KCPE Setting Criteria, Knec Reports & Expected Questions For CRE
The areas covered in the syllabus together with the skills tested in the examination are shown below.
Areas of Syllabus Coverage in 2020-2022
Areas Tested in the Syllabus | Number of Items | Percentage |
Old Testament | 09 | 30.00% |
New Testament | 12 | 40.00% |
African Religious Heritage | 03 | 10.00% |
Contemporary Christian Living | 06 | 20.00% |
Total | 30 | 100.00% |
Skills Tested in the year 2020
Skills | Number of Items |
Knowledge | 04 |
Comprehension | 05 |
Application | 06 |
Analysis | 06 |
Synthesis | 04 |
Evaluation | 05 |
The following observations can be derived from tables above.
- That the syllabus was adequately
- That all the six skills were tested in the
- Teachers need to encourage the candidates to apply the knowledge learnt to attempt questions requiring high order cognitive skills of
The table below shows the mark statistics for the last five years (2016 to 2020)
Candidates General Performance in CRE over the last five years
Year | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 |
Marked out of | 30 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 30 |
National Mean | 21.41 | 21.06 | 22.02 | 18.81 | 19.29 |
Standard Deviation | 5.00 | 5.23 | 5.39 | 5.46 | 6.00 |
From the above table, it is evident there was an improvement in the performance of the subject as shown by the mean of 19.29 in 2020 as compared to 18.81 in 2019.
The following is an analysis of the performance of the candidates based on a total population of 1,116,826.The number of girls who sat for examination was 556,566 while that of boys was 560,260. The boys had a mean mark of 19.15 and a standard deviation of 6.21, while the girls had a mean mark of 19.43 and a standards deviation of 5.79.
The table above shows the relative difficulty of each of the 30 items in the year 2020 CRE examination. The analysis is derived from the approximate percentage of candidates scoring correctly in each item in the paper.
Any item where the candidate scoring correctly is 40% or lower is perceived to have been poorly performed. In 2020 there were questions that were poorly performed because the candidates scored below 40%.This report will therefore look at the questions that were poorly performed i.e. had 40% and below scoring correctly.
Questions which recorded a facility index of 40% and below
Question Number | 66 | 73 | 77 | 88 |
% Answering the item correctly | 24.29 | 35.72 | 35.84 | 36.35 |
The discussion will focus on analysis of the items given above based on the ideas, skills and thinking processes that candidates may have gone through so as to arrive at the correct responses. It also focuses on the misconceptions that may have led the candidates to the wrong choices. The asterisk (*) in the response pattern denotes the correct response.
Question 66
The main lesson Christians learn from the incident when Ruth followed Naomi to her native land is
that they should be
- obedient
- honest
- trustworthy
Response pattern
OPTION | A | B | C | D* |
% choosing the option | 19.56 | 17.22 | 37.86 | 24.29 |
Mean mark in other questions | 15.65 | 16.33 | 20.17 | 23.01 |
This question came from the Old Testament part of the syllabus. It is an evaluation question. Majority of the candidates chose option C. The candidates were easily attracted by the option because of the family relationship between Ruth and Naomi who was her mother-in-law. The literal interpretation of that story is that Ruth trusted Naomi as her mother-in-law. This indicates lack of understanding of that content. Teachers should emphasize on reading the Bible references during teaching and also explain to the learners the deeper meaning of the Biblical stories.
Question 73
Jesus said “Look at the birds: they do not plant seeds, gather a harvest and put it in barns, yet your Father in heaven takes care of them.”(Mat.6:26).This teaches Christians that they should
- care for God’s creation
- trust in God
- love others
- work
Response Pattern
OPTION | A | B* | C | D |
% choosing the option | 42.85 | 35.72 | 10.15 | 10.29 |
Mean mark in other questions | 18.46 | 22.08 | 14.70 | 17.71 |
This is an application question from the New Testament part of the syllabus. The candidates are supposed to know and understand the teachings of Jesus. However, in this case the candidates could not take their time and critically evaluate the choices given hence many went for option A although it is not right. Teachers should guide the candidates to apply the knowledge acquired in class to answer questions.
Question 77
The two disciples who were walking to Emmaus could not recognize Jesus because
- they were busy talking
- they did not believe in resurrection
- Jesus was dead and buried
- Jesus had not revealed himself to
Response Pattern
OPTION | A | B | C | D* |
% choosing the option | 9.38 | 34.23 | 19.46 | 35.84 |
Mean mark in other questions | 16.61 | 17.92 | 18.39 | 21.84 |
This is an analysis question which came from the New Testament part of the syllabus. The candidates were supposed to know the events related to the resurrection of Jesus.However,the response pattern provided, indicates lack of knowledge in this area since only a small percentage of the candidates scored the item right. Teachers should emphasize on reading the Bible references during the teaching and revision.
Question 88
Which one of the following leisure activities is practiced in both traditional African Communities and Christianity?
- Watching
- Reading
- Visiting
- Dancing
Response Pattern
OPTION | A | B | C | D* |
% choosing the option | 2.67 | 6.24 | 53.73 | 36.35 |
Mean mark in other questions | 13.18 | 12.01 | 18.71 | 21.89 |
This is a synthesis question which came from the Contemporary Christian Living part of the syllabus. The candidates are supposed to combine the knowledge acquired from both the Contemporary Christian Living and African religious heritage to answer the question. However, majority of the candidates were influenced by the
events in their daily lives especially outside classroom setup and therefore went for option C although it is not right. During teaching and revision, teachers should compare the social life in both the contemporary living and traditional African living to enable the learners to distinguish activities which are only practiced in the contemporary society from those conducted in the traditional African communities. This will give learners the information which will enable them to answer questions correctly.
This will give learners the information which will enable them to answer questions correctly.
- There was a notable improvement in the performance of the paper as indicated in the statistics in which the mean mark was 29 in 2020 as compared to 18.81 in 2019.
- Questions requiring higher order thinking skills such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation seem to be posing challenges to the candidates.
- Teachers to improve on their teaching methods and emphasis on the use of the Bible and application of knowledge during
- Which statement from the bible shows that God wanted human beings were to Care for his creation?
- What punishment did God give to Eve because of her disobedience?
- Which duty was given to Adam and Eve when God created them?
- According to Genesis story of creation, which is the best statement that describes human beings as being special?
- Which statement from the stories of creation shows that marriage is permanent?
- Give the main reason why God created
- Why is Adam and Eve the greatest among God’s creation?
- Why did God chase Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden?
- What is the main teaching from Genesis stories of creation?
- Which was the result of human disobedience in the Garden of Eden?
- From the biblical stories of creation, why did God create Adam and Eve?
- Which actions of Adam show that he had power over other creatures/creation?
- According to Genesis stories of creation, human beings were to care for the environment by?
- Why did God place Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden?
- Why did Adam and Eve hide from God?
- Which book of the Bible tells us about the story of creation?
- Why did Adam and Eve eat the fruit of the tree at the middle of the garden?
- According to Genesis stories of creation God gave Adam and Eve power over?
- The first book of the Bible is called Genesis, what does the term Genesis mean?
- What was the main responsibility/duty given to man in the Garden of Eden?
- Which punishments did God give to Adam after sinning to God?
- Why did Adam name his wife Eve?
- The character of God shown in Genesis stories of creation is that God is….?
- According to Genesis story of creation the Heavenly Bodies were created on which day?
- Which is the main teaching of Genesis chapter one?
- Which book explains how God created the universe?
- What punishment was the snake given in the Genesis stories of creation?
- Name the group of things that were created on the fourth day?
- Which is the main lesson that Christians learn from the actions of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden?
- Gods care was shown in the Garden of Eden when he?
- “Bone taken from my bone and flesh from my flesh” (Genesis 2:23) when did Adam say these words?
- In the Garden of Eden human beings were forbidden from?
- God rested on the seventh day of the week because?
- Which animal tricked Eve to eat the forbidden fruit?
- “That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united with his wife” (Genesis 2:24) this verse emphasizes on the importance of?
- The relationship between Adam and Eve was broken when?
- On which day did God create the sea creatures and the birds of the air?
- Who was given the responsibility to name all the animals by God?
- What was the sign of covenant between God and Noah?
- Whom did God command to build an ark?
- God punished the people during the time of Noah by sending?
- The main reason why Noah built an ark was to make him be able to?
- The main reason why God asked Noah to build the ark was to?
- The story of Noah and the floods teaches Christians that?
- God was sorry that He had made human He destroyed every person he had made a part from one person. Who was he?
- God chose to use Noah to save his family from the great floods mainly because Noah?
- “Have many children so that your descendants will live all over the earth” this command was given to?
- “Have many children so that your descendants will live all over the earth and bring it under control” (Genesis 9:7) from this statement Christians learn that?
- God punished people during the time of Noah with floods mainly because they were?
- Why was Noah chosen by God to build the ark?
- How old was Noah when the flood came?
- Noah obeyed Gods command when he?
- The father of Noah was?
- The main reason why Noah offered a sacrifice to God after the floods was to show?
- God spared the life of Noah during the great floods mainly because?
- Name the three sons of Noah?
- The son of Noah who did not show respect to his father was?
- When Noah built the ark, he showed that he was?
- The obedience and faithfulness of Noah made him to be?
- After the floods which occupation did Noah involve himself in?
- Why did Noah curse his son Ham?
- Who was the grandson of Noah that was cursed alongside his father? KCPE CRE QUESTIONS ON ABRAHAM
- God changed the name Abram to Abraham mainly because he wanted him to?
- Which activities in the bible show Abraham’s obedience to God?
- Name the promises given to Abraham by God
- Who was asked by God to give his son as a sacrifice?
- From the call of Abraham, Christians learn that they should?
- “Leave your country, your relatives and your father’s home and go the land that I will show you” (Genesis 12:1) God spoke these words to?
- Who is known as the father of faith?
- The promises that God gave to Abraham mainly teach Christians to be?
- Why did Abraham leave Haran to go the unknown land?
- Who was the son of Abraham?
- Abraham showed his faith in God/demonstrated his faith in God when he?
- “I will bless those who bless you but curse those who curse And through you I will bless all the nations. “These words were said by God to?
- Who pleaded for the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah?
- The sign of covenant between Abraham and God was?
- The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were punished by God. He destroyed them by sending?
- Why was Abraham circumcised at the age of 99yrs?
- Who was called by God when he was living in Haran?
- Abraham sent his servant to get a wife for Isaac from the house of?
- Abraham and his father lived at?
- Abraham showed his obedience to God mainly by?
- Which was the original homeland of Abraham before he was called by God?
- Who was given the name which means father of many nations?
- Abraham became a friend of God when he?
- Which is the main reason why Abraham was called the father of faith?
- Abraham is called the father of faith. What lessons do Christians learn from his call? that they should
- Who is the founder of the Israelite nation?
- God fulfilled his promises to Abraham when he?
- What happened when Abraham was 75 Old?
- During the making of the covenant, God promised Abraham
- God gave Abram a new name. This new name was?
- Abraham and his relatives left the city of Ur and went to live in?
- Which lesson do Christians learn from the story of Abraham separating from Lot?
- The father of Abraham was?
- What was the main reason why God called Abraham?
- When Abraham obeyed the call of God, this teaches Christians to be
- Which happenings took place when Abraham was 100yrs old?
- What happened when the king of Egypt took Abraham’s wife?(Genesis 12:10-20)
- Why did God make a covenant with Abraham?
- The slave woman who bore a son with Abraham was?
- During the covenant with Abraham God appeared in the form of?
- Why did Abraham and Sarah go to Egypt?
- Why did Lot separate with Abraham?
- Who is regarded as the father of the Jews?
- When Moses was called by God, he was living in?
- Which commandment teaches about respect for human life?
- Which quality of God was shown on the night the Israelites left Egypt?
- Who asked God to forgive the Israelites on MT Sinai?
- Name the activities carried out by the Israelites on the night of the Passover?
- “Do not desire another man’s house; do not desire his wife, his slaves, his cattle, his donkey, or anything else that he owns.” (Exodus 20:17) who broke this commandment?
- What did the Israelites do with the blood of the lambs they killed on the Passover night?
- The main lesson the Israelites learnt about God when the Egyptian soldiers drowned in the red sea was that He is…?
- God led the Israelites through the wilderness to the Promised Land by use of?
- Which activity did Joshua carry out during the Exodus?
- Which is the main reason why the Israelites celebrated the Passover? It reminded them of?
- God said “I am who I am” (Exodus 3:14) these words were spoken to Moses when he was?
- The main lesson the Israelites learnt about God when He gave them manna and a quill during the Exodus is that He is…?
- Moses poured/sprinkled blood to the Israelites during the covenant at Mount Sinai because he wanted them to be…….
- Moses was not willing to go back to Egypt when he was sent by God mainly because…..?
- Which commandment teaches Christians to be satisfied with what they have?
- During the Passover night, the Israelites were to eat bitter herbs to show…?
- A problem faced by the Israelites during the exodus was lack of?
- Which happenings took place during the night marking the start of the Exodus?
- Which commandment was broken by the Israelites when they worshipped the golden bull calf at Mount Sinai?
- When the Israelites went to receive the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai, God’s presence was shown through?
- The main virtue that the children of Israel were required to have when crossing the red sea was?
- During their last night in Egypt, the Israelites put blood on their doorpost in order to?
- Name some of the activities that Moses did on Mount Sinai
- Which commandment promises long life for those who obey it?
- What was the main reason why God called Moses?
- God gave the Israelites the Ten Commandments in order to?
- Which festival is celebrated by the Israelites to remember their release from Egypt?
- “You know I am such a poor speaker; why should the king listen to me?” (Exodus 6:30). These words were spoken by Moses when he was…..?
- Which commandment teaches about respect for marriage?
- “Take off your sandals for you are standing on a holy ground” (Exodus 3:5) these words were spoken by God to?
- What was Moses doing when God called him?
- Which acts of worship was performed by the Israelites immediately after they crossed the red sea
- Moses was not willing to go back to Egypt when he was called by God mainly because?
- The covenant between God and the Israelites at Mount Sinai was sealed by?
- “So the people filled their baking pans with unleavened bread wrapped them in clothing and set off” (Exodus 12:34) where were the Israelites going to?
- “Now I am going to make food rain down from the sky for all of you” these words were said by God to Moses which shows that God is?
- Which reason best explains why the Israelites celebrated the feast of the unleavened bread?
- Which commandment explains that life is a gift from God
- “I have seen how cruel my people are being I have heard their cry “Who was told these words by God?
- Which commandment mainly explains that Christians should dedicate their time to worship God?
- How many plagues did the Egyptians experience before the Exodus of the Israelites?
- What did Moses use to purify dirty water at Marrah?
- Name the meals/food that was taken by the Israelites on the night of the Passover
- Moses did not lead the Israelites in the Promised Land mainly because?
- Moses, Aaron and Miriam were from the tribe of?
- What happened to Pharaohs army when they followed the Israelites?
- Which commandment explains why marriage vows should be respected
- The Passover was first celebrated by the Israelites in?
- Which quality of leadership was shown by Moses when he led the Israelites out of Egypt
- The angel of death killed the first born males of the Egyptians during the?
- In which way did God lead the Israelites during the day after departing from Egypt?
- Jethro the father in Law of Moses lived in?
- The main lesson the Israelites learned about God when he defeated the Egyptian soldiers at the red sea is that He is…?
- During the last supper, the Israelites were to eat while standing to show that?
- Who advised Moses to choose leaders to help him in the leading of the Israelites
- Which commandment teaches us to have respect for other people’s property
- Moses dedicated the Israelites to God mainly by?
- “Do not bow down to any idol or worship because I am the Lord your God and I do not tolerate rivals” (Exodus 20:5) who disobeyed this commandment
- The Israelites were to at unleavened bread during the Passover night to show that they were?
- “Do not commit murder” Exodus 20:13.Which two people broke this commandment
- What was the main reason for the covenant between God and the Israelites on Mount Sinai
- The Israelites were given manna and quills from heaven during the What was the main lesson they learnt about God. God is……?
- After being rescued by God and brought out of Egypt, the Israelites annoyed God at Mt Sinai. Who asked God to forgive them?
- Give the main reason why Moses finally agreed to go to Egypt?
- Who led the Israelites into the Promised Land?
- What happened to the first born sons of the Israelites during the Passover night?
- What happened to the first born sons of the Egyptians during the Passover night?
- Joseph the son of Jacob was sold by his brothers because they?
- Joseph was able to overcome the temptations from the wife of Potiphar because he?
- Joseph became a famous man in the land of Egypt mainly because he was?
- From the incident when Joseph welcomed his brothers in Egypt Christians learn that they should be?
- Who were the sons of Isaac?
- Who were the parents of Jacob?
- The main reason why Jacob worked for Laban is because he wanted to?
- Joseph restored good relationship with his brothers while in Egypt mainly by?
- Which sons of Jacob was the eldest?
- The father of Rachael and Leah was?
- Why were Jacobs sons jealous of their brother Joseph?
- By agreeing to forgive his brothers Joseph taught us the value of?
- While in jail Joseph was put in charge of all other prisoners because?
- Jacob tricked his father Isaac when he?
- Name the two wives of Jacob
- The story of Jacob working for Laban teaches Christians to be?
- Why did Jacob and his family move to live in Egypt?
- Esau offended his father Isaac when he?
- The youngest son of Jacob was?
- God changed the name of Jacob at?
- God gave Jacob the name Israel because?
- When there was famine in Canaan Jacob and his family went to live in?
- When Jacob was sleeping at Bethel he?
- The father in law of Isaac was?
- “What will we gain by killing our brother…….?” Who said these words?
- Joseph showed kindness to his brothers in Egypt when he?
- Who were the parents of Joseph?
- Joseph was released from jail in Egypt because?
- Why was Joseph put in prison?
- Name the two sons of Joseph
- “Let’s not kill him, just throw him into this well…..” (Genesis 37:21) these words were said by Reuben to teach Christians the value of
- The name of the wife of Joseph whom he married in Egypt was?
- Who is refed to as the father of the Israelites?
65, 66, 67. KINGS OF ISRAEL
- Which King was punished by God for performing the duty of a priest?
- Which king is famous for being wise?
- Who anointed King Saul as the first king of Israel?
- King David annoyed God when he?
- “Give me the wisdom I need to rule your people with justice” (1st Kings 3:9) these words were spoken by king?
- How did King David make Jerusalem a center of worship?
- Give the main reason why king Solomon built the temple in Jerusalem
- David is remembered as the greatest king of Israel because?
- Which king of Israel was a musician
- King Herod Antipas wanted to know where Jesus was born in order
- Which king of Israel took Naboth’s vineyard?
- Which is the greatest achievement of King David?
- “I inherited the vineyard from my ancestors” Naboth replied. “The Lord forbid that I should let you have it” (1st KINGS 21:3).From this incident of King Ahab and Naboth, Christians learn that they should?
- Which quality of leadership was shown by King David when he killed Goliath?
- Which sins were committed by King Solomon?
- Who was anointed as the first king of Israel?
- Jerusalem was considered a Jewish religious center because?
- Which king annoyed God when he took Uriah’s wife?
- What was David doing when he was anointed by Prophet Samuel?
- Which choice was made by King Solomon when he became king?
- “You are coming to against me with a sword, spear and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord Almighty” (1st Samuel 17:45) these words from David shows that?
- Naboth refused to give his land to King Ahab because?
- Why was Prophet Nathan angry with King David?
- King Ahab sinned against God when he?
- King Solomon in mainly remembered in Israel because he?
- When Solomon became king, he asked God for wisdom in order to?
- Which was the greatest achievement of king David
- Why was Saul rejected as the first king of Israel by God?
- The commandment broken by King Ahab when he took Naboth’s vineyard was?
- Which king was rejected by God for his disobedience to Him?
- Which sins were committed by David when he was king of Israel
- Name the achievements of king Solomon
- “You are not the one they have rejected I am the one they have rejected as their king” (1st Samuel 8:7) these words were said by God when?
- Which incident showed that David was courageous
- Name the kings of Israel that broke the 10th commandment
- The third king of Israel was anointed by?
- Who was the greatest king of Israel
- Which king coveted Naboth’s vineyard
- Who was anointed as the third king of Israel
- “You shall not commit adultery” (Exodus 20:14) which king broke this commandment
- Which king threw Daniel in the lion’s den
- Which king visited a magician woman at Endor
- David was a successful king mainly because?
- Which is the main reason why Solomon became a famous king of Israel?
- Which king introduced the worship of pagan gods in Israel
- Give the main reason why God regretted having appointed Saul as the first king of Israel
- Which prophet was sent to warn king David for planning to kill Uriah
- Why did the Israelites ask Samuel for a king?
- From the incident when David spared the life of King Saul twice, Christians learn that they should be?
- Which achievement of King David enabled him to unite all the tribes of Israel?
- Who were best friends in the bible?
- Which commandment was broken by King David when he took Uriah’s wife?
- The Ark of the Covenant was placed in Jerusalem mainly because?
- Why did King Saul want to kill David?
- King Solomon went against God’s will by?
- The hometown of King David was?
- On the day he was anointed the king of Israel Saul was?
- King Solomon fulfilled God’s command to his father David when he?
- The son of King Saul who was a great friend of David was?
- When David was living in Bethlehem he worked as?
- King Ahab was punished by God by
- What was David doing when he was anointed as the king of Israel
- When Solomon prayed to God he asked for
- Who became the king of the southern kingdom after the death of king Solomon
- From the story of King Ahab and Naboth Christians learn to avoid being…
- When King Saul was tormented by an evil spirit, David helped him to calm down by?
- Why did King Ahab order for the killing of Naboth? Because Naboth had…….
- The son raised to life by Prophet Elijah was the son of the?
- Which prophet anointed Saul as the first king of Israel?
- The prophets of Baal were put to test by Elijah on Mount Carmel to show that?
- Which prophet challenged the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel?
- According to prophet Jeremiah, the new covenant would be different from the old covenant because it will be?
- Which prophet was thrown in the lion’s den?
- The prophet who anointed Solomon to be the third king of Israel was?
- When Jesus was dedicated to the temple, prophetess Anna described him as?
- Who was a priest when Prophet Samuel was called by God?
- Which prophet referred to the messiah as the prince of peace
- The prophet who showed faith in God at Mount Carmel was?
- Which prophet foretold that the messiah would be born in the town of Bethlehem?
- What was the main teaching of Prophet Jeremiah on the new covenant?
- Prophet Elisha told the Shunamite woman that she was going to have a son because she?
- Name the prophecies of Isaiah about the Messiah
- Which miracles were performed by both Elisha and Elijah
- Who were the parents of Prophet Samuel?
- But the Lord said to me, “Do not say that you are too young, but go to the people I send you to….” (Jeremiah 1:7) The main lesson Christians learn from this is that?
- What was David doing when he was anointed by prophet Samuel
- The prophet who foretold about the suffering servant is?
- The Shunamite woman welcomed Prophet Elisha in her house by?
- “I chose you even before you were born, I selected you to be a prophet to the nations” these words were spoken by God to prophet?
- Prophet Micah taught that the messiah would be?
- Which prophet foretold the making of the new covenant between God and Israel?
- Why was Prophet Nathan angry with King David? The king had….
- Which statement was said by prophet Jeremiah during his call?
- Which miracles were performed bot by Elisha and Jesus?
- A miracle that was performed by Prophet Elijah when he was in Zarephath was?
- The main reason why lions did not harm prophet Daniel when he was in the lion’s den was because
- Who was the mother of prophet Samuel
- Which prophet was put in a dry well as a punishment for rebuking an error
- Which prophet prophesied about the killing of first born during the birth of Jesus
- Who were prophets according to the people of Israel
- Gehazi the servant of Elisha of Prophet Elisha had a skin disease and his skin was as white as This is because
- Which prophesy was made by prophet Elijah
- “May your majesty live forever, God sent his angel to shut the mouths of the lions so that they would not hurt me” Daniel 6:21-22. The main lesson that Christians learn from this statement is?
- Why was Jeremiah afraid when God called him to become a prophet?
- “Go to King Ahab of Samaria, you will find him in Naboth’s vineyard about to take possession of it” these words were spoken by God to?
- Hosea the prophet was told to marry a prostitute called?
- The father of prophet Jeremiah was called
- Who threw Prophet Daniel in the lion’s den?
- Which prophet was sent by God to rebuke King David for taking Uriah’s wife?
- What was the name of prophet Isaiah’s father
- The prophet who prophesied that Jesus will enter Jerusalem riding on a donkey was?
- Which prophet prophesied about the triumphant entry of Jesus in Jerusalem
- Which prophet anointed Saul as the first king of Israel
- Which prophet was sent to warn King David when he planned for the murder of Uriah
- Who were thrown in the furnace of fire
- In the past God spoke to His people through prophets and patriarchs. Today He speaks to us through
- I was a prophet, a judge and a God gave me the opportunity of anointing the first king of Israel. Who am I?
- The call of prophet Jeremiah teaches Christians to?
- Why was Prophet Daniel thrown in the lion’s den?
- Which prophet prophesied that Jesus will give sight to the blind?
- Which prophecy was made by Prophet Joel?
- The prophet who said that Jesus would be led like a lamb to be slaughtered was?
- The man healed of leprosy by prophet Elisha was?
- Why did Prophet Elijah flee from Israel?
- From the story of Prophet Elijah and the Baal prophets Christians learn to have?
- Which prophet prophesied about the split of the kingdom of Israel?
- Which prophesy of Jeremiah was made about Jesus
- What happened to the 42 boys who insulted prophet Elisha
- Prophet Elisha helped a poor widow by?
- Which prophet was fed by ravens when there was famine in Israel?
- From the raising of the son of the woman of Shunem, Christians learn that they should?
- “Now go to the town of Zarephath near Sidon and stay there. I have commanded a widow who lives there to feed you” (1 kings 17:9) God said these words to prophet?
- Which parable teaches Christians to treat their neighbors well?
- The parable of the friend at mid-night teaches Christians that they should?
- The main lesson Christians learn from the parable of the rich man and Lazarus is that?
- Name the parables of Jesus that teaches about forgiveness?
- Name the parables of Jesus that teaches about prayer?
- Which parable of Jesus teaches Christians to take care of people with special needs?
- What lesson do Christians learn from the parable of the talents?
- Which parable of Jesus encourages Christians to bring more members in the church?
- The parable of the widow and the unjust judge teaches Christians to?
- Which parable of Jesus teaches on the value of the kingdom of God?
- Which parable of Jesus teaches Christians to accept others?
- “Happy are those who work for peace; God will call them His children” Matthew 5:9 these words were spoken by Jesus during?
- The parable of the Good Samaritan teaches Christians to?
- Which parable teaches about the growth of the kingdom of God?
- The parable of Jesus which teaches Christians to pray always is?
- The main lesson that Christians learn from the parable of the lost son is?
- Which parable teaches that all are called for the kingdom of God?
- According to the teaching of Jesus the greatest in the kingdom of God are?
- According to the Sermon on the Mount what will happen to those who are humble?
- Which parables teaches us to be ready for the second coming of Christ
- Which parable teaches Christians to show concern to others?
- Happy are the peace
- “In the same way I tell you there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents” LK 15:10 Jesus said these words when he was narrating the parable of?
- The parable of the mustard seed teaches Christians about?
- Blessed are the humble…………………………………………………………….
- What do Christians learn from the parable of the hidden treasure?
- Which parable teaches Christians to store their riches in heaven?
- Which parable of Jesus teaches us that love should be shown through actions?
- The parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector / the publican teaches Christians that?
- What lesson do Christians learn from the parable of the lost son?
- Which happenings took place when Jesus was born?.. angels appeared
in the sky singing/ shepherds visited Jesus
- Joseph the husband of Mary worked as a? carpenter
- The main message of John the Baptist to the people was to? Repent their sins
- “Love the Lord your God and serve Him only” (Luke 4:8) these words were said by Jesus when he? Was being tempted by the devil in the wilderness
- The main lesson Christians can learn from the miracle of the feeding of the 5000 is to be? Generous/kind/Care for the environment
- Which disciple of Jesus broke the law of love because of his love for money? Judas Iscariot
- “Remember me, Jesus, when you come as king” (Luke 23:42) these words were spoken by a thief on the cross because he was? Repentant
- When Jesus was born the angel appeared to the shepherds to? Give them the good news about the birth of Jesus/their messiah
- “Didn’t you know that I was to be in my father’s house?” (Luke 2:49) when did Jesus say these words? When he was found by his parents in the temple
- The temptation of Jesus teaches Christians that they should? Do the will of God/resist the devil using the scripture/anyone can be tempted
- Which miracles of Jesus shows that he had power over nature? Walking on water, calming the storm, multiplication of food to the 4000 and 5000 people, miraculous catch of fish
- Why did Jesus mix with sinners?……….. he came to save all people/he
came to save the sinners
- Which action of Mary and Martha best shows their love for their brother Lazarus? Informing Jesus about Lazarus’sicknes
- “This is my body which is given to you” Luke 22:19 these words were said by Jesus during the last supper
- Who helped Jesus to carry the cross? Simon of Cyrene
- Through which way did God tell Joseph to return to Israel with baby Jesus after the death of King Herod? A dream
- From the incident where Jesus went with his parents to the temple at the age of twelve years the main lessons Christians learn is that? Children should obey their parents
- When Jesus healed the leper he asked him to present himself to the priest, this shows that Jesus had? Come to fulfill the law and respect the law of Moses
- From the incident when Jesus calmed the storm Christians learn that they should have? Faith
- Which is the teaching of Jesus On the love for enemies? Pray for those who mistreat you(Matthew 5:43-44)
- “I find no reason to condemn this man” Luke 23:4 who said these words during the trial of Jesus? Pilate
- In which way did Jesus prove to the disciples that he had resurrected? Eating with them(Luke 24:30)
- When Jesus was presented to the temple prophetess Anna described him as?saviour of the Jews/one who will set Jerusalem free(Luke 2:36)
- “Do not collect more than is legal” Luke 3:13 these words were said by John the Baptist to teach about? Honesty
- Which actions of Jesus shows that a leader is a servant? Washing His disciples’ feet/humility in service/a good leader should be humble (john 13:1-20)
- Which miracles of Jesus show that he cared for both Jews and non- Jews/universal savior / came for everybody? Healing of the ten lepers/healing of Roman officials son/healing the centurion
servant/healing of the Canaanite woman’s daughter at Tyre near Sidon
- Pilate washed his hands after trying Jesus to show that? He had nothing to do with the case/Jesus was innocent(Matthew 27:24-26)
- Why was the tomb of Jesus protected? The Jewish leaders feared that the body of Jesus would be stolen(Matthew 27:62-66)
- Who were in the temple when Jesus was dedicated? Simeon and Anna
- Who were the first group to visit baby Jesus? The shepherds
- During the baptism of Jesus, voice was heard from heaven saying that? This is my only son with whom am pleased with
- Jesus performed miracles mainly to show that he had? Love for His people/Gods love and concern towards his people/to show that he had come to conquer
- “I promise you that today you will be in paradise with me” Luke 23:43 Jesus said this words when he was? On the cross
- The resurrection of Jesus teaches Christians to be? Hopeful
- After the resurrection of Jesus, he told his disciples to go to Jerusalem and wait for the Holy Spirit who would help them to? Preach the good news/spread the gospel
- Which is the best reason that explains why angel Gabriel announced that Mary’s son was to be Holy? He was to be conceived by the Holy Spirit(Luke 2:35)
- King Herod wanted to know the place baby Jesus was born in order to? Go and kill him
- Which are the teachings of Jesus on the Sermon on the Mount? Love for enemies and praying for them(Matthew chapter 5 to 7) Christians living holy lives
- The Pharisees and the scribes condemned Jesus for healing on the Sabbath because they taught that? He was breaking the law of Moses(Matthew 9:1)
- After Jesus healed the ten lepers the one who went back to thank Him was a? Samaritan
- Jesus told His disciples to pray at the Mount of Olives because He wanted them to? Avoid failing into temptations
- Who prepared the body of Jesus for burial? Joseph of Arimathea & Nicodemus
- “Unless I see the scars of the nails in his hands, put my fingers on those scars and my hands in his side, I will not believe” John 20:25 when did Thomas speak these words? When the disciples told him that they had seen the risen lord / Christians learn to have faith in God
- After angel Gabriel told Zechariah that his wife would bear him a son, Zechariah was unable to speak because? He did not believe the angels’ message
- Herod wanted to kill baby Jesus when he was born because he feared that Jesus would? Take over as ruler of the Jews/overthrow him
- “So when you give something to a needy person, do not make a big show of it” Matthew 6:2 which Christian value do we learn from this
teaching? Humility/we should be humble/meek/meekness/teach his disciples to serve others
- The main lesson Christians learn from the healing of the ten lepers is that they should? Practice the art of thankfulness/show gratitude
- When Zacchaeus said that he would give half of his belongings to the poor it showed that? He was sorry for having acquired wealth in a wrong way(Luke 19:1-10)
- In which occasion did Jesus recognize the disciple who was going to betray him? During the last supper(Matthew 26:20-25)
- The action of Jesus that teaches Christians that there is life after death is? Raising of Lazarus/raising the widow’s son of Nain/raising Jairus’ daughter/when he resurrected from the dead
- The reason Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem the night Jesus was born is because they wanted to? Register in their hometown/they had gone for census/they had gone to be counted/it was joseph’s homeland
- What did Simeon say about baby Jesus when he was presented in the temple? He would be light to the Gentiles/savior of all people/savior of mankind/savior of humankind
- Jesus was baptized in river Jordan because he wanted to? Fulfill the will of God/identify himself with the church
- Which miracles of Jesus show that he was a universal savior? Healing of the centurion’s servant and healing of the ten lepers
- From the teaching of Jesus on forgiveness in the Lord’s Prayer Christians learn that they should forgive? Those who wrong them
- The main reason why Peter denied Jesus is because? He lacked faith in him(Matthew 26:69-75)
- Joseph and Mary took baby Jesus to Egypt because? Herod wanted to kill him
- “The son of man is the Lord of Sabbath” Luke 6: 5 these words were spoken by Jesus when? His disciples were picking ears of corn
- The main lesson Christians learn from the healing of the man with demons is that Jesus? Has power over evil (Mark 5:1-20)
- The main lesson Christians learn from the teaching of Jesus on wealth is that it should be? Shared with the needy(Luke 16:19-31)
- Which event took place when Jesus was at the Garden of Gethsemane? Jesus was arrested/betrayed by Judas with a kiss/Peter chopped Malchus’ ear
- A lesson Christians learn about Jesus from Cleopas and his friend on their way to Emmaus is that Jesus? Brings salvation to the people (Luke 24:13-38) same lesson is learn from the incident where Jesus visited Zacchaeus house(Lk 19:9)
- Which happenings took place when Jesus was 8days old? He was circumcised and named (when Jesus was one week old he was circumsied,named and presented in the temple for dedication)
- From the incident when King Herod failed to kill baby Jesus, Christians learn that? God protects his people
- The main lesson Christians learn from the miracle of the raising of Lazarus is to? Have faith/to believe
- The two disciples of Jesus whom Jesus met after his resurrection were on their way to? Emmaus
- The army officer/Roman Officer/Centurion who saw Jesus dying on the cross described him as? A good man/righteous man/son of God (Luke 23:47/ Matthew 27;45-56)
- The main lesson Christians learn from the announcement of the birth of John and Jesus is that they should? Trust in God’s power/believe in
God’s message
- The story of the rich man and Lazarus teaches Christians to be? Caring/generous/kind
- Which miracle of Jesus was performed by Peter? They both raised the dead and they both healed the lame
- The main reason why the Jewish people opposed Jesus/ is because? He claimed to be the messiah
- What was said about Jesus by angel Gabriel, the child will be? Called holy
- Why did the shepherds visit baby Jesus the night he was born? They wanted to worship him
- The main lesson Christians learn from the miracle of the miraculous catch of fish is that they should? Obey God’s word (Luke 5:5)
- A lesson that Christians learn from raising of Jairus’ daughter is that they should? Ask for help
- Which statement was said by Jesus during the last supper? “This is my body which is given to you, do this in memory of me” (Luke 22:14-20)
- Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus because he wanted to? Get riches/he was greedy for money
- Jesus made his disciples believe that he had resurrected by? Showing them the scars
- Which group of people made up the first disciples of Jesus? Peter,Andrew,John and James
- Which events took place during the crucifixion of Jesus? The curtain of the temple torn into two/the saints resurrected/there was an earthquake/there was darkness for three hours
- The Christian ceremony held to mark Christ’s victory over death is? Easter
- When the wise-men visited baby Jesus to worship him they presented to him? Gold(kingship),frankincense(priesthood) and myrrh(death and suffering)
- “If you are the son of God, throw yourself down from For it is
written, God will order his angels to take good care of you” Luke 4:9-10 which response did Jesus make to this temptation? Do not put the lord your God to test
- Which is a teaching of Jesus on the Lord’s Prayer? Forgive us the wrongs we have done
- Which events took place when Jesus resurrected? There was an earthquake (Matthew 28:1)
- “This very day in David’s town your savior will be born-Christ the Lord” Lk 2:11 these words were spoken by an angel to? The shepherds
- Which events took place during the baptism of Jesus? Heavens opened/the holy spirit descended to him in form of a dove/a voice was heard from heaven
- A lesson Christians learn from the miraculous catch of fish is that they should be? Obedient
- Which is the main reason why Jesus taught his disciples not to judge others? For they will be judged by God (Matthew 7:1)
- Which was the first group that knew that Jesus had resurrected? Women/Mary Magdalene,Joana,Salome and Mary mother of James
these women had gone to the tomb of Jesus early Sunday morning to anoint the body of Jesus with spices
- Which activity was being performed by Zachariah when the angel Gabriel appeared to him? Burning incense in the temple
- The similarity between the annunciation of the birth of John the Baptist and Jesus is that in both? The names were given by an angel/ in both an angel delivered the message to the parents/ their ministry had been prophesied / their birth teaches Christians to believe in God’s power
- Jesus showed his love for children by? Placing hands on them/welcoming children to him/telling his disciples not to chase children away
- The disciple who run to the tomb to find out whether Jesus had resurrected was? Peter and John (Lk 24;12)
- “Man cannot leave on bread alone “Lk 4:4 a lesson Christians learn from this temptation is that they should? Use God’s word in their daily lives/to defeat the devil with the scripture/ they should quote the scripture
- What was the main reason why Jesus chose the twelve disciples? To have them preach the good news/gospel/assist him in spreading the gospel
- Which miracle of Jesus teaches Christians to care for the environment? The miracle of the feeding of the 5000 and 4000 it also teaches Christians to be generous/kind/not to waste food
- Jesus made himself known as the resurrected Lord to Cleopas and his friend on their way to Emmaus by? Broke the bread/shared a meal with them/ate with
- “Go and make a careful search for the child and when you find him let me know so that I too may go and worship him” Matthew 2:8 these words were said by Herod to? The wise-men/magi/men from the east
- “Do you love me? Take care of my sheep” John 21:7 these words were spoken by Jesus after his resurrection to? Peter
“Take care of my lambs” is a command that Jesus gave to Peter after His resurrection.
- Jesus accompanied his parents when he was 12yrs old in order to? Celebrate the Passover festival/feast of unleavened bread in Jerusalem
- “First take the log out of your own eyes then you will be able to take the speck out of your brothers eye” Matthew 7:5. A lesson
Christians learn from these words said by Jesus is that they should? Not judge others / it’s against Gods teaching to judge others
- The main lesson Christians learn from the incident when Jesus healed the centurion’s servant is that they should? Care for the needs of others
- At the age of twelve, Jesus was taken to the temple where he met? The teachers of the law
- When he saw Jesus, he fell with his face on the ground and begged Him “Lord if you are willing, you can make me clean again” Lk 5:12 who said this words? The man with leprosy
- Jesus became a guest of Zacchaeus and had a meal with him. During that occasion, Jesus explained to the people that? He had come to seek and save the lost
- Which disciples accompanied Jesus to pray on Mt Olives? Peter, John and James
- At Jacob’s well in Samaria Jesus promised life-giving water to? The Samaritan woman
- Jesus was mainly born? To save mankind from sin
- Why was Mary surprised by the angel’s message that she was going to be pregnant and give birth to baby Jesus? She was a virgin/ she had not known any man
- “Prophets are never welcomed in their hometown” These words were said by Jesus during which occasion? when he was rejected in Nazareth
- How would a Christian become a true disciple of Jesus? By being ready to obey the commandments and being ready to suffer for Jesus
- Aren’t you the messiah? Save yourself and save These words were said to Jesus by? One of the thieves on the cross/ he was not repentant
- He will go ahead of the Lord, strong and mighty like Prophet Elijah? About whom did Angel Gabriel say these words? John the Baptist
- “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth to
those with whom he is pleased”. Who said these words after the birth of Jesus? The heavenly angels
- Which events took place in Bethany? Jesus brought Lazarus back to life, Jesus ascended to heaven(MT olives) Jesus was arrested (Garden of Gethsemane), Jesus was anointed by Mary the sister to Lazarus
- James and John were the sons of? Zebedee/ they were fishermen when they were called by Jesus / also called the sons of thunder / Baronages
- “Forgive them father for they do not know what they are
doing?” about whom did Jesus say this words? People who crucified him
- The second group to visit baby Jesus in Bethlehem were the? Wise-men/magi
- When the Lord saw her His heart was filled with pity for her and he said to her “don’t cry” Lk 7:13 Jesus said these words when? Raised the son of the widow of Nain
- Why was Jesus presented to the temple after his birth? For dedication and
- Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist mainly because? He wanted to fulfill the will of God/ To identify himself with the church/ in order to begin his ministry
- Jesus was rejected in Nazareth mainly because? He referred to himself as the messiah / he was well known to the people
- Which is the main lesson that we learn from the adulterous woman who was to be stoned to death? All of us are sinners and should seek God for forgiveness
- During the last supper, Jesus told his disciples to share his blood and body. How do Christians exercise this today? By taking the Holy Communion
- “Prepare the way for the Lord make the roads straight for him” these words were said by John the How did he prepare the way for the lord? By baptizing people and telling them to repent their sins
- The disciple of Jesus whom Jesus met while sitting in his office was known as? Levi/Matthew and he was a tax collector
- Which is the teaching of Jesus about fasting (Matthew 6:16-18)? Should be done in private/ we should wear a happy face and comb our hair /we should not tell anyone about it and we should be clean( the purpose of fasting is to; assist Christians in prayers/ show our faithfulness / to Practice self-denial
- What took place during the last supper? Jesus ate the last meal with his disciples/ Jesus shared bread (body) and wine (blood) with his disciples, Jesus identified the man who was going to betray him (Judas Iscariot) and Jesus washed his disciple’s
- The two sisters of Lazarus were? Mary and Martha and they lived in Bethany
- The tomb of Jesus was protected mainly because? It was feared that the body would be stolen
- Which disciple of Jesus wondered if anything good would come out of Nazareth? Nathaniel / Bartholomew
- “Lord, it is good for us to be here. If you wish, I will put up three shelters one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah” (Matthew 17:4) on which occasion did Peter say this? During the transfiguration of Jesus
- The original hometown of Jesus was? Nazareth
- The resurrection of Jesus gives Christians hope for? Eternal life
- The person whose ear was cut off by Peter during the arrest of Jesus was called? Malchus
- God told joseph to escape to Egypt with baby Jesus because Herod wanted to kill baby Jesus through? A dream
- When John the Baptist saw Jesus coming he called him? The lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world
- In which event did Jesus teach us that he was the sauce of enjoyment? When he changed water into wine at a wedding in Cana
- In which actions did Jesus teach us that he comes as a humble king / a peaceful Messiah? Riding on a donkey to Jerusalem / during the triumphant entry to Jerusalem (prophesy by prophet Zechariah)
- Which were the accusations of Jesus brought before Pilate? Misleading people / telling people not to pay taxes / clamming to be the king of the Jews / inciting people to riot
- “My house will be called a house of prayers for all nations” Mark 11:17 those words were spoken by Jesus when? cleared the temple / drove traders out of the temple
- “Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar” Jesus used these words to teach about? paying tax
- The main lesson that Christians learn from the teaching of Jesus about prayer is that prayer? Should be done in humility / not use so many words
- John, the most beloved disciple of Jesus worked as? a fisherman
- What advice did John the Baptist give to the soldiers? (Luke 3:14) be contented with your wages or pay and not to take anyone’s property by force
- “Remember me Jesus, when you come as king” (Luke 23:42) who said these words? The repentant thief
- Which miracle was performed by both peter and Jesus? Raising the dead and healing the lame
- “My father is always working and I too must work” (John 5:11) those were spoken by Jesus when? He healed a man who had been sick for 38
- Jesus showed that he had power over evil when he? Healed a man possessed with demons
- A week after the birth of Jesus, the following events took place which ones are they? He was circumcised, he was named and he was dedicated to the
- The news of the resurrection of the Lord was announced to the women by? An angel of the lord
- Which teachings of Jesus shows that we should share what we have with the needy? Give one shirt to those who don’t have
- Name the people who took part in the trial of Jesus? Pontius Pilate / The Pharisees / King Herod Agrippa / The High Priest / Sanhedrin / Jewish Council of Elders(Caiaphas)
- Which was the main reason why Peter denied Jesus? He taught he would be arrested / he lacked faith in Jesus/he was afraid of the soldiers
- Give the main why Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus he? He was influenced by Satan/he was greedy for money or riches
- “Take nothing with you for the trip, no walking stick, no beggars bag, no food, no money.. Lk 9:3.this was during? When Jesus sent his 12 disciples on a mission. The lesson we learn from this incident is that we should depend on God for our daily provision
- How did the believers in the early church demonstrate their unity?
- Who baptized the Ethiopian Eunuch?
- Which fruit of the holy spirit was demonstrated by Tabitha/Dorcas when she made garments for the widows
- Why was Paul called to be an apostle of Jesus Christ?
- Who was raised from the dead by Simon Peter?
- Who was referred to as the apostle to the Gentiles?
- Acts 9:34 “Jesus Christ makes you Get up and make your bed” these words were spoken by?
- Apostle Paul taught that a Christian should love his wife as much as Christ?
- Why was Paul and Silas thrown in Prison?
- Which act of worship was done by Paul and Silas in prison in Philippi?
- Stephen one of the deacons was stoned to death outside the town of Jerusalem because?
- Give the events that took place during the day of Pentecost in order?
- Which statement is true about Ananias and Sapphira?
- How did Christians during the time of Apostle Paul receive the Holy Spirit?
- What responsibility was given to the deacons during the early church?
- A man who offered money to Peter and John to buy the Holy Spirit was from?
- Who was the first person to die of his faith in Christ?
- The disciple of Jesus who walked to Emmaus after the death of Jesus was?
- People were filled with the Holy Spirit on which day?
- Who died because of being dishonest?
- The deacon who was a gentle from Antioch was?
- On the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit came in form of?
- When Philip met the Ethiopian Eunuch he was reading from the book of?
- In which place was Saul going when God called him?’
- Which activities in the early church showed the gifts of the holy spirit
- Which disciple of Jesus performed manual work of making tents?
- Who helped the poor people and was visited by Peter in Caesarea?
- The believers were first called Christians at?
- Peter and John healed a crippled beggar at the Beautiful Gate in which town?
- According to St Paul’s teaching, whoever does not work should not?
- “Tabitha wake up” she opened her eyes and seeing Peter she sat up acts 9:40. Peter performed this miracle when he was at?
- The person who prayed for Saul and he was healed of his blindness was was called?
- Who in the New Testament was Peter sent to by God because he gave generously to those in need?
- Which book narrates the Acts of the Apostles and the life of the early Christians?
- Who approved the death of Stephen when he was stoned?
- The believers of Christ were first called Christians in which town?
- Who was chosen to as the leader of the deacons because of his faith he had in God?
- Who was instructed by God to pray for Saul and placed his hands on him so that he would be filled with the Holy Spirit?
- What lesson do Christians learn from Peter’s vision in Joppa?
- Which events took place on the day of Pentecost in order?
- Tabitha spent all her time being good and helping the poor (Acts 9:36) what virtue did she demonstrate?
- Which is the main lesson we learn from the story of Ananias and Sapphira?
- “I have no money at all, but I give you what I have,” (Acts 3:6) when did Peter say these words?
- “These people are not drunk as you suppose, it is only nine o’clock in the morning” (Acts 2:15) when did Peter speak these words?
- Who received a call from God on his way to Damascus?
- When Philip met the Ethiopian Eunuch, the eunuch was reading about?
- Stephen met his death mainly through?
- Who were sent to take money to help the believers in Judea? (Acts 11:27-30)
- Who was chosen to replace Judas as an apostle of Christ?
- “I see heaven open and the son of man standing at the right hand side of God the father” (Acts 7:56) these words were spoken by Stephen when he?
- On the day of Pentecost, people spoke in tongues/different languages mainly because?
- Who assisted the apostles to share money among the believers in the early church?
- Which acts of worship was done by Paul and Silas when they were in prison? They
- Why was Paul and Silas put in prison in Philippi?
- The two followers of Jesus walking to Emmaus came to know that he was the risen Lord when he?
- How did Jesus make know of himself to his disciples as the risen lord?
- Paul the apostle advises Christians to obey those in authority because?
- Who offered money to Peter and John so as to receive the Holy Spirit?
- Who prayed for those people who persecuted him?
- On the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit came down in the form of?
- Who was the first Christian to be killed because of his faith?
- Ananias and Sapphira died because they?
- Saul was converted to become a Christian on his way to Damascus in order to?
- The lesson that Christians learn from the incident when Stephen was stoned to death is that they should?
- Philip was led by the Holy Spirit to go to the road going to Gaza in order to preach to?
- Who healed a lame beggar at the Beautiful Gate?
- Name the fruits of the Holy spirit
- Name the gifts of the Holy spirit
- Which fruit of the Holy Spirit was demonstrated by Tabitha when she made garments for the widows?
- Which is both a gift and fruit of the Holy Spirit?
- Irene visits the orphanage and washes the clothes for the The fruit of the Holy Spirit she demonstrates is?
- Lydia welcomes the needy in her The fruit of the Holy Spirit she demonstrates is?
- Which belief about God is found in both traditional African heritage and the apostle’s creed? God is…
- From the teaching of Jesus on forgiveness in the Lord’s Prayer, Christians learn that they should forgive?
- From the apostles creed we learn that God is?
- How did the apostles in the early church demonstrate the gift of the Holy Spirit?
- How did the apostles in the early church demonstrate the fruit of the Holy Spirit?
- Which is a common belief about God from both the apostles creed and the lord’s prayer
- How best is the church described from the apostle’s creed?
- Which statement from the Lord’s Prayer shows that God is a King?
- Which statement from the Lord’s Prayer shows that God is provider?
- Which statement from the Lord’s Prayer shows that God is a protector?
- The apostle’s creed can best be defined as?
- Which are historical books in the Old Testament?
- Which is the only prophetic book in the New Testament?
- Which books of the bible are referred to as the books of wisdom?
- Name the books of the bible which were written by Moses
- Name the major prophetic books in the bible?
- Which is the only historical book in the New Testament?
- In ATS people worshipped under trees mainly because it was a Gods dwelling place
- Name the traditional practices that are found in Christianity giving of new names to the newly born children, wedding practices ,praying to the newlyweds , circumcision of the male children , giving gifts, giving God farm produce, payment of dowry/ bride price, prayer and worship, praying to God for forgiveness and reconciliation
- Which rituals was mainly carried out by the priest in ATR offering of sacrifices and presided over religious functions ,led in prayers
- In some African communities shedding of blood during circumcision showed that the initiates were united with the ancestors
- The activities which BEST promotes love among Christians is caring for the hungry, helping the needy
- Name the beliefs about God that are found both in ATS and I Christianity omnipotent(all powerful) omniscient (all knowing) omnipresent(everywhere), He is the creator of the universe or heaven and earth, He is the giver and sustainer of life , He is supreme, He is the provider, He punishes wrong doers both believed in life after death He is Holy
- Which acts were performed by elders in ATS during worship they sacrificed animals/ offered sacrifices
- People in ATS were expected to marry mainly because they were to have children/ marriage was for procreation
- In tradition African communities ancestors were respected mainly because they united the living and the dead
- Which traditional specialist is found both in ATS and in Christianity priest and prophets
- Give the truths about ATS and Christianity both followers pray in sacred places, both religion pray and worship God
- In which of the following ways did people in ATS gave thanks to God giving offerings/ animal sacrifice
- People in ATS offered sacrifices or gave offerings when thanking God for the blessings/ when asking for forgiveness to the ancestors/ when reconciling with the ancestors or god / appreciate God’s gift of life offerings were given in both Christianity and ATS as a way of showing thanksgiving
- Name the rites of passage in ATS birth, initiation , marriage and death
- In some Traditional African societies boys and girls were allowed to mix freely during feasting
- Which activity would promote good relationship between Christian parents and their children? Parents being role models to their children / the virtue that was expected from children in ATS was OBEDIENCE
- People showed that God is holy in ATS mainly by worshipping him
- The teaching which is found both in ATS and Christianity is that Human beings should take care of God’s creation
- When people were wealthy in ATS the main explanation given was that they? Were blessed by God
- The main reason why people shared things in ATS was that they wanted to show concern
- The main virtue expected of the youth after initiation in ATS was Responsibility
- Which marriage practice is found both in ATS and Christianity wedding ceremony, giving of gifts (for the couples to start a life with/ ensure they have property in their home),couples received blessings from elders, priests officiated the ceremony, there was feasting ,prayers were offered to the couples ,parental blessings of the newly born baby
- Which practices are carried out in ATS to remember the dead? Naming of children after them(best way to remember the dead), offering of sacrifices and pouring libation(best way to appease the ancestors)
- In ATS initiation ceremony were important / held to show that the young have become adults/ passage from childhood to adulthood / to prepare the initiates for the next stage of life which was marriage
- Which rituals were performed when a baby was born in ATS Shaving of the hair(to mark a new beginning)
- People in ATS are against abortion mainly because its destruction of life, respected human life
,life was precious
- In ATS kinship ties are important mainly because they give relatives a sense of belonging kinship ties is the relationship between people either by blood or marriage
- The youths in ATS were taught morals and responsibility by elders / parents taught the children to be obedient and responsible/ parents also taught children to respect the elders
- Which beliefs about God are found in both ATS and the Apostle’s creed? God is the creator
,God is Almighty ,God is our father
- Name the traditional specialists in ATS Rainmakers, prophets(seers),diviners(mediums),Traditional doctors(medicine men/herbalists),priests and elders
- Name the type of worship which is common in ATS and Christianity giving offering,praying,singing and dancing, clapping of hands and beating of drums However, reading the scripture and reciting of the apostles creed or the lord’s prayer or celebrating the lords supper are done in Christianity
Singing and dancing is a common way of worshipping God in both ATS and Christianity
- Activities in ATS that shows that there is life after death is pouring libation
- Why were stories/folktales/riddles and proverbs important in ATS they taught the youths/children moral values
- How did people reconcile with the ancestors in ATS? Naming children after them and offering of sacrifices
- The main reason why sex before marriage is discouraged in both ATS and Christianity is because it is considered holy
- Which was the main role of grandparents in the bringing up of children in ATS? Passing on/teaching them moral
- The main reason for marriage in ATS was for continuity of the family line/ for procreation/ to have children/ ensure continuity of the clan or the continuity of the community
- In ATS children are taught their duties mainly though assigning them tasks
- New born babies in ATS are not exposed to many people / strangers mainly because? To protect them from evil / evil eyes. The newly born babies wear charms and amulets mainly to protect them from evil/ the charm and amulets protected them
- In ATS settling of disputes among people was a duty performed mainly by? Elders .The Elders are respected in ATS mainly because of their wisdom the elders also settled disputes in the community and guided and counseled the youths
- People in ATS prayed to God facing mountains mainly because they believed that the mountains were Gods dwelling in both religions they have holy places of worship
- The main reason why expectant mothers were given special treatment and care and not allowed to carry out heavy tasks is because they wanted to protect the life of the unborn also, pregnant/expectant mothers were usually kept in secret during their last months in order to protect her against evil eyes
- The traditional specialists that are found in both ATS and Christianity are the priests and prophets
- Reconciliation in ATS was marked by shaking hands & sharing meals Reconciliation, marriage and initiation of male children are found in both ATS and Christianity
- What is the truth about initiation ceremony in ATS and Baptism in Christianity they both marked stages of new life
- Both ATS and Christianity believe that life begins when conception takes place/ life begins during conception/ they believe that life is like a stream(it has no end) both believe that there are spirits
- Name the people in ATS who could cause harm In the community wizards, witchdoctors, magicians, sorcerers
- Give the concepts about God in ATS God is everywhere, God is all knowing , God is powerful
,God is the creator
- In which way were the dead best remembered in ATS naming children after them
- During initiation blood was allowed to drop on the ground mainly because it united the initiates with the ancestors / the blood was also interpreted as a sacrifice to God
- How were children named in ATS after their relatives, based on the place of birth, named after events surrounding the birth like festives,climatic conditions /seasons
- The features which is common in both ATS and Christianity stories of creation is that Human beings should take care of God’s creation
- People in ATS showed their unity by sharing their possessions/ sharing with each other
- The initiates lived in seclusion in ATS in order to be taught responsibility(main virtue taught),secrets of the community/society, beliefs and practices of the clan / learn how to live in the community
- Name the continuous process of life in ATS/ hierarchy of being unborn ,the living ,the living dead and the ancestors
- Name the rituals performed/ practiced by people in ATS sacrifices, libations, initiations , naming
- In both ATS and the JEWS religion the followers offer animal sacrifice
- Warriors in ATS were important mainly because they defended the community from external attacks
- Newly born babies in ATS were named by the women of the clan
- Name some of the Traditional practices that CANNOT be acceptable in Christianity human sacrifice ,wife inheritance, killing twins, female circumcision ,pouring of libation to spirits
,calling the names of ancestors
- The traditional specialist who could best use their power to reconcile the community with God was the priest
- The traditional specialist who performed the role of finding out the hidden secrets in the community was the diviner or mediums
- The main role of parent in ATS was to teach children good morals /teach children to be obedient and to respect their elders
Leisure time should be used for the service of God and those in need The BEST way to spend your leisure time as a Christian is by;
- Visiting the sick
- Visiting the aged/elderly
- Visiting the orphans and widow
- Visiting the prisoners
- Participating in community projects
- Cleaning the local market
- Taking part in projects like safe campaign walks to raise money to build schools, hospitals and orphanage homes
- Helping your siblings in mending their torn clothes or shoes
- Cleaning the compound
- Help in cleaning dishes, washing the house
- Work was instituted by God – we should therefore work to continue God’s work of creation
- Paul says that those who do not work should not eat he was telling the Thessalonians
- Simple manual work includes washing dishes, sweeping the house or classroom, washing your uniform or cleaning the
If your friend does not like cleaning the compound/washing his clothes or uniform/cleaning the house of the toilet or does not like working in the shamba because they say it’s a dirty work or someone has been employed to do the work, the best advice will be;
- A Christian is encouraged to take his duties seriously
- To do the work as well as he can
- Work is a duty and should be proud of it
- Being responsible by working and washing later is the best way of tackling manual work
A drug is any substance taken by someone and alters the normal functioning of the body.
Saint Paul instructs us that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit and should not be destroyed by use of drugs.
In case you have a friend who is involved in the use of drugs, as a Christian:
- Advise the friend to see a counselor
- Advise him to stop the habit
- You can even avoid the company of those who are taking drugs
- Above all advise your friend on the effect of taking drugs
The main reason why Christian are against drug abuse is that it defiles the body which is the temple of the Holy Spirit
- The main reason why Christians condemn sex before marriage is because Sex is considered holy and is reserved for marriage
- Homosexual – sexual intercourse between people of the same Male gender(gaysm) female gender (lesbianism)
- Bestiality – sexual intercourse between a human being and an animal
- Fornication – sexual intercourse involving unmarried people/youth
- Prostitution – sexual intercourse in exchange of money/commercial sex
- Adultery – sexual intercourse where one of those involved is married
- Incest – sexual intercourse involving close relatives
- Rape – forced sex
- Child defilement- sex between an adult and a young child
Effects of Poor Boy-Girl Relationship
- Leads to early marriages
- Leads to early pregnancies and abortions
- School dropouts
- May lead to HIV/AIDS and Sexual Transmitted Infections
- Stress
- Guilt
- Truancy
- Poor performance in school
Ways of transmitting HIV/AIDS
- Sexual intercourse with an infected person
- Blood transfusion
- Deep kissing
- Infected mother to child
- Open wounds
- Sharing skin piercing and cutting objects
Ways one cannot contract HIV/AIDS
- Mosquito and other insect bites
- Playing with infected children
- Sharing toilets and bathrooms
- Shaking hands and hugging an infected person
- Sharing food, spoons, plates and cups with infected person
- Living with HIV/AIDS infected person
- Sitting next to an infected person
- Being plaited or shaved by an infected person
If you find that your friend is suffering from HIV/AIDS, advise him:
- To seek medical care/attention
- Eat a balanced diet
- Not to donate blood
- Seek guidance and cancelling
- Visit the VCT
- Encourage them to live with hope
Always show love and care to such people
Remember that the best way to prevent/stop the spread of HIV/AIDS among the;
- Youths – abstinence
- Married couples – being faithful
- Christians – teaching on behavior change, being role models and educating the mass or the public about the effects and dangers of HIV/AIDS
- If you find lost money – ask who the owner is, give it to the teacher or return it to the owner if you know who it
- If a shopkeeper gives you more change – return it to him
- If you have extra pocket money – use it to help a needy person
- If you come across a rich friend who despises others – ask him to be humble
- If you are given money and want to use it to buy sweets – always follow instruction
- If you have a rich neighbor with a lot of money – ask him to give jobs to the poor or use his money to help the needy
- If your friend does not like paying bus fare-tell them to be honest and pay the fare
- If the bus conductor does not want to return the balance to the passengers –he’s not honest or he lacks integrity
- If you are rich and you have poor neighbors the best way to help them would be- give them job opportunities or start businesses for them
- If a rich man has extra money and doesn’t know how to spend it-tell him to help the needy/pay school fees for the poor/build orphanages or buy clothes for the poor
- If you find two of your friends fighting you are supposed to separate them
- You can also advise them on the need to reconcile and make peace
- Parents want their daughter to get married to a rich man – ask her to refuse and seek help from her teacher or report the matter to the chief
- If you catch some thieves who stole from you – forgive and ask them to return the items they had stolen or tell them that stealing is bad
- If your classmates takes your lunch and eat it – forgive him and tell him not to do it again
- If your classmate has a habit of hiding not to pay his bus fare – ask him to be honest
- If your classmate borrowed a text book and returns it when its torn –take the book and repair it
- If your friend has a habit of stealing from others-tell him that stealing is bad or report him to the teacher if the behavior persists
- If you class teacher asked you to go to school on the day of worship – go to church and explain later
- If your friend wants to drop out of school due to poor performance – tell them to work hard
- If your friend tells you that she is pregnant and wants to abort- tell her to keep the baby or give birth/tell her to respect life
- If your friend is pregnant and wants to drop out of school- tell her to give birth and continue with her studies
- If you find your friends taking alcohol or smoking bang-tell them the dangers and effects of drugs
- If your friend has a habit of throwing waste papers in the school compound-tell him/her the importance of caring for the environment
The Best…
- The best way Christians should help in maintaining peace in the community is by obeying the laws of the country/reporting law breakers to the police
- The best way children can show respect to their parents is by asking advice from them or parents being role models to their children
- The best way to show mercy is by forgiving those who wrong you
- The best way to promote unity in the community is by sharing with others and working together
- The best way to promote a good relationship between parents and their children is by parents being role models to their children
- Johanne Rebman and Ludwig Krapf started the first mission school in Rabai mainly to?
- Jesus commanded his disciples to “Heal the sick, bring the dead back to life, heal those who suffer from deadly diseases…..”Matthew 10:8. The early missionaries to Kenya obeyed this command by?
- Johanne Rebman and Ludwig Krapf came to the Kenyan coast in 1844 and established the first mission school at Rabai in 1846.which missionary group/organization sent them?
- Which mission station was established for freed slaves?
- Which is the main reason why Christian missionaries came to Kenya?
- The missionaries started schools to teach the Africans how read and write in order to enable them to?
- The early missionaries NEVER involved themselves in?
- The first missionary in Kenya was known as?
- Why did the early missionaries built health centers in mission stations?
- Which three things were mainly found in a mission station?
- Which missionary translated the bible into Swahili?
- Why did the missionaries establish their first mission station at Rabai?
- Which was the work of the early Christian missionaries in Kenya?