Available Job vacancies in Kenya.
Job vacancies in Kenya.


Applications are invited from qualified persons for the positions shown below. Interested and qualified persons are requested to make their applications as follows:

(i) Online through the Commission website www.publicservice.go.ke or job portal www.psckjobs.go.ke OR

(ii) By completing ONE PSC 2 (Revised 2016) application form. The form may be downloaded from the Commission’s websites.

Completed applications should be sent or delivered to: THE SECRETARY/CEO PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMMISSION HOUSE P.O. BOX 30095 – 00100 NAIROBI

Please Note: (i) Candidates should NOT attach any documents to the application form. ALL the details requested in the advertisement should be filled on the form. It is an offence to include incorrect information in the application. Details of academic and professional certificates not obtained by closure of the advert should not be included.

(ii) Only shortlisted and successful candidates will be contacted.

(iii) Canvassing in any form will lead to automatic disqualification.

(iv) The Public Service Commission is committed to implementing the provisions of the Constitution – Chapter 232 (1) on fair competition and merit, representation of Kenyans diverse communities and affording equal employment opportunities to men and women, members of all ethnic groups and persons with disabilities. THEREFORE, PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES, THE MARGINALIZED AND THE MINORITIES ARE ENCOURAGED TO APPLY.

(v) Shortlisted candidates shall be required to produce originals of their National Identity Card, academic and professional certificates and transcripts during interviews.

(vi) It is a criminal offence to present fake certificates/documents.

(vii) Serving officers shall be required to produce the original letter of appointment to their current substantive post during the interview. Applications should reach the Commission on or before 20th August 2019 latest 5.00 pm (East African Time).


Basic Salary Scale: KSHS. 132,000. –195,410 P.M. (Job Group ‘S’)

Terms of Service: Permanent and Pensionable

Requirements for Appointment:

For appointment to this grade, an officer must have:-

(i) served for a cumulative period of fifteen (15) years, of which an aggregate of at least three (3) years should have been in the grade of Deputy Director, Tourism Policy & Promotion, Job group ‘R’ and/or Senior Assistant Director, Tourism Policy & Promotion, Job group ‘Q’ or in a comparable and relevant position in the public service;

(ii) a Bachelor’s degree in Tourism or Hospitality, Economics, Public Policy and Administration, or relevant Social Sciences from a University recognized in Kenya;

(iii) a Masters degree in any of the following fields: Tourism, Hospitality, Law, Sustainable Development, Public Policy and Administration, Strategic Management, Monitoring and Evaluation, Planning and Development, Public Administration, Policy Development, Risk Management, Disaster Management, Security Studies, Forensic Studies, Sociology, Safety Management, Strategic Planning and Development, Commerce (Marketing Option) and Research Methodologies, or any other relevant discipline from a University recognized in Kenya;

(iv) attended a Strategic Leadership Development course lasting not less than six (6) weeks in a recognized institution;

(v) demonstrated professional competence and managerial capacity as reflected in work performance;

(vi) demonstrated a clear understanding of tourism policy and promotion; and

(vii)demonstrated compliance with the requirements of Chapter six of the Constitution of Kenya and the Leadership and Integrity Act 2012.

Duties and Responsibilities

Duties and responsibilities at this level will include:-

(i) guiding development, formulation and reviewing of national tourism policies, regulations and guidelines for tourism promotion and management;

(ii) Interpretation and implementation of National Tourism policies, legislation, plans and strategies; 3

(iii) developing and coordinating sectorial implementation of the National Tourism Blueprint (NTB 2030) and Kenya’s vision 2030 programmes and projects;

(iv) promotion of Kenya as a premier tourist destination;

(v) setting national goals, targets and indicators for sustainable tourism development.

(vi) development of tourism standards, norms and guidelines; (vii) developing and implementing a five year tourism strategy;

(viii) mainstreaming tourism policy issues into the National Development Policies, Goals and Objectives;

(ix) development and implementation of tourism partnership and promotion programmes;

(x) promotion of tourism security in collaboration with other key enforcement agencies;

(xi) collaborating with county governments on tourism policy and promotion matters;

(xii) overseeing the organization of meetings with stakeholders on tourism policy; and

(xiii) overseeing, monitoring and evaluation on the effectiveness of the implementation of the national tourism policies plans, strategies and tourism act by the various actors


Basic Salary Scale: KSHS. 132,000. –195,410 P.M. (Job Group ‘S’)

Terms of Service: Permanent and Pensionable

Requirements for Appointment:

For appointment to this grade, an officer must have:-

(i) served for a cumulative period of fifteen (15) years, of which an aggregate of at least three (3) years should have been in the grade of Deputy Director, Tourism Development & Innovation, Job group ‘R’ and/or Senior Assistant Director, Tourism Development & Innovation, Job group ‘Q’ or in a comparable and relevant position in the public service;

(ii) a Bachelor’s degree in Tourism, Hospitality, Business Administration, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Project Management or a relevant Social Sciences from a University recognized in Kenya;

(iii) a Masters degree in any of the following fields; Tourism or Hospitality Management, Leadership and Entrepreneurship, Innovation Management, Human Resource Management/Development, Information Communication Technology, Economics, Business Administration, Public administration or any other relevant discipline from a University recognized in Kenya;

(iv) attended a Strategic Leadership Development course lasting not less than six (6) weeks in a recognized institution;

(v) demonstrated professional competence and managerial capacity as reflected in work performance;

(vi) demonstrated a clear understanding of tourism development and innovation; and 4

(vii) demonstrated compliance with the requirements of Chapter six of the Constitution of Kenya and the Leadership and Integrity Act 2012.

Duties and Responsibilities

Duties and responsibilities at this level will include:-

(i) formulation and development of framework for tourism development and innovation;

(ii) identifying, developing, diversifying and implementing innovative tourism across the supply chain;

(iii) identification of gaps in tourism product mix and service delivery;

(iv) promotion of tourism flagship projects;

(v) development of Kenya’s tourism product directory;

(vi) facilitation and development of transfer of technologies for competitive development of tourism products and services; (vii) coordination of the development of appropriate tourism product mix; (viii)development and implementation of service excellence standards; (ix) supporting and inspiring tourism product innovation and change; and (x) development of relevant human capital for the tourism sector.


Basic Salary Scale: KSHS. 132,000 –195,410 P.M. (Job Group ‘S’) Terms of Service: Permanent and Pensionable

Requirements for appointment:

For appointment to this grade, an officer must have:- (i) served for a cumulative period of fifteen (15) years, of which an aggregate of at least three (3) years should have been in the grade of Deputy Director, Tourism International & Regional Relations, Job group ‘R’ and/or Senior Assistant Director, Tourism International & Regional Relations, Job group ‘Q’ or in a comparable and relevant position in the public service; (ii) a Bachelor’s degree in Tourism, Hospitality, International Relations, Law, Public Policy and Administration, Public Relations or relevant Social Sciences from a University recognized in Kenya; (iii) a Masters degree in any of the following fields; Tourism ,Hospitality, International Relations, Law, Public Policy and Administration, Information Communication 5 Technology, Public Relations, Strategic management, Research Methodologies, Business administration or any other relevant discipline from a University recognized in Kenya; (iv) attended a Strategic Leadership Development course lasting not less than six (6) weeks in a recognized institution; (v) demonstrated professional competence and managerial capacity as reflected in work performance; (vi) demonstrated a clear understanding of tourism international and regional relations; and (vii) demonstrated compliance with the requirements of Chapter six of the Constitution of Kenya and the Leadership and Integrity Act 2012.

Duties and Responsibilities

Duties and responsibilities at this level will include:- (i) development, coordination and implementation of bilateral tourism engagement strategies; (ii) development and implementation of bilateral Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) and agreements of cooperation between Kenya and other partner states in the field of tourism; (iii) coordination and liaison with county and sub-national bodies; (iv) development and implementation of multilateral agreements in tourism; (v) establishment and support of strategic linkages with sector stakeholders; (vi) coordination of Kenya’s regional tourism engagements which include EAC, COMESA, NEPAD and IGAD; (vii) facilitation and coordination of the international and local tourism negotiations; (viii) coordinating Kenya’s participation in UNWTO meetings, programmes and activities. (ix) development and implementation of tourism related statutes, Protocols, treaties and conventions; and (x) coordination and monitoring of the implementation of county tourism engagement.


Basic Salary Scale: KSHS. 132,000. –195,410 p.m. (Job Group ‘S’) Terms of Service: Permanent and Pensionable

Requirements for Appointment:

For appointment to this grade, an officer must have:- (i) served for a cumulative period of fifteen (15) years, of which an aggregate of at least three (3) years should have been in the grade of Deputy Director, Tourism Investment and Finance, Job group ‘R’ and/or Senior Assistant Director, Tourism Investment and Finance, Job group ‘Q’ or in a comparable and relevant position in the public service; 6 (ii) a Bachelor’s degree in Tourism or Hospitality, Economics, Finance, Investment Banking, Business Administration, Project Management, Entrepreneurship or a relevant Social Sciences from a university recognized in Kenya; (iii) a Masters degree in any of the following fields; Tourism or Hospitality, Business Administration, Project Management, Public Finance Management, Investment Banking, Economics, Finance, Research & Statistics, Public Policy & Governance, Policy Development, Strategic Management & Business Policy, Financial Management, Financial Risk Management, Commerce (Finance Option), Investment & Securities, , Credit Management, Finance & Accounting, Entrepreneurship or other relevant disciplines from a university recognized in Kenya; (iv) attended a Strategic Leadership Development course lasting not less than six (6) weeks in a recognized institution; (v) demonstrated professional competence and managerial capacity as reflected in work performance; (vi) demonstrated a clear understanding of tourism investments and finance; and (vii) demonstrated compliance with the requirements of Chapter six of the Constitution of Kenya and the Leadership and Integrity Act 2012.

Duties and Responsibilities

Duties and responsibilities at this level will include:- (i) interpreting and overseeing implementation of tourism policies on investments and finance; (ii) determining the process of profiling investment opportunities in the tourism sector; (iii) overseeing the organization of meetings with stakeholders on tourism investment and finance; (iv) development and formulation of frameworks for tourism partnerships and entrepreneurship; (v) coordinating the implementation of tourism incentives and disincentives schemes; (vi) development, formulation and implementation of special financing schemes for the tourism sector; (vii) capacity building through offering business and investment advisory services for tourism development; (viii) coordinating and promoting programmes funded under Tourism Funds; (ix) establishing and maintaining a database on tourism investments; and (x) overseeing, monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of tourism investment and finance policies, plans and strategies.


Basic Salary Scale: Kshs. 119,730. –166,780 p.m. (Job Group ‘R’) Terms of Service: Permanent and Pensionable

Requirements for appointment:

For appointment to this grade, an officer must have:- (i) served for a cumulative period of twelve (12) years, of which an aggregate of at least three (3) years should have been in the grade of Senior Assistant Director, Tourism Policy & Promotion, Job group ‘Q’ and/or Assistant Director, Tourism Policy & Promotion, Job group ‘P’ or in a comparable and relevant position in the public service; (ii) a Bachelor’s degree in Tourism or Hospitality, Economics, Public Policy and Administration, or relevant Social Sciences from a university recognized in Kenya; (iii) a Masters degree in any of the following fields; Tourism, Hospitality, Law, Sustainable Development, Public Policy and Administration, Strategic Management, Monitoring and Evaluation, Planning and Development, Public Administration, Policy Development, Risk Management, Disaster Management, Security Studies, Forensic Studies, Sociology, Safety Management, Strategic Planning and Development, Commerce (Marketing Option) and Research Methodologies, or any other relevant discipline from a university recognized in Kenya; (iv) attended a Strategic Leadership Development course lasting not less than six (6) weeks in a recognized institution; (v) demonstrated professional competence and managerial capacity as reflected in work performance; (vi) demonstrated a clear understanding of tourism policy and promotion; and (vii) demonstrated compliance with the requirements of Chapter six of the Constitution of Kenya and the Leadership and Integrity Act 2012.

Duties and Responsibilities

Duties and responsibilities at this level will include:- (i) co-ordinating and leading development and review of national tourism policies, strategies, programmes and projects; (ii) interpretation and implementation of National Tourism policies, legislation, plans and strategies; (iii) leading development and review of the National Tourism Blueprint; (iv) coordinating and mainstreaming tourism issues in sectorial policies and strategies; (v) collaborating with stakeholders on implementation of set national goals, targets and indicators for sustainable tourism; (vi) enforcing compliance of national tourism legislations, plans and strategies in the sector; (vii) interpretation and lead implementation of 5 years tourism strategy; 8 (viii) coordinating development of tourism area management plans; (ix) leading development of county and stakeholders coordination and support strategy for tourism; (x) ensuring compliance in implementation of tourism safety and security best practices; (xi) coordinating the operations of the tourism sector crisis management center; (xii) leading development of tourism safety and security manuals; and (xiii) assessing and reporting to the sector on emerging threats and travel advisories.


Basic Salary Scale: Kshs. 119,730. –166,780 p.m. (Job Group ‘R’) Terms of Service: Permanent and Pensionable

Requirements for appointment:

For appointment to this grade, an officer must have:- (i) served for a cumulative period of twelve (12) years, of which an aggregate of at least three (3) years should have been in the grade of Senior Assistant Director, Tourism Development & Innovation, Job group ‘Q’ and/or Assistant Director, Tourism Development & Innovation, Job group ‘P’ or in a comparable and relevant position in the public service; (ii) a Bachelor’s degree in Tourism, Hospitality, Business Administration, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Project Management or a relevant Social Sciences from a university recognized in Kenya; (iii) a Masters degree in any of the following fields; Tourism or Hospitality Management, Leadership and Entrepreneurship, Innovation Management, Human Resource Management/Development, Information Communication Technology, Economics, Business Administration, Public administration or any other relevant discipline from a university recognized in Kenya; (iv) attended a Strategic Leadership Development course lasting not less than six (6) weeks in a recognized institution; (v) demonstrated professional competence and managerial capacity as reflected in work performance; (vi) demonstrated a clear understanding of tourism development and innovation; and (vii) demonstrated compliance with the requirements of Chapter six of the Constitution of Kenya and the Leadership and Integrity Act 2012.

Duties and Responsibilities

Duties and responsibilities at this level will include:- 9 (i) supervising and monitoring of appropriate human capacity to enhance innovation in product experience; (ii) coordinating adoption of innovative practices for competitive development of tourism products and services; (iii) leading development of diverse tourism products and value addition along the tourism supply chain; (iv) leading, identification, profiling, development and promotion of tourism product; (v) supporting and nurturing county governments to develop high quality tourism products; (vi) leading in development of niche tourism products and services and monitoring the implementation of tourism standards for quality assurance. (vii) initiating capacity audits exercise and advising on appropriate skills in the tourism sector; (viii) ensuring sector’s compliance to the tourism code of practice; and (ix) ensuring development of efficient and effective service excellence initiatives.


Basic Salary Scale: Kshs. 119,730. –166,780 p.m. (Job Group ‘R’) Terms of Service: Permanent and Pensionable

Requirements for appointment:

For appointment to this grade, an officer must have:- (i) served for accumulative period of twelve (12) years, of which an aggregate of at least three (3) years should have been in the grade of Senior Assistant Director, Tourism International & Regional Relations, Job group ‘Q’ and/or Assistant Director, Tourism International & Regional Relations, Job group ‘P’ or in a comparable and relevant position in the public service; (ii) a Bachelor’s degree in Tourism, Hospitality, International Relations, Law, Public Policy and Administration, Public Relations or relevant Social Sciences from a university recognized in Kenya; (iii) a Masters degree in any of the following fields; Tourism, Hospitality, International Relations, Law, Public Policy and Administration, Information Communication Technology, Public Relations, Strategic management, Research Methodologies, Business administration or any other relevant discipline from a university recognized in Kenya; (iv) attended a Strategic Leadership Development course lasting not less than six (6) weeks in a recognized institution; (v) demonstrated professional competence and managerial capacity as reflected in work performance; 10 (vi) demonstrated a clear understanding of tourism international and regional relations; and (vii) demonstrated compliance with the requirements of Chapter six of the Constitution of Kenya and the Leadership and Integrity Act 2012.

Duties and Responsibilities

Duties and responsibilities at this level will include:- (i) ensuring Kenya’s participation in the UNWTO high decision making process; (ii) coordinate implementation of UNWTO programmes and activities; (iii) leading implementation of bilateral Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) and agreements of cooperation between Kenya and other partner states in the field of tourism; (iv) ensuring compliance in the implementation of UNWTO agreements, protocols, treaties and conventions; (v) design the review of bilateral and multilateral agreements of cooperation; (vi) leading Kenya’s participation in bilateral and regional meetings and forums in the field of Tourism; (vii) leading implementation of public relations and media engagement strategy in the tourism sector; (viii) coordinating Kenya’s regional tourism engagements including EAC, COMES, NEPAD, IGAD (ix) facilitation and coordination of the international and local tourism negotiations; (x) promoting uptake and transferring of modern technology in tourism development; (xi) fostering establishment and supporting linkages with tourism stakeholders; and (xii) organizing and facilitating the sectors representation in the inter- ministerial committees to address cross cutting issues in tourism;


Basic Salary Scale: Kshs. 119,730. –166,780 p.m. (Job Group ‘R’)

Terms of Service: Permanent and Pensionable

Requirements for appointment

For appointment to this grade, an officer must have:- (i) served for a cumulative period of twelve (12) years, of which an aggregate of three (3) years should have been in the grade of Senior Assistant Director, Tourism Investment & Finance, Job group ‘Q’ and/or Assistant Director, Tourism Investment 11 & Finance, Job group ‘P’ or in a comparable and relevant position in the public service; (ii) a Bachelor’s degree in Economics, Finance, Tourism or Hospitality, Investment Banking, Business Administration, Project Management, Entrepreneurship or a relevant Social Sciences from a university recognized in Kenya; (iii) a Masters degree in any of the following fields; Business Administration, Project Management, Tourism or Hospitality, Public Finance Management, Investment Banking, Economic Finance, Strategic Management, Research & Statistics, Public Policy & Governance, Policy Development, Strategic Management & Business Policy, Financial Management, Financial Risk Management, Commerce (Finance Option), Investment & Securities, Investment Banking, Business Finance, Credit Management, Finance & Accounting, Enterpreneurship or other relevant disciplines from a university recognized in Kenya; (iv) attended a Strategic Leadership Development course lasting not less than six (6) weeks in a recognized institution; (v) demonstrated professional competence and managerial capacity as reflected in work performance; (vi) demonstrated a clear understanding of tourism investments and financing; and (vii) demonstrated compliance with the requirements of Chapter six of the Constitution of Kenya and the Leadership and Integrity Act 2012.

Duties and Responsibilities

Duties and responsibilities at this level will include:- (i) profiling and promoting investment opportunities in the tourism sector; (ii) leading conceptualization and promotion of investment opportunities in the tourism sector; (iii) supporting development and implementation of tourism partnership and entrepreneurship frameworks; (iv) leading, designing and implementing tourism partnership and entrepreneurship frameworks; (v) ensuring effective implementation of tourism incentive and disincentive schemes; (vi) leading and designing special financing schemes in the tourism sector; (vii) ensuring the sector adhere to the special financing schemes; (viii) ensuring implementation and promotion of programmes under Tourism Fund; (ix) co-ordinating special funding schemes for the tourism sector; and (x) coordinating implementation, monitoring and evaluation of strategies, programs and activities for tourism business and investment.

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