                    (3 marks)


iv). Which words would you stress in the first line?                                                      (2 marks)


(b) Your school is participating in a debate on the motion, “Technology has brought more harm than good.” How would your listeners lead to your failure in presentation?                  (4 marks)



(c) State whether the following sentences would be said in a falling or raising intonation?                                                                                                                                                          (3 marks)

i).Will you take tea or coffee today?………………………………………………………………………….

ii). He who laughs last laughs the longest…………………………………………………..

iii).You don’t have to leave immediately, do you? …………………………………………

(d) Underline the silent letter in each of the following words.                                         (3 marks)

  1. parliament ………………………………………………………………………………
  2. debris ……………………………………………………………………………….
  • subtle ……………………………………………………………………………….

(e) Complete the list below by providing another word pronounced in the same way as the ones below.                                                                                                                               (3 marks)

prays               praise             …………….………………

bight                byte                …………………………….

sees                 seas                ………………….………….

(f) You recently attended an interview at Upendo Supermarket for the position of an accounts clerk. Unfortunately, you were not successful. What would have led to your failure?     (4 marks)



(g) You have just witnessed an accident. A matatu rammed into a stationary tractor. Many passengers have been seriously injured. The driver has requested you to call Kona Mbaya Police station and inform them about the accident.


Complete the following telephone conversation between you and the police officer on duty.                                                                                                                                                              (4 marks)


You:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(1 mark)

Police officer: Yes. This is Kona Mbaya Police Station. Constable Kiraka speaking. Can I help you?

You: Yes, please. There has been a terrible accident.

Police officer:            May I know who is calling please?

You:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (1 mark)

Police officer: Where has the accident taken place?

You: Along Kona Mbaya- Majengo road.

Police officer: What happened?

You:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……….…(1 mark)

Police officer: Really! Are there any casualties?

You:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(1 mark)

Police officer:            Don’t worry; we will be there as soon as possible. Meanwhile call the                                     ambulance and alert Kona Mbaya hospital to be ready for casualties.  Thank you very much Mr. Tumbo Mali for calling.



  1. Unseen text
  2. They have been dispatched to audit the teaching and understanding of the CBC (2mk)
  3. The main intention is to seek enforcement of the implementation of the CBC 2mks
  4. They will carry out the exercise as follows:
  • Sit in classrooms during lessons
  • Hold feedback meetings
  • File daily reports on the progress of the implementation
  • Demonstrate to teachers how CBC lessons should be taught 4mks
  1. It will provide teachers with real first-hand on curriculum implementation; identify opportunities to improve curriculum designs and how to transfer lessons from field experience to subsequent designs.       3mks
  2. KNUT is opposed to the changes because they feel there are gaps to be addressed first and also because the process is illegal       2mks
  3. What is expected in the curriculum design designs and what is taught should be made clear. Where there are missing aspects in teaching, experts are expected to educate the teachers again.       2mks
  4. It is ironic that teachers who are expected to be the main implementers/facilitators of the CBC are opposed to it.
  5. Meaning of words and phrases       3mks
  6. impromptu – without any prior arrangements or preparation/offhand/unplanned
  7. first-hand experience – immediate/direct/primary/personal experience
  • revert – go back to/return/regress/retrogress
  1. Excerpt: A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen
  2. Nora fears that Krogstad will blackmail√ her family since Krogstad knows that she committed a fraud√ while procuring a loan for her husband’s treatment by forging her father’s signature√. She fears Krogstad will expose her to her husband.√
  3. Torvald has already made his dismissal known and he fears changing his mind√
  • He says Krogstad has no respect for those in authority√
  • Krogstad will disrespect him due to assumed familiarity√ ‘..he thinks it gives him the right to adopt a familiar tone with me… He would make my position in the bank intolerable.’
  • It is difficult to control Krogstad especially in public ‘But this tactless fellow lays no restraint on himself when other people are present.’
  • He has a tainted past ‘His moral failings…’ (Any 3 points)
  1. Krogstad is more preoccupied with what people will say of his change of mind especially if it is seen to have come from his wife√. And he thinks this will make the workers take advantage of him√. He is refusing to reinstate Krogstad because of his past per se√
  2. Krogstad comes out as a diligent worker even though he is considered to be morally corrupt, malicious and disrespectful
  3. He has a contemptuous/demeaning attitude towards Nora. He is unwilling to listen to any suggestion from her. √1 ‘And it is just by interceding that you make it impossible for me to keep him. √1Earlier he sees her as wasteful, childish and dependent√ character
  4. The mood is tensed or anxious. Torvald feels that Nora has abused him by calling him narrow-minded.
  5. Rank says that Krogstad suffers from a diseased moral character
  6. Nora is portrayed as:
  • Concerned/caring√
  • Manipulative √
  • Sarcastic √

Any 1 trait and illustration (1mk identification 1mk illustration)

  1. This is a problem that one will cause worry to someone later in life√1
  2. After the excerpt
  • Helen takes the dismissal letter to the messenger for delivery to Krogstad√1
  • Nora worries about the repercussions of the letter and pleads for its recall√1
  • Krogstad responds by bringing to Torvald’s attention about the loan Norah took from him. √
  • Torvald gets angry with Norah and tells her to leave the house because she will morally corrupt the children. √
  • He tells her he has lost trust in her√
  • Krogstad recants his earlier letter but Nora insists on walking out of her marriage√
  2. It is a legend√1 – it describes the adventures of a historical figure or hero √1
  3. i) Mango is:
  • Loving√1
  • Brave/courageous/Daring√1
  1. The Barua
  • Appreciative √1– they gave mango a bride√1
  • Conservative/Traditionalist√1 – Mango had to be circumcised as per their customs√1
  1. The local people did not know what to do to get of the menace√1 that claimed more and more victims as days went by√1. So when Mango killed the snake people were relieved. √1
  2. The socio-economic activities include:
  • Marriage/ circumcision ceremony – social activities
  • Livestock keeping
  1. It was dusk/darkness was approaching
  • It was becoming scary/insecure
  1. Suspense is created through use of repetition√1 and Mango’s waiting for the return of the snake at the door√1
  2. Features of oral narratives:
  • Direct translation
  • Local words/vernacular words
  • Fantasy
  • Moral lesson
  • Closing formula
  1. We learn the following:
  • A friend in need is a friend indeed
  • A stitch in time saves nine
  • We should be brave to save our families from calamities
  • Courage is rewarded.


  2. Phrasal verbs
  3. come up
  4. urged him on
  • paid off
  1. Rewriting sentences
  2. Hardly had they entered the field when it began raining
  3. So fearful is she that she cannot go out at night.
  4. Correct form of words
  5. melodiously
  6. sustenance
  • mismanagement
  1. Prepositions
  2. by
  3. with
  • on
  1. Phrasal quantifiers
  2. a large quantity/number of fish
  3. a tube of toothpaste
  • a ream/box of
  1. Present participles
  2. Removing his coat, Jack rushed to the river
  3. Having been a gymnast, Lynn knew the importance of exercise.
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