School | Grade | Learning Area | Term | Year |
1 | EnglishActivities | 3 |
Week | Lesson | Strand/ Theme | Sub Strand/Sub theme | SpecificLearning Outcomes | KeyInquiry Question(S) | Learning Experience | Learning Resources | Assessment | Remarks |
1 | 1 | Listening and Speaking
Living Together | Pronunciation and Vocabulary | Bythe end of the sub strand, the learner should be ableto: a) Talkaboutthe picturesanddiscuss what theysee. b) Pronouncethe words withthesounds /i//ea/ in preparationfor reading. c)Recognize new words usedin the themes to acquirea range ofvocabulary and theirmeaning. | 1. Howdo you pronouncethe following wordstin, Pin. . | 1. Learners pronouncethesounds /i//ea/bytakingturns asmodeled bythe teacheroraudio record. 2. Learners use dialogues, rhymes, tongue twisters, language gamesand songs individually, in pairs and in groups to practicevocabulary. 3.Learners practice matchingsimple shortwords with pictures and objects. 4. Learners saywords beginningwitha common sound. 5. Learnersuse simple dialoguesto practise thepronunciation of the vocabulary. | Plasticine orclay models of objects,realia, pictures/ photographs, charts, posters, computerdevices andflash cards bearingpictures oflearntwords. NewProgressive PrimaryEnglish LearnersBook Grade1by Oxford Pg. 94-95 | Oral questions, portfolio, observation | |
2 | Listening | Language | Bythe end of the sub | 1. Whose shoe | 1. Learners role play | Realia,charts, | Oral |
and Speaking
Living Together | Structures and Functions
Useof possessives; Her, their, his, its. | strand,thelearner should beableto: a)Usepossessives to talkaboutsocial cohesionin various contexts. b)Recognise possessivesin oral communication. c)Appreciate the use of possessivenessto show ownershipin speech. | is it? | ownership of items/objects. 2. Ingroups, learners usephrasesto illustrate ownership. 3. Learners identify objectsinthe classroomand attach appropriate possessivestothem. | pictures/ photographs showing ownership, audio-visual recordings of dialogueswith sentence structures on Possessives.
NewProgressive PrimaryEnglish LearnersBook Grade1by Oxford Pg.95 | questions, portfolio, observation | |||
3 | Reading
Living Together | Comprehension | Bythe end of the sub strand,thelearner should be ableto: a)Read shortwords withletter-sound /s/ /z/ correspondencein preparation for phrasalreading. b)Respond to direct and indirectquestions fromthe textVisitorsat a school’ofabout60 wordsin shortsimple sentences to show comprehension. c)Read aboutthirty (30)wordsaccurately perminuteforfluency. | 1. Whatdothe picturestellus aboutthestory? 3)Whatdoes thetitle tellus aboutthestory? | 1. In smallgroups, learners practice readingunfamiliar Sentencescontaining decodableand non- decodablewords. 2. Learners observe pictures and in groups, discuss where theaction could be happening, identify thepeople oranimals theycan see. 3. Learners read writings onthe schoolwalls,posters and billboardsinthe surrounding environment. | Realia, charts, pictures/ photographs, newspaper cuttings.
NewProgressive PrimaryEnglish LearnersBook Grade1by Oxford Pg.96 | Oral questions, portfolio, observation |
4. Learnersreador listentoa textthen answerquestions. | |||||||||
2 | 1 | Writing | Guided Writing | Bythe end of the sub strand,thelearner should be ableto: a)Recognize the correct formand meaningof the wordsto be usedin fillingin gaps. b)Copytheletter patterns s, z, e,a, h, y, k correctlyand neatlyin theirexercisebooks. | Howdo you writethe letters: s, z, e, a, h, y, k | 1. Learners observe and respondto pictureprompts appropriately. 2. Learners practice writinglettersand words fromleft toright. 3. Learners writea three-word sentence usingtheprompts. 4. Learners are guided infillingin the gapscorrectlyand meaningfully. | Realia, charts, pictures/ photographsthat prompt learners to write.
NewProgressive PrimaryEnglish LearnersBook Grade1by Oxford Pg.93&97 | Oral questions, portfolio, observation | |
2 | Listening and Speaking
Technology (Mobile Phone) | Pronunciation and Vocabulary | Bythe end of the sub strand, the learner should be ableto: a) Talkaboutthe picturesanddiscuss what theysee. b) Pronouncethe words withthesounds/oo/ /ea/ inpreparationfor reading. c)Recognize new words usedin the themes to acquirea range ofvocabulary and theirmeaning. | 1. Howdo you saythese words book, spoon. | 1. Learners pronouncethesounds /i//ea/bytakingturns asmodeled bythe teacheroraudio record. 2. Learners use dialogues, rhymes, tongue twisters, language gamesand songs individually, in pairs and in groups to practicevocabulary. 3.Learners practice matchingsimple shortwords with pictures and objects. 4. Learners saywords | Plasticine orclay models of objects,realia, pictures/ photographs, charts, posters, computerdevices and flash cards bearing picturesof learnt words.
NewProgressive PrimaryEnglish LearnersBook Grade1by Oxford Pg.98-99 | Oral questions, portfolio, observation |
beginningwitha common sound. 5. Learners use simple dialoguesto practisethe pronunciation of the vocabulary. | |||||||||
3 | Listening and Speaking
Technology (Mobile Phone | Language Structures and Functions
WH questions What, Who. | Bythe end of the sub strand,thelearner should be ableto: a)Askquestions about technologyphoneusing ‘what’and‘who’ b)Appreciate the use ofwhat, who and whereto seek information. | 1.Whatis the name ofyour friend? 2. Whereis theirhome? | 1. Learners role play activitiesthatwill elicituse ofwhere, who and what. 2. Learners ask questions usingthe terms who, whatand wherein pairs/small groups 3. Learners use songs/shortpoems to practicethe useof the questions with who, whatand where. | Pictures, photographs and models ofpeople usingmobile phones,audio- visualrecordings ofdialogueswith telephone conversations thathave “Wh” questions. NewProgressive PrimaryEnglish LearnersBook Grade1by Oxford Pg.99 | Oral questions, portfolio, observation | ||
3 | 1 | Reading
Technology (Mobile Phone | Comprehension | Bythe end of the sub strand,thelearner should be ableto: a)Read shortwords withletter-sound /oo/ correspondence in preparation forphrasal reading. b)Respond to direct and indirectquestions fromthe textVisitorsat a school’ofabout60 | 1. Whatdothe picturestellus aboutthestory? 3)Whatdoes thetitle tellus aboutthestory? | 1. In smallgroups, learnerspractice readingunfamiliar Sentencescontaining decodableand non- decodablewords. 2. Learners observe pictures and in groups, discuss where the action could be happening, identify the people oranimals | Realia, charts, pictures/ photographs, newspaper cuttings.
NewProgressive PrimaryEnglish LearnersBook Grade1by Oxford Pg.100 | Oral questions, portfolio, observation |
wordsin shortsimple sentencesto show comprehension. c)Read aboutthirty (30)wordsaccurately perminuteforfluency. | theycan see. 3. Learners read writings onthe schoolwalls,posters and billboardsinthe surrounding environment. 4. Learnersreador listentoa textthen answerquestions. | ||||||||
2 | Listening and Speaking
Technology (Mobile Phone) | Pronunciation and Vocabulary | Bythe end of the sub strand, the learner should be ableto: a) Talkaboutthe picturesanddiscuss what theysee. b) Pronouncethe words withthesounds/m/ /n//ng/ inpreparation forreading. c)Recognize new words usedin the themes to acquirea range ofvocabulary andtheirmeaning. | 1. Howdo you saythese words. Monkey,Nut | 1. Learners pronouncethesounds /m/ /n//ng/ bytaking turns as modeled by theteacheroraudio record. 2. Learners use dialogues, rhymes, tongue twisters, language gamesand songs individually, in pairs and in groups to practicevocabulary. 3.Learners practice matchingsimple shortwords with pictures and objects. 4. Learners saywords beginningwitha common sound. 5. Learners use simple dialoguesto practisethe pronunciation of the vocabulary. | Plasticine orclay models of objects,realia, pictures/ photographs, charts, posters, computerdevices and flash cards bearingpictures oflearntwords.
NewProgressive PrimaryEnglish LearnersBook Grade1by Oxford Pg.102-103 | Oral questions, portfolio, observation | ||
3 | Listening | Language | Bythe end of the sub | 1.Whatis the | 1. Learners role play | Pictures, | Oral |
and Speaking
Technology (Mobile Phone | Structures and Functions
WH questions Where? | strand,thelearner should be ableto: a)Askquestions about technologyphoneusing ‘where’ b)use what,who and whereto denote person, object, and place. c)Appreciate the use ofwhat, who and whereto seek information. | name ofyour friend? 2. Whereis theirhome? | activitiesthatwill elicituse ofwhere, who and what. 2. Learners ask questions usingthe terms who, what and where in pairs/smallgroups 3. Learners use simple questionsand dialoguesRepeat sentencestructures containingWH- questions froma story, poemor conversation they have listenedto. | photographs and models ofpeople usingmobile phones,audio- visualrecordings ofdialogueswith telephone conversations thathave “Wh” questions.
NewProgressive PrimaryEnglish LearnersBook Grade1by Oxford Pg. 103 | questions, portfolio, observation | |||
4 | 1 | Reading
Technology (Mobile Phone) | Comprehension | Bythe end of the sub strand,thelearner should be ableto: a)Read shortwords withletter-sound /m/ /n//ng/correspondence in preparationfor phrasalreading. b)Respond to direct and indirectquestions fromthe text ‘Use my mobile Phone’ofabout 60 wordsinshort simple sentencesto show comprehension. c)Read aboutthirty (30)wordsaccurately perminuteforfluency. | 1. Whatdothe picturestellus aboutthestory? 3)Whatdoes thetitle tellus aboutthestory? | 1. In smallgroups, learners practice readingunfamiliar Sentencescontaining decodableand non- decodablewords. 2. Learners observe pictures and in groups, discuss where the action could be happening, identify thepeople oranimals theycan see. 3. Learners read writings onthe schoolwalls,posters and billboardsinthe surrounding environment. | Realia, charts, pictures/ photographs, newspaper cuttings.
NewProgressive PrimaryEnglish LearnersBook Grade1by Oxford Pg.104 | Oral questions, portfolio, observation |
4. Learnersreador listentoa textthen answerquestions. | |||||||||
2 | Writing | Guided Writing | Bythe end of the sub strand,thelearner should be ableto: a)Recognize the correct formand meaningof the wordsto be usedin fillingin gaps. b)Copythesentences givencorrectly. c)Writequestionswith their answerscorrectly. | Howdo you write a question? | 1. Learners observe and respondto pictureprompts appropriately. 2. Learners practice writinglettersand words fromleft toright. 3. Learners writea three-word sentence usingtheprompts. 4. Learners are guided in fillingin the gaps correctlyand meaningfully. | Realia, charts, pictures/ photographsthat prompt learners to write.
NewProgressive PrimaryEnglish LearnersBook Grade1by Oxford Pg. 101&105 | Oral questions, portfolio, observation | ||
3 | Listening and Speaking
Numbers and Our Classroom | Pronunciation and Vocabulary | Bythe end of the sub strand, the learner should be ableto: a) Talkaboutthe picturesanddiscuss what theysee. b) Pronouncethe words withthesounds /th//q/ in preparationfor reading. c)Recognize new words usedin the themes to acquirea range ofvocabulary and theirmeaning. | 1. Howdo you saythese sounds? /th//q/ | 1. Learners pronouncethesounds /q//th/bytaking turns as modeled by theteacheroraudio record. 2.. Learners are guided to getthe meaningof new words bylookingat pictures, froma story, and demonstration. 3.Learners practice matchingsimple shortwords with picturesand objects. 4. Learners saywords | Plasticine orclay models of objects,realia, pictures/ photographs, charts, posters, computerdevices andflash cards bearingpictures oflearntwords.
NewProgressive PrimaryEnglish LearnersBook Grade1by Oxford Pg.106-107 | Oral questions, portfolio, observation |
beginningwitha common sound. 5. Learners use simple dialoguesto practisethe pronunciation of the vocabulary. | |||||||||
5 | 1 | Listening and Speaking
Numbers and Our Classroom | Language Structures andfunctions
Describing words (colour, numbervalues in tens,cardinal numbers from1- 9) | Bythe end of the sub strand,thelearner should beableto: a)Usedescribingwords totalkaboutcardinal numbers, shapesand colours. b) Appreciate the use ofcolour, size and number to describe nouns. | 1)Whatthings do you see outside the classroom? 2)Whatcolour arethey? | 1. Learners group objectsaccordingto theirsize big/small, colour-red, orange, yellowand numbers. 2. Learners describe objectsinthe classroomusing size, colourand numbers. 3. Learners colour picturesofvarious objects. 4. Learners identify thingsin the environment that have different colours. | Realia, charts, pictures/ photographs and models ofobjects with different coloursand sizes, audio-visual recordings of dialogueswith sentence structures on colours,sizesand shapes.
NewProgressive PrimaryEnglish LearnersBook Grade1by Oxford Pg.107 | Oral questions, portfolio, observation | |
2 | Reading
Numbers and Our Classroom | Comprehension | Bythe end of the sub strand,thelearner should be ableto: a)Read shortwords withletter-sound /q/ /th/correspondence in preparation forphrasal reading. b)Respond to direct | 1. Whatdothe picturestellus aboutthestory? 3)Whatdoes thetitle tellus aboutthestory? | 1. In smallgroups, learners practice readingunfamiliar Sentencescontaining decodableand non- decodablewords. 2. Learners observe picturesand in groups, discuss where | Realia, charts, pictures/ photographs, newspaper cuttings.
NewProgressive PrimaryEnglish LearnersBook | Oral questions, portfolio, observation |
and indirectquestions fromthe text ‘Use my mobile Phone’ofabout 60 wordsinshort simplesentencesto show comprehension. c)Observe basic punctuation marks (comma, fullstop and question marks asthey readforcoherence. | the action could be happening, identify the people oranimals theycan see. 3. Learners read writings onthe schoolwalls,posters and billboardsinthe surrounding environment. 4. Learnersreador listentoa textthen answerquestions. | Grade1by Oxford Pg.108 | |||||||
3 | Listening and Speaking
Numbers and Our Classroom | Pronunciation and Vocabulary | Bythe end of the sub strand, the learner should be ableto: a) Talkaboutthe picturesanddiscuss what theysee. b) Pronouncethe words withthesounds/bl//fl/ /fr//gr//dr/ in preparationforreading. c)Recognize new words usedin the themes to acquirea range ofvocabulary andtheirmeaning. | 1. Which words canwe getfrom thefollowing sounds? /bl/ /gr/ /dr/ | 1. Learners pronouncethesounds /bl/ /gr/ /dr/by takingturns as modeled bythe teacheroraudio record. 2.. Learners are guided to getthe meaningofnew words bylookingat pictures, froma story, and demonstration. 3.Learners practice matchingsimple shortwords with picturesand objects. 4. Learners saywords beginningwitha common sound. 5. Learners use simple dialoguesto practisethe | Plasticine orclay models of objects,realia, pictures/ photographs, charts, posters, computerdevices and flash cards bearingpictures oflearntwords.
NewProgressive PrimaryEnglish LearnersBook Grade1by Oxford Pg.110-111 | Oral questions, portfolio, observation |
pronunciation of the vocabulary. | |||||||||
6 | 1 | Listening and Speaking
Numbers and Our Classroom | Language Structures andfunctions
Describing words size&shape | Bythe end of the sub strand,thelearner should be ableto: a)Usedescribingwords totalkaboutcardinal numbers, shapesand colours. b)Describethe shapes, sizesofobjectsin the classroomusing adjectives. c) Appreciate the use ofcolour, size and number to describe nouns. | 1)Whatthings do you see outside the classroom? 2)Whatcolour arethey? | 1. Learners construct sentencesin pairs aboutthesize of differentobjects. 2. Learners describe objectsinthe classroomusingsize, colourand numbers. 3. Learners colour picturesofvarious objects. 4. Repeatsentence structures containing describingwords froma story, poemor conversation they havelistenedto. | Realia, charts, pictures/ photographs and models ofobjects with different coloursand sizes, audio-visual recordings of dialogueswith sentence structureson colours,sizesand shapes.
NewProgressive PrimaryEnglish LearnersBook Grade1by Oxford Pg. 111 | Oral questions, portfolio, observation | |
2 | Reading
Numbers and Our Classroom | Comprehension | Bythe end of the sub strand,thelearner should be ableto: a)Read shortwords withletter-sound /bl/ /fr//fl//gr/ correspondence in preparation forphrasal reading. b)Respond to direct and indirectquestions fromthe text ‘Use my mobile Phone’ofabout 60 wordsinshort | 1. Whatdothe picturestellus aboutthestory? 3)Whatdoes thetitle tellus aboutthestory? | 1. In smallgroups, learners practice readingunfamiliar Sentencescontaining decodableand non- decodablewords. 2. Learners observe pictures and in groups, discuss where the action could be happening, identify the people oranimals theycan see. 3. Learners read | Realia, charts, pictures/ photographs, newspaper cuttings.
NewProgressive PrimaryEnglish LearnersBook Grade1by Oxford Pg.112 | Oral questions, portfolio, observation |
simple sentencesto show comprehension. c)Observe basic punctuation marks (comma, fullstop and question marks asthey readforcoherence. | writings onthe schoolwalls,posters and billboardsinthe surrounding environment. 4. Learnersreador listentoa textthen answerquestions. | ||||||||
3 | Writing | Guided Writing | Bythe end of the sub strand,thelearner should be ableto: a)Recognize the correct formand meaningof the wordsto be usedin fillingin gaps. b)Copythesentences givencorrectly. c)Copy theletter patternsQ,q, th,bl, fl, fr, gr, correctlyneatly andlegibly. | Which words containthe letterpatterns bl, fr, gr? | 1. Learners observe andrespondto pictureprompts appropriately. 2. Learners practice writinglettersand words fromleft toright. 3. Learnerswritea three-word sentence usingtheprompts. 4. Learners are guided in fillingin the gaps correctlyand meaningfully. | Realia, charts, pictures/ photographs that prompt learners to write.
NewProgressive PrimaryEnglish LearnersBook Grade1by Oxford Pg. 109&113 | Oral questions, portfolio, observation | ||
7 | 1 | Listening and Speaking
Do Not Waste | Pronunciation and Vocabulary | Bythe end of the sub strand, the learner should be ableto: a) Talkaboutthe picturesanddiscuss what theysee. b) Pronouncethe words withthesounds/gl//fl/ /pl//cl/ /gr/ /dr//tr/in preparation forreading. c)Recognize new | 1. Which words canwe getfrom thefollowing sounds? /gl//fl//pl//cl/ /gr/ /dr/ /tr/ | 1. Learners pronouncethesounds //gl//fl//pl//cl//gr/ /dr//tr/ bytaking turns as modeled by theteacheroraudio record. 2.. Learners are guided to getthe meaningofnew words bylookingat | Plasticine orclay models of objects,realia, pictures/ photographs, charts, posters, computerdevices and flash cards bearing. picturesof learnt words. | Oral questions, portfolio, observation |
words usedin the themes to acquirea range ofvocabulary and theirmeaning. | pictures, froma story, and demonstration. 3.Learners practice matchingsimple shortwords with pictures and objects. 4. Learners saywords beginningwitha common sound. 5. Learners use simple dialoguesto practisethe pronunciation of the vocabulary. | NewProgressive PrimaryEnglish LearnersBook Grade1by Oxford Pg.114-115 | |||||||
2 | Listening and Speaking
Do Not Waste | Language structuresand functions | Bythe end of the sub strand,thelearner should be ableto: a)Useimperatives for receivingand giving instructions/commands againstwastage. b)Respond to specific instructionsfor effective oral communication. c)Appreciate the use of imperatives. | 1)Whatdoes the Policeofficer saywhen arrestinga criminal? | 1. Learners listento a shortdialogue containing imperatives 2. Learners respond to simple imperatives 3. Learners practice the useof familiar imperatives inrole play(parent-child) | Realia, charts, pictures/ photographsand models of common imperatives, audio-visual recordings of dialogueswith sentence structures on imperatives. NewProgressive PrimaryEnglish LearnersBook Grade1by Oxford Pg.115 | Oral questions, portfolio, observation | ||
3 | Reading
Do Not Waste | Comprehension | Bythe end of the sub strand,thelearner should be ableto: a)Read shortwords | 1. Whatdothe picturestellus aboutthestory? 3)Whatdoes | 1. In smallgroups, learners practice readingunfamiliar Sentencescontaining | Realia, charts, pictures/ photographs, newspaper | Oral questions, portfolio, observation |
withletter-sound /cl/ /pl//fl//gr/ correspondencein preparation forphrasal reading. b)Respond to direct and indirectquestions fromthe text ‘Use my mobile Phone’ofabout 60 wordsinshort simple sentencesto show comprehension. c)Observe basic punctuation marks (comma, fullstop and question marks asthey readforcoherence. | thetitle tellus aboutthestory? | decodableand non- decodablewords. 2. Learners observe pictures and in groups, discusswhere theaction could be happening, identify the people oranimals theycan see. 3. Learners read writings onthe schoolwalls,posters and billboardsinthe surrounding environment. 4. Learnersreador listentoa textthen answerquestions. | cuttings.
NewProgressive PrimaryEnglish LearnersBook Grade1by Oxford Pg.116 | ||||||
8 | 1 | Listening and Speaking
Do Not Waste | Language structuresand functions | Bythe end of the sub strand,thelearner should be ableto: a)Useimperatives for receivingand giving instructions/commands againstwastage. b)Respond to specific instructionsfor effective oral communication. c)Recognise imperatives in day todaycommunication. | 1) Whatdoes the Policeofficer saywhen arrestinga criminal? | 1. Learners listento a shortdialogue containing imperatives 2. Learners respond to simple imperatives 3. Learners practice the useof familiar imperatives inrole play(parent-child) | Realia, charts, pictures/ photographs and models of common imperatives, audio-visual recordings of dialogueswith sentence structures on imperatives.
NewProgressive PrimaryEnglish LearnersBook Grade1by | Oral questions, portfolio, observation |
Oxford Pg.118-119 | |||||||||
2 | Reading
Do Not Waste | Comprehension | Bythe end of the sub strand,thelearner should be ableto: a)Read shortwords withletter-sound /Pp/ /Bb/ /Tt//Kk/ /Qq/Gg/ /Ff/Vv//Ss//Jj/ /Mm/ /Nn/Ll//Rr/Ww/ /Yy/ correspondence in preparation forphrasal reading. b)Respond to direct and indirectquestions fromthe text ‘Use my mobile Phone’ofabout 60 wordsinshort simple sentencesto show comprehension. c)Observe basic punctuation marks (comma, fullstop and question marks asthey readforcoherence. | 1. Whatdothe picturestellus aboutthestory? 3)Whatdoes thetitle tellus aboutthestory? | 1. In smallgroups, learnerspractice readingunfamiliar Sentencescontaining decodableand non- decodablewords. 2. Learners observe pictures and in groups, discuss where the action could be happening, identify the people oranimals theycan see. 3. Learners read writings onthe schoolwalls,posters and billboardsinthe surrounding environment. 4. Learnersreador listentoa textthen answerquestions. | Realia, charts, pictures/ photographs, newspaper cuttings.
NewProgressive PrimaryEnglish LearnersBook Grade1by Oxford Pg.120 | Oral questions, portfolio, observation | ||
3 | WRITING | Guided Writing
Do NotWaste | Bythe end of the sub strand,thelearner should be ableto: a)Recognize the correct formand meaningof the wordsto be usedin fillingin gaps. b)Copythesentences | Which words containthe letterpatterns bl, fr, gr? | 1. Learners observe andrespondto pictureprompts appropriately. 2. Learners practice writinglettersand words fromleft to right. 3. Learners writea | Realia, charts, pictures/ photographs that prompt learners to write.
NewProgressive PrimaryEnglish LearnersBook | Oral questions, portfolio, observation |
givencorrectly. | three-word sentence usingtheprompts. 4. Learners are guided infillingin thegapscorrectlyand meaningfully. | Grade1by Oxford Pg.117&121 | |||||||