WEEK | LESSON | Strand/ Theme | Sub strand/Subtheme | Specific Learning Outcome | KeyInquiry Question | Learning Experiences | Learning Resources | Assessment Methods | Reflection |
1 | 1 | Carefor the environ ment | Managing waste responsibly | Bythe end of the sub-strand, the learnershould be able to: identifytypesof wasteinthe classroom; | Whattypesof wastearefound in the classroom? | Learnerscould be guided to brainstormtypesof waste fromthe classroom (Plastic and non- plastics). | Ourlives today grade1 page 116-118 | Oralquestion on type ofwasteinthe classroom | |
2 | Carefor the environ ment | Managing waste responsibly | Bythe end of the sub-strand, thelearner should be able to: in groups of two, take awalk in the school compound and identifytypesof wasteinthe classroom; | Whattypesof wastearefound in the classroom? | Learnerscould be guided to brainstormtypesof waste fromthe classroom (Plastic and non- plastics). | Ourlives today grade1 page 119 | observingon type ofwastein the schoolcompound |
3 | Carefor the environ ment | Managing waste responsibly | Bythe end of the sub-strand, thelearner should be able to: safelysortout wasteinthein the classroom forappropriate disposal; | Howcould we disposeof classroom waste responsibly | Learnerscould be guided to recordtypesofwaste (by writingordrawing | Ourlives today grade1 page 120 | observingontype ofwastein the schoolcompound | ||
4 | Carefor the environ ment | Managing waste responsibly | Bythe end of the sub-strand, thelearner should be able to: disposeofwaste responsiblyto limitrisks to self, othersand environment; | Howcould we disposeof classroom waste responsibly | Learnerscold safely sortout waste from the classroom. | Ourlives today grade1 page 121 | observingontype ofwastein the schoolcompound | ||
5 | Carefor the environ ment | Managing waste responsibly | Bythe end of the sub-strand, thelearner should be able to: disposeofwaste responsiblyto limitrisks to self, others and environment; | Howcould we disposeof classroom waste responsibly | Learnerscold safely sortout waste from the classroom. | Ourlives today grade1 page 121 | observingontype ofwastein the schoolcompound | ||
2 | 1 | Carefor the environ ment | Managing waste responsibly | Bythe end of the sub-strand, thelearner should be able to: appreciatea | Howcould we disposeof classroom waste responsibly | Learnerscould be guided todevelopa scheduleforcleaning the classroom | Ourlives today grade1 page 122 | observingontype ofwastein the schoolcompound |
clean classroom environment for good health | |||||||||
2 | Carefor the environ ment | Safetyin handlingwaste in the home. | Bythe end of the sub-strand, thelearner should be able to:Safetyin handlingwaste in the home. | Whattypesof wastearefound in the classroom? | Learnerscould identifytypesof wastefoundinthe home. | Ourlives today grade1 page 122 | Oralquestion on howsafe the school is | ||
3 | Carefor the environ ment | Safetyin Handlingwastein the home. | Bythe end of the sub-strand, thelearner should be able to: Identifying wastethatare foundathome | Whattypesof wastearefound in the classroom? | Learnerscould identifytypesof wastefoundinthe home.. | Ourlives today grade1 page 124 | Oralquestion on Identifyingwaste thatare found at home | ||
4 | Carefor the environ ment | Safetyin handlingwaste in the home. | Bythe end of the sub-strand, thelearner should be able to: IngroupI categoriesand Identifying wastethatare foundathome | Whattypesof wastearefound in the classroom? | Learnerscould identifytypesof wastefoundinthe home. | Ourlives today grade1 page 124 | Oralquestion on Identifyingwaste thatare found at home Observingwaste foundathome | ||
5 | Carefor the environ ment | Safetyin handlingwaste in the home. | Bythe end of the sub-strand, thelearner should be able to: | Howdo we handle waste safely | Learnerscould watch video clipson safe managingofwastes. | Ourlives today grade1 page 126 | Observingwaste foundathome |
Discussinghow to handle waste safely | |||||||||
3 | 1 | Carefor the environ ment | Safetyin handlingwaste in the home. | Bythe end of the sub-strand, thelearner should be able to: sortout waste in theforsafe andeffective disposal | Howcould we safelydisposeof wasteathome? | Learnerscould be guided toidentify safe ways of managingwastesin the home. | Ourlives today grade1 page 127 | Oral question on safetyin handling wasteinthe home | |
2 | Carefor the environ ment | Safetyin handlingwaste in the home. | Bythe end of the sub-strand,thelearner should be able to: Ingroup of two sortout waste in theforsafe and effective disposal | Howcould we safelydisposeof wasteathome? | Learnerscould be guided toidentify safe ways of managingwastesin the home. | Ourlives today grade1 page 127 | Oral question on safetyin handling wasteinthe home | ||
3 | Caring for water | Using watersparingly | Bythe end of the sub-strand, thelearner should be able to: identifyways in which wateris wasted athome | Howis water wastedathome and school? | Learnerscould be guided toidentify ways ofusingwater sparinglyathome and school | Ourlives today grade1 page 130-131 | Oralquestion on ways in which wateris wasted at home and atschool |
4 | Caring for water | Using watersparingly | Bythe end of the sub-strand, thelearner should be able to: identifyways in which wateris wasted atschool; | Howis water wastedathome and school? | Learnerscould be guided toidentify ways ofusingwater sparinglyathome and school | Ourlives today grade1 page 130-131 | Oralquestion on ways in which wateris wasted at home and atschool | ||
5 | Caring for water | Using watersparingly | Bythe end of the sub-strand, thelearner should be able to: explainingways ofsavingwater athome . | Howcan we save water | Learnerscould be guided toidentify ways ofusingwater sparinglyathome and school | Ourlives today grade1 page 130-131 | Oralquestion on ways ofsaving water | ||
4 | 1 | Caring for water | Using watersparingly | Bythe end of the sub-strand, thelearner should be able to: explainingways ofsavingwater atschool . | Howcan we save water | Learnerscould be guided toidentify ways ofusingwater sparinglyathome and school | Ourlives today grade1 page 130-131 | Oralquestion on ways ofsaving water | |
2 | Caring for water | Using watersparingly | Bythe end of the sub-strand, thelearner should be able to: explainingways ofsavingwater athome | Howcan we save water | Learnerscould be guided toidentify ways ofusingwater sparinglyathome and school | Ourlives today grade1 page 130-131 | Oralquestion on ways ofsaving water |
3 | Caring for water | Using watersparingly | Bythe end of the sub-strand, thelearner should be able to: identifyways of using watersparingly to reduce wastage | Howcould we reduce water wastage athome and school? | Learnerscould explorevarious ways in which wateris used sparingly. | Ourlives today grade1 page 132-133 | Oralquestion on ways ofsaving water | ||
4 | Caring for water | Using watersparingly | Bythe end of the sub-strand, thelearner should be able to: usewater sparinglyat home | Howcould we reduce water wastage athome and school? | Ingroups, learners couldbe guidedto demonstratethe differentpractices of carefuluseofwater. | Ourlives today grade1 page 132-133 | Observinghowto usewatersparingly athome and school | ||
5 | Caring for water | Using watersparingly | Bythe end of the sub-strand, thelearner should be able to: usewater sparinglyat school. | Howcould we reduce water wastage athome andschool? | Ingroups, learners couldbe guided to demonstratethe differentpractices of carefuluseofwater. | Ourlives today grade1 page 132-133 | Observinghowto usewatersparingly athome and school | ||
5 | 1 | Caring for water | Using watersparingly | Bythe end of the sub-strand, thelearner should be able to: identifyingway ofutilizing water well inthe community | Howcould we reduce water wastage athome and school? | Learnerscould be guidedtoidentify common practices that leadto wastage ofwaterathome and school. | Ourlives today grade1 page 132-133 | Observinghowto usewatersparingly athome and school |
2 | Caring for water | Using watersparingly | Bythe end of the sub-strand, thelearner should be able to: demonstrate willingness to usewater sparingly | Howcould we reduce water wastage athome and school? | Learnerscould be organizedto participatein school waterdayto share experienceson carefuluseofwater. | Ourlives today grade1 page 132-133 water containers, video clipson usingwater, photographs, local environment. | Observinghowto usewatersparingly athome and school | ||
3 | Carefor the environ ment | Conserving LightEnergyat Home and School | Bythe end of the sub-strand, thelearner should be able to: State sourcesof lightat home i.e. sun, lamb, candle, torch and moon | Howcould we savelight energyathome and school? | Learnerscould be guidedtodiscuss ways ofsavinglight energyin thehome and school. | Ourlives today grade1 page 136 | Oralquestion on typesofsourcesof light | ||
4 | Carefor the environ ment | Conserving LightEnergyat Home and School | Bythe end of the sub-strand, thelearner should be able to: State sourcesof lightatschool i.e.sun, lamb, candle, torch and moon | Howcould we save light energyathome andschool? | Learnerscould be guided todiscuss ways ofsavinglight energyin thehome andschool. | Ourlives today grade1 page 136 | Oralquestion on typesofsourcesof light | ||
5 | Carefor the environ ment | Conserving LightEnergyat Home and School | Bythe end of the sub-strand, thelearner should be able to: | Howcould we save light energyathome | Learnerscould be guided todiscuss ways ofsavinglight energy | Ourlives today grade1 page 136- | Oralquestion on typesofsourcesof light |
state correct ways ofusing lightenergyat home | |||||||||
6 | 1 | Carefor the environ ment | Conserving LightEnergyat Home and School | Bythe endof the sub-strand, thelearner should be able to: state correct ways ofusing lightenergyat school | Howcould we savelight energyat school? | Learnerscould be guided todiscuss ways ofsavinglight energy | Ourlives today grade1 page 136- | Oralquestion on typesofsourcesof light | |
2 | Carefor the environ ment | Conserving LightEnergyat Home and School | Bythe end of the sub-strand, thelearner should be able to: demonstrate correct ways ofusinglight energyathome | Howcould we save light energyat school? | Learnerscould be guided toformulate rules onconserving lightenergyathome and school | Ourlives today grade1 page 137 | Oralquestion on typesofsourcesof light | ||
3 | Carefor the environ ment | Conserving LightEnergyat Home and School | Bythe endof the sub-strand, thelearner should be able to: demonstrate correctways ofusinglight energyatschool | Howcould we savelight energyat school? | Learnerscould be guided to formulate rules on conservinglight energyathome and school | Ourlives today grade1 page 137 | Oralquestion on typesofsourcesof light |
4 | Carefor the environ ment | Conserving LightEnergyat Home and School | Bythe endof the sub-strand, thelearner should be able to: uselightenergy sparingly and responsibly athome andschoolto conserve Energy. | Howcould we savelight energyat school? | Learnerscould colour Designed stickers and displaythem. The stickersto contain messageson conservinglight energyathome and school | Ourlives today grade1 page 138-139 | Oralquestion on typesofsourcesof light | ||
5 | Carefor the environ ment | Conserving LightEnergyat Home and School | Bythe end of the sub-strand, thelearner should be able to Making posteronsaving energy | Howcouldwe savelight energyat school? | Learnerscould colour Designed stickers and displaythem. The stickersto contain messageson conservinglight energyathome and school | Ourlives today grade1 page 138-139 | Observingthe posterand message madebythe pupils on savingenergy. | ||
7&8 | Revision onthe Content Taught in Term1,2 And 3 | ||||||||