The Deputy Vice Chancellor (DVC) of Moi University, Professor Nathan O. Ogechi, has issued a strong warning to senior students harassing first years; who reported recently. In a memo to the senior students, the DVC decries high number of cases reported to him by the freshmen over unwarranted harassment by second, third and fourth year students. “Some continuing students who share rooms with freshmen ‘exile’ the freshmen”, says Prof. Ogechi. ‘Exile’ is a popular term used at the universities to refer to the act of sending away another student, whom you share a room with; mostly when your friend (of opposite sex) visits.
“Some continuing students sharing rooms with freshmen, harass them through inviting stangers (i.e chips funga, collections, or boyfriends/ girl friends) to spend in their rooms and thus violate the Rule of ten to ten”, adds Ogechi. Chips funga or collections is a phrase used to refer to prostitutes. While, the ten to ten rule stipulates that no stranger or visitor is allowed in the hostels from 10.00 pm to 10.00 am. This rule has been set across the universities to safe guard the security of the students.
Prof. ogechi says that some first year students have “fled” and gone back home due to the harassment. “Their parents have registered their displeasure with us and we are terribly embarassed”, be-mourns prof. Ogechi.
Ogechi now says this is the final warning he is issuing to the senior students, in writing, as stern action will be taken against anybody who will contravene the directive. He urges any first year molested to report immediately to the Junitor on duty, call him via 0726206155 or report to the Dean of Students.